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Hey guys, great thread that is obviously producing intense feelings and opinions. But were all in this together and for each other remember!


What I would say though regarding SWAGGERS comments, that Wolfman IS DONE. Okay whilst the wolfman may be done and he sees or feels no onward fight. This isnt necessarily the case for all of those who have took his route, and shaved their heads. Just because they have made this decision now. It doesnt mean that they dont wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and feel inferior. A shadow of their former selves and again contemplate HT's. This is just one person. Who seems to be at peace with his hairloss. And wolfman, for this, I offer you all the congratulations in the world. It is truly amazing that you have made your decisions, moved on and are geniunly happy. But every situation is different. Regardless of whether you have taken a HT or chose the shaved route. For sure, from individuals who have chosen either or both paths, some will be extremely happy and they consider their hairloss "project" over. Others will be upset, angry, down and certainly will not consider their "project" as finished, regardless of their decisions. Feelings, just as life and the world evolve. We never know where will be or how we will feel in 1,2,5,10,20, years etc etc. We are all just doing our best, and doing what we feel is right for us. Trying to get through our days with happiness!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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haha hugging.... yeah boxing has gone the way of the polaroid... Its still around but not too many use it...


i look all right with the head shaved... i've been told i look good with it out of the blue by random people before (down to the 1 that is... i've never gone all the way.... with the head shaving............) its just that i DONT want to HAVE to shave it... as none of us do, and when i DO shave it, i don't wanna see an outline of where i can't grow anything


i would like to see myself with a full ass head of hair sometime before i die... if only right?

my reg is:


propecia 1mg EVERYDAY

minox 5% twice daily (f the foam)

nizoral 1%


say la V old buddies .... i'm tryin to keep you

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That just tells me your true intentions on here are to just steer people away .

Thats fine with me as this site doesnt pay me jack but keep it real at least . Let the world know loud and clear that LMS is COMPLETELY against transplant on anyone.. You would get more respect that way.



PGP--i was ready to not reply but i cannot allow you to make a comment like the one abouve without addressing it, IMO you should not say things like this. but then again i should not have called your reply to wolf "dickish". just so you know i was not calling you personally, a dick... i enjoy how blunt you are with drs, and posters alike on here. i made a mistake in attempting to be blunt with you.. about me getting "more respect" on here.. i cant begin to tell you how little i care about being respected on here... if i cared about a reputation i probably would not have called your post dickish, as your highly highly respected on here... but i just felt you were out of line so i spoke my mind.. just like ive always done... just like youve always done from what ive seen.


for the record PGP is wrong with his assesment of me.... im pro HT but is select situations ONLY... im NOT FOR HTs on guys with alot of native hair still left to lose. i feel that the vast majority of the time(in these cases) the risks in the future, as well as the limitations of the present mixed with the unpredicability of their hairloss makes the HT route an EXTREMELY dangerous path. and one that IVE SEEN MANY TIMES backfire on alot of guys. not to mention the industry as a whole is NOT one that should be trusted.. PERIOD..


Bill, RTC, nic nitro, b spot, and others are in a DIFFERENT group IMO. their hairloss progressed, they game planned, they knew the risks, and limitations. while they still have their own risks they are fewer in numbers..... ive said it before but i think some of you "vets" are blind.. you take your knowledge for granted. i strongly believe there are people visiting this place for the first time EVERY DAY who know very little, and if there are not current warnings about the dangers that are VERY real then they may not find them at all. not everyone is like us and spends time digging and reading the entire forum.....


frankly, with all due respect, i could give a sh*t how you vets think of my thought process my opinions or me.. ALL I ASK IS THAT YOU DONT ATTEMPT TO PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH AND TELL OTHERS HOW I THINK... PLEASE(GP).. and ill show you all the same respect in return.


PGP- if you have any more hard feelings or wanna get a few more jabs in about my decision making, or my views knock yourself out.. if not then accept my apology(sorry i called your post dickish) and we can get back on track.. i dont want to argue.


Bill, you can feel free to delete this post as it does sidetrack the thread and im sorry for that.. but i cant have a poster attempting to tell others what i believe when its not their place to do so..

