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Laser Comb 6 Month Update

Al - Moderator

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Well here it is... 6 months of using a laser comb. I said at the beginning that I would use it for at least 6 months and update you on the progress... good or bad.


I just spent a considerable amount of time in front of the mirror with a mirror behind me, so I could see my entire head and give a fair and accurate update. I will tell you that I am definitely going to continue using my laser comb as it seems to be working very well for me.


Here's the breakdown:


Month 1: Hair started feeling softer, saw a few new fine hairs coming in at the temples and in the corners


Month 2: Some hairs that have always grown to just more than peach fuzz length and then fall out over and over have stayed in and grown longer than they normally do. The crown seems to be getting some new fine hairs.


Month 3: Some longer hairs seem to be getting thicker shafts. To my surprise some scarred donor areas from old hair transplants seem to be filling in with a lot of little hairs sprouting up. I first noticed this in the back, lower left side of my head where I had a lot of shock loss from a donor scar and had about a 1 inch square area with very sparse hair. When I realized hair was growing there I checked other scars and they seemed to be doing better as well, but not completely sure. Bad news was most of the short hairs in the front that were growing longer and staying in from month 2 have fallen out. I don't know if this was because of trying to eliminate my proscar use or if it was a late startup shed.


Month 4: I am convinced now that the laser comb is working mainly because I definitely see continued improvement in the scar areas. After 15 years of what I thought was permanent shock loss, I now have a little bit more hair growing in those areas. I started back on a more regular use of proscar (but still lower dose than I took before I started the laser comb). The crown and an area in the back where my hair loss progressed after my last HT years ago have continued to show small improvements with a few new short wispy hairs coming in. Nothing much in the front this month.


Month 5: The hairs in the frontal area start sprouting in again. Not many, but they are there in the temples and corners where I haven't had any hairs growing in 10 years or more. Individual longer hairs have increased their hair shaft density and my hair no longer blows all over the place as it used to because of the added strength and thickness of those hairs (they are not such wispy fine hairs anymore as they have been for years).


Month 6: I can see a bit more pluggy-ness returning to some areas of my old grafts, most notably on the right front hairline area. It's mostly covered because of how I comb my hair, so I'm not worried about it. It's actually good news as it means the old grafts (plugs mostly ranging in size from 2.5mm to 3.75mm) are growing more hair as they once did when they were first planted years ago. It also means my donor area where those grafts were taken is also thickening up. I'm hoping that the new hairs that are slowly growing in between the grafts soften the pluggy look. My entire head is visibly more full now.


Today: I spent a lot of time in the mirror today and I couldn't believe how well my donor area is doing. I had to pull out my old scar photos I took for my lawsuit and hold them up next to me just to make sure I wasn't fooling myself. The scars are definitely much thinner now. I'm completely 100% convinced that laser therapy can help grow back hair that was lost from shock loss because I see it happening. What's even more amazing is it looks like I'm getting hair growth directly in the scars in some spots. There were no follicles there or so I thought?? I don't know. I had an L shaped scar from one repair procedure where they removed all of the grafts in that area because they were the largest plugs I had. They cut those and placed them in other areas. That L shaped area was replaced with only 30 minis, so I always had a large L shape scar along the back area of my part and across my crown. That scar is completely gone! There was almost no hair in that area for almost 15 years. The follicles were completely removed and now I have enough hair growing there that I can't see any difference between that area and the rest of the crown area. I'm amazed at that. As for growth in other areas, I definitely have some good growth going on in the crown. it's obviously thicker than it was 6 months ago. I actually have good growth going on all over, but I think the crown is doing best. I see a few small hairs coming in just in front of my hairline where I used to have a widows peak in the center. There's also a few peach fuzz hairs just in front of other sections of the hairline. The new hairs in the corners are starting to grow longer and thicker with the right side doing best. The side temple areas have grown in and I have noticeable triangles of hair on the sides again. The temple area growth has made my face seem more framed. My hair is definitely thicker all over my head. I will continue with the laser comb and update you again over the months if I see anything new whether it's growth or loss.


Take care


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Well here it is... 6 months of using a laser comb. I said at the beginning that I would use it for at least 6 months and update you on the progress... good or bad.


I just spent a considerable amount of time in front of the mirror with a mirror behind me, so I could see my entire head and give a fair and accurate update. I will tell you that I am definitely going to continue using my laser comb as it seems to be working very well for me.


Here's the breakdown:


Month 1: Hair started feeling softer, saw a few new fine hairs coming in at the temples and in the corners


Month 2: Some hairs that have always grown to just more than peach fuzz length and then fall out over and over have stayed in and grown longer than they normally do. The crown seems to be getting some new fine hairs.


