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Strip Vs. FUE

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I've done hours of research and visited 3 DRs. One does Strip only, the other 2 do botu Strip and FUE. I originially like how less invasive FUE were, and was creeped out by having a Strip cutted out. But after researching it is now my opinion that the Strip removal is not that bad. Plus it seems that the quality of the grafts would be better from a strip, than FUE.


It would appear than FUE grafts could be "strecthed" , "pulled", and might not be in as good as shape as grafts obtained from a Strip. Am I incorrect?


The biggest reason to do FUE would be to avoided the Strip scar. And FUE allow for donor grafts to be taken from various locations. Such as if you needed finer hairs for the hairlines, and the strip area only had coarser hairs, you could thin go to another area that had finer hairs.


But if you never plan to buzz your head it would not be a factor. Plus strips allow for more grafts per session, are less expensive, and the procedure would not take as long.


I have gone from wanting a FUE, to now thinking strip would be better. Or a strip with maybe some FUEs to fine tune some areas. Have I learned correctly? Need input from you guys, thanks!

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FUE has a relatively high transection rate, and the yield is progressively lower than strip the larger the session of FUE...like you mentioned, there are three primary forces in the process of extraction that result in the ruition of some of the fragile follicles. As of now, no one has been able to breakthrough this seemingly inherent fact and make it so FUE sessions can rival FUT sessions in terms of yield and size.


Lack of a scar, as well as a smoother/quicker recovery time is what has always appealed to me most about FUE; and I researched it ad nauseum.


For you, I think the biggest thing is how good of a candidate are you for FUE, or for FUT? Specifically, what type of graft # session are you looking for? If it is like 1500 or below, and you don't mind paying a bit of a premium, I think in the hands of the right doctor FUE could be a very viable option for you.


As an aside, having just gone through a stirp procedure, it is MUCH less "traumatic" and painful than I imagined it to be...MUCH less. Take that for what it's worth.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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An extremely wise and noble soul recently posted the most comprehensive and informative thread on FUE known to man. His genius is of the kind which is questioned, studied, and poured over by thousands for centuries to come. His insight was eternal in essence. His cunning, crafty countenance held a will and power with which he could beckon both the sun and the moon. He....









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Welcome to our forum community.


The problem with FUE in my opinion is that results appear to be inconsistent. I'm not suggesting that there aren't some excellent FUE surgeons out there however, due to the additional forces placed on the grafts during the extraction process and additional care required when placing the grafts, there are additional risks that could impact hair growth yield.


See also What are the benefits, limitations, and potential problems with FUE. Thank you to Dr. Feller for answering all of my questions ethically and honestly without hype on the above link.


FUE is very attractive to patients because it is less invasive and won't create a linear scar. I however, won't have a lot of solid faith in FUE until I can see more consistency in the results.


Best wishes,



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"The biggest reason to do FUE would be to avoided the Strip scar. And FUE allow for donor grafts to be taken from various locations. Such as if you needed finer hairs for the hairlines, and the strip area only had coarser hairs, you could thin go to another area that had finer hairs." - kriss



I'd like to clarify that with strip you still get assortment of coarse and fine hairs. There are plenty of "fine" caliber single hairs that can be planted in the very front of hair lines for naturalness.

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  • Regular Member

Great info everyone. Making HT decesions are the most agonizing things for me. Finding the right Dr, deciding on the right procedure. I want to do it, but I keep second geussing who to use, and what procedure.


I'm leaning now to a strip, but ask me tomorrow and ...

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are you with Shapiro in Minnesota? Does he do FUE, or Strip only? Seems like I read he only does Strip. Could I send some photos and get some preiliminary thoughts from him, before I would considering flying to Minnesota?

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Kriss, what type graft-count do you want to achieve or have you been recommended? If your volume is something high like 4k then I think it is a relatively easy decision to choose strip.


As for what doc you ultimately decide on, I think the most important thing by far is to narrow it down to a few that you *know* to be elite....it is still a tough decision to be had, but it is like eating cake -- every slice will be great.. I think a lot of it at that point is who you feel the most comfortable with and who can work best with you in achieving your goals.


First I would determine whether FUE or FUT is for you -- this could make your ultimate decision much easier potentially.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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In my experience Strip and FUE are pretty similar in terms of consistency. Strip lends itself to larger and/or denser sessions whereas FUE is beautifully suited for touch ups and smaller sessions.


FUE was a huge marketing tool for some clinics (sadly) and I think, as a result, some docs started doing very big surgeries without monitoring the small sessions etc. If there are some sub par FUE results around, I would guess that is part of the reason. I hope FUE does not get a bad name because, in my opinion, it is a great technique in the hands of good surgeons.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member

Yeah i agree with thehairlosscure,fue is viable when used for smaller sessions and for touch ups,scars etc and performed by a capable doctor.

there are more proven fue results being posted now which is great.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by kriss:


are you with Shapiro in Minnesota? Does he do FUE, or Strip only? Seems like I read he only does Strip. Could I send some photos and get some preiliminary thoughts from him, before I would considering flying to Minnesota?



You can send photos to: janna@shapiromedical.com. I'll be sure to have Dr. Shapiro review the pics this week.

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