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Okay whilst the wolfman may be done and he sees or feels no onward fight. This isnt necessarily the case for all of those who have took his route, and shaved their heads. Just because they have made this decision now. It doesnt mean that they dont wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and feel inferior. A shadow of their former selves and again contemplate HT's. This is just one person. Who seems to be at peace with his hairloss.



Raphael84---this is a very good point.. Bill wrote a post in this tread about the hairloss fight being that of a mental battle as well. i fully agree... wolfman won this part and with it he is free... there are truly those who shave it cause they have to but inside hate it... but even they have nothing to hide anymore. they dont have to throw in concealer every day, they dont feel insecure when people are behind them in fear that people are staring at the thinning crown. of course they want their hair. hell, wolfman would gladly change his views on shaving if he could get his hair back... but ive spent 3 years crippled by hairloss, hiding in a hat.avoiding friends, weddings, funerals. .. only recently have i taken steps out of my shell, but even still, i need a touch of dermmatch and creative styling to pull it off... HAIRLOSS is STILL a fight for me 2 HTs later, and as i progress it will not get easier. but rather the opposite... if i ever am forced to shave down i will now have to do so with a very visible scar from ear to ear now.... if i could go back id shave down, pop fin, use minox at night, and pray for a cure.... i would wish all the time i had my hair back, but i can guarantee if i had just taken the clippers to a 1/2 guard, i would not have spent the PRIME of my youth in hiding. i would have lived. not everyone suffered to the extend i did i realize that. and hindsight is always 20/20... ive talked with plenty of guys in my same boat, sadly there will be many more who end up in it... the HT rought, in my case, was the wrong decision, as a result i will have many many years ahead where i will need to keep adapting to my changing hairloss... it is a weight that i feel all the time..... its a weight id love to have lifted the way wolfman has lifted his

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you ve done nothing wrong in my opinion and you shouldnt apologise to anyone.you just said his post was d*ckish and he grabbbed you by the throat like a raging bull calling you weasely little pank, trying to totally humiliate you and paint you as something you are not...


and you know what... actually the post from PGP was dick*sh LOL!!! as well as many other comments he made...like that "crackers look like dicks with a shaved head" LOL or that "everyone in here has tried to shave their heads and didnt like it" or even the humiliating picture he posted in another thread of what Armani patients will look like in 15 year(its another thing to not like the armani tactics and another thing to ridicule the patients ) !!!still one cannot judje him because we all have said d*ckish things and hairloss is a sensitive issue, so is what anyone chose forhimself (buzz, shave,drugs,transplants)icon_smile.gif...the good thing is that we are all on the same side icon_wink.gif


now erase your post so that i can erase mine fast before he sees it and he grabs me by the throat also icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif (just joking )

should we believe everything?

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I totally appreciate your view and outlook. And, I agree with you. Honestly, getting a hair transplant was the worst mistake of my life, I'll always feel that way about it. If I could shave my head and never have to worry about hair again, I'd do it in a second. I was young, I was 20yrs old,I'm 39 now, totally self conscious and in a panic about my balding head, and I let a con artist Dr talk me into a HT, a terrible HT by the way. I was naive and uninformed. From that point on, (and I did not realize it at the time) shaving my head was no longer an option because of the very large scar that ran around the back of my head. The procedure was not explained to me in detail, I didn't know he would get the donor hair from a strip excised from the back of my head. I spent the next several years wearing a hat to cover up bad plugs. (Kudo's to Jerry Wong for fixing me!)...my point is, getting a HT should not be taken lightly by anyone. It is for better or worse, a life altering decision, and that should be fully understood by anyone considering it. I don't feel that forums like this encourage people to get a HT, but gives prospective patients the knowledge, education, and experience of others, so that they can make an informed decision that's best for them. I wished that I had had this resource back then...

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Hopefull the reason I was a little rough with Swagger is 1 , hes a scrappy dude that can fight back 2 because he was wrong DIPSHIT!


You really can get a feel of a poster that posts and thats why I called Swagger scrappy ,you on the other hand are very sensitive .

I imagine you as a balding Clay Aiken type so Ill take it easy on you.

Swagger was wrong baby girl ,but just so you know I only I defend myself and he apologized DICK HEAD, DICK WAD, DICK FACE DICK BREATH, DICKISH DICK !!!


Swagger its all good but your wrong again I never tried to put words in your mouth .