Month 3: Some longer hairs seem to be getting thicker shafts. To my surprise some scarred donor areas from old hair transplants seem to be filling in with a lot of little hairs sprouting up. I first noticed this in the back, lower left side of my head where I had a lot of shock loss from a donor scar and had about a 1 inch square area with very sparse hair. When I realized hair was growing there I checked other scars and they seemed to be doing better as well, but not completely sure. Bad news was most of the short hairs in the front that were growing longer and staying in from month 2 have fallen out. I don't know if this was because of trying to eliminate my proscar use or if it was a late startup shed.


Month 4: I am convinced now that the laser comb is working mainly because I definitely see continued improvement in the scar areas. After 15 years of what I thought was permanent shock loss, I now have a little bit more hair growing in those areas. I started back on a more regular use of proscar (but still lower dose than I took before I started the laser comb). The crown and an area in the back where my hair loss progressed after my last HT years ago have continued to show small improvements with a few new short wispy hairs coming in. Nothing much in the front this month.


Month 5: The hairs in the frontal area start sprouting in again. Not many, but they are there in the temples and corners where I haven't had any hairs growing in 10 years or more. Individual longer hairs have increased their hair shaft density and my hair no longer blows all over the place as it used to because of the added strength and thickness of those hairs (they are not such wispy fine hairs anymore as they have been for years).


Month 6: I can see a bit more pluggy-ness returning to some areas of my old grafts, most notably on the right front hairline area. It's mostly covered because of how I comb my hair, so I'm not worried about it. It's actually good news as it means the old grafts (plugs mostly ranging in size from 2.5mm to 3.75mm) are growing more hair as they once did when they were first planted years ago. It also means my donor area where those grafts were taken is also thickening up. I'm hoping that the new hairs that are slowly growing in between the grafts soften the pluggy look. My entire head is visibly more full now.


Today: I spent a lot of time in the mirror today and I couldn't believe how well my donor area is doing. I had to pull out my old scar photos I took for my lawsuit and hold them up next to me just to make sure I wasn't fooling myself. The scars are definitely much thinner now. I'm completely 100% convinced that laser therapy can help grow back hair that was lost from shock loss because I see it happening. What's even more amazing is it looks like I'm getting hair growth directly in the scars in some spots. There were no follicles there or so I thought?? I don't know. I had an L shaped scar from one repair procedure where they removed all of the grafts in that area because they were the largest plugs I had. They cut those and placed them in other areas. That L shaped area was replaced with only 30 minis, so I always had a large L shape scar along the back area of my part and across my crown. That scar is completely gone! There was almost no hair in that area for almost 15 years. The follicles were completely removed and now I have enough hair growing there that I can't see any difference between that area and the rest of the crown area. I'm amazed at that. As for growth in other areas, I definitely have some good growth going on in the crown. it's obviously thicker than it was 6 months ago. I actually have good growth going on all over, but I think the crown is doing best. I see a few small hairs coming in just in front of my hairline where I used to have a widows peak in the center. There's also a few peach fuzz hairs just in front of other sections of the hairline. The new hairs in the corners are starting to grow longer and thicker with the right side doing best. The side temple areas have grown in and I have noticeable triangles of hair on the sides again. The temple area growth has made my face seem more framed. My hair is definitely thicker all over my head. I will continue with the laser comb and update you again over the months if I see anything new whether it's growth or loss.


Take care


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Sounds good ! Thanks for the objective feedback. My only concern would be the irregualr use of the proscar. This would be a very big constraint if this were a scientifc experiment..



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Next week I am starting use of the Hairmax laser comb, which I bought a while back. I was going to just give it away or sell it on eBay, but your testimonial is tipping me over the edge.


I'm a terrible candidate to gauge it's efficacy, however, since I'll also be starting the minox at the same time; am on propecia (1.5yrs); and will be just coming up on month2 of my HT.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Absolutely, Dr. Feller; thanks for the "heads up". Hah -- I actually wasn't even aware of your strong stance on the laser comb, in general; I'll have to run a search and try to find some of the old debates that apparently are in circulation.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Good to hear you are having success BeHappy, like Minoxidol and Rogaine, results will vary.

Some people may very well respond to the lasercomb, and others will not, and I for one will give it a shot.


No one thought Rogaine would make hair grow on patients, either, and then voila!...we have this new FDA approved drug that regrows hair!


I still have to convince myself to spend more money on a dubious and unproven hair regrowth product, but if it wont hurt (and could help) its worth the relatively small investment.

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i'm with the doctor on this one. Its ironic that all of the credible doctors think lasercomb is not a viable option ... I tend to lean with the PHD's and the ones who are looking out for our best interest.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Originally posted by Mrjb:

My only concern would be the irregualr use of the proscar. This would be a very big constraint if this were a scientifc experiment..


