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Hello everyone!


I am a 23yr. old female that has been loosing her hair for two years now. i have seen several doctors and they all seem to tell me everything is fine with me, but i dont understand why its just falling out. so anyways i knew as soon as this starting happening that i wanted a ht, and it hasnt been until now that i finally have some money along with guts to do it. i have my appt. tomorrow to see if i am a candidate which really freaks me out beacuse i feel my hair is falling out every where. i am hoping for the best. so i am going to the hair club and after reading alot of the blogs everyone is saying to stay away from the big chains, should i be? i figured i would go to the first appt. just to see if i was a candidate and then look else where for a dr, what should i do? i am really sadden by the fact that i am only 23 and a female and going through this. i need support!

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I feel for you. It must be very difficult. Please do yourself a favor and really educate yourself on HT procedures. DO NOT get a HT from Bosley or Hair Club unless there is tonnes of evidence on that particular doctor. Make sure you see patients in person. Get our OK also.


Best of luck with everything. Search this site for a list of questions to ask at appointment. Good luck.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Dr. Nusbaum recently posted some pictures in the "patient gallery", which may be of interest to you -- all females.


Personally, I would not even go to a meeting w/ a doctor unless I trusted him enough to actually operate on me (and like NN referenced, a Bosley or HairC would not be on that list); most often, those that aren't ethical and skilled in their surgical acuity aren't the best people to even get general counsel from, and their advice must be taken with the greatest of assaults. Regardless of what HairC says to you, I would get multiple opinions with at least one of them coming from the mouth of someone with undoubtably great expertise. Take that for whatever it's worth.


Where do you live? I am sure a member could hook you up with an objective list of doctors in closest proximity that you couldn't go wrong with.


Hairloss is brutal, and being a young female is exceptionally brutal, no doubt; nonetheless, you are on the right track and are putting yourself in the best possible position for success.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Welcome to our forum community.


I agree with the others.


I encourage you to spend some time researching hair transplantation and any surgeon you are considering.


Unfortunately, not all surgeons are equal in their ability and many have not evolved their techniques to perform state of the art ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation.


In my opinion, undergoing surgery with an unknown surgeon (not researchable) is almost as risky as going with one with a negative reputation.


We all want the best for you so it is important to make sure you get it done right the first time.


By the way, the photo album that thanatopsis was referring to posted by Dr. Nusbaum can be found here.


Best wishes,



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