I just said your posts tell me your against hair restoration.

I dont know what it tells anyone else or if its a fact just what I feeling.

I already accepted your first apology and now Ill even accept your second one before you even give it. icon_wink.gif

Hope we can move on now

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You had a HT 20 years ago, with an older standard/technics ie plugs. No wonder, it was the worst mistake of your life. It is important to underline this fact. HT is much better now, as can be proven by the fact that you came back for a second HT with dr. Wong.


The purpose of many members here as well as this site is to inform/educate, so that should one decides to go for an HT, it is made with an informed decision.

On the other hand, i get more and more the feeling that Hopefull and LMS's sole purpose is to steer people away from HT, regardless of testimonial of numerous HT happy patients. As such, they look more and more like those shills/reps from a certain FUE doctor.


By listening to them, nobody should have HT before 40 years old, and even then, nobody should have a hairline lowered than a NW3. Yes, there is such thing as being too conservative.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

Hopefull the reason I was a little rough with Swagger is 1 , hes a scrappy dude that can fight back 2


Oooooh ok, thats better icon_wink.gif...because i thought he was "a weasely little punk that is bitter...".


sorry if i was a little rough on you also PGP, i sometimes tend to do that with weasely little punks who try so hard to play the scrappy dudes... Its a curse and a blessing i guesss

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As such, they look more and more like those shills/reps from a certain FUE doctor.


everybody is entitled to their opinions and their views in here, but i think your view of these 2 guys is 100% wrong.

the 2 guys that were the pioneers of Armani's crash on the other site and you tell them that - all i gotta say to that is WOW.


there are lots of guys in this world that were born with nice head shape and perhaps even look better with buzzed haircut than with any longer hair style, and that's how i see these two guys and that's why i understand what they are talking about and where they come from. so some years down the road after a HT these guys want to shave their head but they can't - i feel the pain big time. i'm in the same category as my head shape is perfect, and i still look good regardless of my hairloss. although i have some hairloss on my head i still look good shaved down to #1 or #2. so to get a HT and not have the option on shaving my head ever again is a big tradeoff to me and a HUGE deal.

on the other hand there are other types of guys that shaving their head scares the living crap in them for whatever reason (head shape, job, not knowing how it will look, stereotyping or what not) and they approach HT thinking "so what, i don't care about scar at the back of my head, since it will get covered with hair anyways". i'm deff not one of those guys and i'm not trying to put down anyone that went with strip HT and that's fine. beleive me every day i'm contemplating the srtip option and almost every day i come here and other forums hoping that i'll fing some miracle cure or at least that i'll find a doctor that is doing fue with good consistancy and that FUE prices have gone down with some reputable doctors since it's still financial crysis worldwide. but there are a lot of us out there (maybe not on these forums) that have the mindset approaching HT different for obvious reasons or parhaps not so obvious ones.



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Not sure what a pank is but if you meant punk , punks can be scrappers too. icon_wink.gif

I laugh at guys like you hopefull.

Doesnt want a hair transplant ,but is on all the boards and practically went down on Farrel for his forgiveness so his account wouldnt be deleted

Are you really that lonely ? I dont get it .


I think Im going to join wine.com and spend all my time there even though I only drink beer icon_rolleyes.gif

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GQ There where a bunch of guys that lead to the ARMANI crash way before these two , if there even was a crash

Problem is they all got banned also a long time ago.

I also believe Latinous was right there fighting also along with these other guys

I take nothing away from what they might of helped do as that was great ,but I believe Armani had the biggest part of his dismissal or reason he left voluntarily .

Its not like he got arrested just possibly booted from a lame site. I heard that he left the site on his own though

Hes back popular again on another site due to the same crap they did on hlp


Anyway if you look good with a shaved head then I wouldnt even bother with surgery.

Remember fue leaves scars also.

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Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

but is on all the boards and practically went down on Farrel for his forgiveness so his account wouldnt be deleted


dont resort to lies, its pathetic when people do that...it shows no character whatsoever.




should we believe everything?

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Well i wasnt banned or anything but i decided to leave hairlosshelp because of the shills and fanatics that come in and attack anyone who questions Armani tactics.


Well at least I was right about the sensitive part. icon_smile.gif

That right you left HLP because you couldnt take the tactics Armani was using . Awwwww!!!

So now your also a quitter.

Alot of character there buddy.

I wouldnt want you on my team thats for sure.

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Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

Well at least I was right about the sensitive part. icon_smile.gif

That right you left HLP because you couldnt take the tactics Armani was using . Awwwww!!!

So now your also a quitter.

Alot of character there buddy.

I wouldnt want you on my team thats for sure.



should we believe everything?

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Anyway if you look good with a shaved head then I wouldnt even bother with surgery.

Remember fue leaves scars also.


i have a good friend of mine that received 4000 grafts megasession from armani and he looks fantastic now with a buzzed cut. there is no way you can see any tiny scars even when you there parting his hair few inches away looking for it. believe me i'm impressed with his scar or lack there of. keep in mind that he's a rich guy or should i say his parents are, but me, i have a mortgage and many other expenses so i'm financially stuck regarding fue prices. donno maybe he was one of those "hit" guys as opposed to "miss". reading the boards i get the impression that with Armani you never know. always wanted to throw that out there but afraid that i'll be labeled as one of the armani's shills.

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Hey Ive actually seen some decent Armani pics myself .

Yeah if you dont shave your head with a blade then you can cover them but Ive seen Armani fue shaved and it aint pretty.

Ive seen much worse from other clinics though as far as scarring.

I love fue but its not for everyone but with either procedure you wont want to shave to the skull .

Ive had both strip and fue with a 0.8-9.

Fue scarring isnt noticeable with a 1/2 guard but was when I shaved .

4000 little dots shaved would look just as odd but you could cut the hair much shorter in the back with fue.

Then there the yield issue , We could go on and on.

Glad to see you not rush into this GQ

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Originally posted by latinlotus:

Hopefull and Wolfman:


I don't doubt for a second that you are here to help nor that i doubt your sincerity. We need more of you guys here than the shills from HLH or Hairsites.


Originally posted by latinlotus:


On the other hand, i get more and more the feeling that Hopefull and LMS's sole purpose is to steer people away from HT, regardless of testimonial of numerous HT happy patients. As such, they look more and more like those shills/reps from a certain FUE doctor.




What happened man are you the same person?!?you changed your mind after 2 posts from me in the same thread or you were just playing me?


WHATEVER you 2 are creeping me out!!!!

should we believe everything?

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My point exactly, thank God for the forums, Yes, the techniques have come a LONG LONG way. Results today are phenomenal and I'm continually encouraged and amazed at the results that I see, Which is why I'm actually going back to Dr Wong to have my crown done. When I said that it was the worse mistake of my life, I meant that at the time and for several years afterward, the crappy job I got caused me much much grief. Forums like this provide a service to guys that you cannot put a price on. I've learned more about HT's from here that I ever did from the first surgeon who hacked me up. Testimony to educate yourself and find a competent skillful HT Surgeon.

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After reading the majority of the recent posts on this thread, I'm thinking about creating a new forum called "The Flame Pit". Any threads that turn into fighting words will be moved there and people can battle to the death with their sharp words. :-)


But since no such forum exists (at least not yet), can we keep the insult hurling to a bare minimum?


Hair transplant surgery isn't for everyone, but for those who are declared candidates by ethical surgeons and are properly informed and educated on the benefits, risks, and limitations of surgery, surgical hair restoration may just be an option for them.


Surgical hair restoration is potentialy an option for those with realistic expectations who want to restore a portion of their lost hair. Some lucky few who are older with minimal hair loss may be able to restore even more than a "portion". Hair transplant surgery leaves a scar and other risks are associated with it.


Thanks to this open community, hair loss sufferers can diligently research all their options and draw their own conclusions after reading posts containing varying opinions on a particular topic.


Let's try to be civil to one another as we share our varying opinions.



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Do i doubt your sincerity? no.

Do i think all you want to do is help? yes.

Are you welcomed here on this site? yes, the more views/opinions the better.

Do i think the shills are too aggresif in their recommendations? yes

Do i think all the shills want to do is to get the patients into their doctor's chair? yes

Do i think your recommendations are too conservative? yes

Do i think all you want to do is to prevent the patients from getting HT? yes.


There is no contradiction in my opinions.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Originally posted by spineguy1:


I totally appreciate your view and outlook. And, I agree with you. Honestly, getting a hair transplant was the worst mistake of my life, I'll always feel that way about it. If I could shave my head and never have to worry about hair again, I'd do it in a second. I was young, I was 20yrs old,I'm 39 now, totally self conscious and in a panic about my balding head, and I let a con artist Dr talk me into a HT, a terrible HT by the way. I was naive and uninformed. From that point on, (and I did not realize it at the time) shaving my head was no longer an option because of the very large scar that ran around the back of my head. The procedure was not explained to me in detail, I didn't know he would get the donor hair from a strip excised from the back of my head. I spent the next several years wearing a hat to cover up bad plugs. (Kudo's to Jerry Wong for fixing me!)...my point is, getting a HT should not be taken lightly by anyone. It is for better or worse, a life altering decision, and that should be fully understood by anyone considering it. I don't feel that forums like this encourage people to get a HT, but gives prospective patients the knowledge, education, and experience of others, so that they can make an informed decision that's best for them. I wished that I had had this resource back then...



i feel you man.. i got a HT just a few years ago and while my work is passable, and i was not disfigured i know if cut my options shorter. as well as guarantee that this will remain a life long battle.. however knowing that youve had success in recent HTs brings a little comfort to me...im glad for you


LATINLOTUS----how many HTs have you had? how deep into your results are you? im truly curious man, forgive me for not knowing your HT history as well as i should... i know you just recently went through with your HT but that was not your 1st one was it?? do your views on how effective hts are stem from any personal first hand knowledge?


in 20 years the procedures have gotten better but still only a handful of docs produce results consistant enough that id even CONSIDER letting them touch me(and tho only reason one of them has to touch me is cause i cant back out now)...


latin, i know you wanna blame spineguy for his situation just like you prob wanna blame me for my uninformed decision, but, its becoming obv to me that your blind to the fact that much of the problems spine faces are not a result of just the bad work done but rather the progressive nature of hairloss. i know this is hard for you to grasp but there a many guys who have gone through with a HT that would now KILL to have buzzing down/shaving as an option..but i think i may know why your so against seeing this FACT, and i understand.

it would be pointless for me to tell you ive spoke to, and still speak to alot of guys i met online who know now that their HT decision is one that backfired... it hits them ONLY AFTER THEIR RESULTS GROW, IT HITS THEM ONLY AFTER THEY START TO REALIZE THAY ARE GONNA LOSE THE REST. just as it did me... i can PROMISE you that most of them knew of THESE FORUMS MAN. and they went to recommended docs...


your wrong about another thing(well actually many but this is just one on my mind) its mot about AGE IMO, as far as when one is more sutable for a HT but rather degree of hairloss... i say young guys alot because typically they have MORE donor and MUCH MORE FUTURE LOSS AHEAD.. this is not always the case.... even Thana's FRONTAL hairloss was quite progressed.. he had very little future loss ahead in the region his work was done.. his dr did a wonderful job for him, i hope the same kind of result for you man... and with all future procedures you will undergo..


i also find it funny that you and i were cool when we both agreed about Armani, but now that we differ in opinions you wanna call me a shill...real nice dudeicon_wink.gif..... you seem to subscribe to the same thought process i see forming to much.. and thats that "as long as you go to a top dr. and do your reseach then a HT will always pay off and you will be THRILLED with the outcome" this is very flawed logic IMO

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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latin, i know you wanna blame spineguy for his situation just like you prob wanna blame me for my uninformed decision...


Can you please point out where Latinlotus is blaming spineguy for his situation, or you for that matter?


Onto another important point:


The progressive nature of hair loss is always considered with today's hair transplants in the hands of ethical surgeons and discussed with patients. As pointed out several times before, the key is developing and managing realistic expectations and making the best use of the finite donor hair supply for those who proceed into the potentially long term surgical hair restoration journey.


Your posts often appear as an attempt to balance posts overly optimistic about hair transplants.


The only problem I have with this is that the veteran members of this community like Latinlotus are much more realistic than you give them credit for, which includes pointing out the risks and limitations, along with the benefits.


If you were arguing with those overhyping the benefits, I could appreciate your arguments more.




P.S. I thought you were going to share your story and post your pictures somewhere :-).

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