I agree, but it's not meant to be any kind of scientific experiment or study. It's simply one users account of their laser comb use.


i will point out that prior to starting with the laser comb I used proscar regularly for 10 years without ever stopping. The longest I can remember going without taking a dose is about 3 days. The proscar managed to keep what hair I had for 10 years with a bit of growth in some areas, but when I look at old pictures maybe a slight amount of loss in other areas. Overall I definitely at least kept what I had which is great for a 10 year period considering I was losing rapidly prior to that.


So with that in mind I'm sure it's not the proscar that's suddenly causing my hair to grow all over, but it is still keeping it there. I wanted to try to stop using it because it does effect my erections a bit and I'm starting to get concerned about long term use.


So I've now been on proscar and nizoral shampoo for about 11 years and a laser comb for 6 months. I strongly feel that a laser comb works best in conjunction with proscar. It seems that the proscar is reducing the DHT that causes the hair to fall out while the laser comb helps new hairs and existing ons to grow better.


I have been able to lower my dose of proscar without negative effects. I'm just not able to totally eliminate it, so I will live with that for now


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Originally posted by Mrjb:

i'm with the doctor on this one. Its ironic that all of the credible doctors think lasercomb is not a viable option ... I tend to lean with the PHD's and the ones who are looking out for our best interest.



I think that's very close minded thinking. Simply because one outspoken Dr on here who happens to be great at performing hair transplants feels strongly against laser therapy does not mean that every credible Dr feels the same. Take a look at the HairMax Dr advisory board and then come back and tell me that all of those doctors are not credible.



While you're at it take a look at the sunetics before and after photos:



Or how about a patient feedback survey:



I also posted a few days ago about a small study that proved laser therapy promotes cell growth (the exact opposite that Dr Feller insists will happen), but there was not a single response to that. I wonder why.


I want to mention that I have NO vested interest in laser combs other than hoping I can grow my hair. If I felt it wasn't working for me then I'd be here saying you're right, Dr Feller is right, it's a big scam, etc. However so far it seems to be working. If it ever stops working and my hair starts falling out again, I will say that.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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im with behappy on this one.. i bought my lasercomb last july, never really used it much until start of jan this year.. i have to say in only a few weeks my hair quality has really inproved.. actually look forward to using it now and cant wait to see what happen over the next few months.. i think its bad form that doctor feller says


I would rather you NOT regularly rub any brush or comb over your transplant areas, so if you must use the laster comb, keep it away from the transplants. Not because of the laser, that won't do anything (include making hair grow), but because of the plastic teeth.


number one.. most of the people who use them properly have reported better hair quality and thickening proving that that they do have benefits and 2.. the plastic teeth can be detached especially for people who have undergone a HT

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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I spent over 2 grand on Laser Hair Treatment a few years back and ended uplooking worse after all the treatment. I dont think it had anything to do with the Laser's but because of having to use the Minox two times a day. So it's safe to say i am not a fan.


It would be interesting to see monthly pictures of progress with the Laser Combs.

2600 grafts Dr Feller 28/01/08

3024 grafts Dr Feller 15/01/07


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Laser combs are such a marginal "treatment" for hairloss that I'm surprised objections to it have gained so much traction on the internet. Perhaps it is the cost of these "devices" that makes it stand out against the backdrop of other magic potions purported and advertised to grow hair.


The plain facts are that lasers cannot grow hair, nor has anyone provided a mechanism for such a miraculous claim once you get past the hype.


Laser combs rely solely on junk science, supposed user tesitmonials, complicit reporters who are looking for a feel-good story but never ask to see actual before/after results of any cosmetic significance,shills, and salesmen.


The truth is the truth and it doesn't matter who says it or how it's said. To date there are exactly NO credible before/after photos of patients who have benefited from the use of laser combs. So why would anyone buy one?


If those on this thread are going to make claims that their laser comb works when nobody elses has, you don't have to explain why it works, but you are obligated to post your photos.


Don't reject your common sense.

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It is not only one doctor saying this, as my doctor agrees with Dr. Feller. I would guess, 90% or so of the coalition doctors think the same on this subject. These people are experts on hairloss and have years or education and research. We are knowlegable but let's face it , we are no where near them on the effectiviness of treatments.Part of being a doctor is research, research, research. We get our reaserch from them.

I dont think i'm being closed minded, because the hard evidence is just not there. As far as Behappy's testimonal, it is indeed a scientific experiment if you are trying to say this product works. You need to isolate the sole products effectiviness to claim " it works". A claim is not by any means proof ( although I do respect his opinion but it is just that without documented proof on a random population)



At the end of the day, if you feel it works , by all means go for it .. But to say it is a viable option for regrowing hair and stopping loss I agree to disagree. Improving hair quality is not the same as I can do that with a good conditioner or hair thickener.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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For anyone who reads this thread or any of my other posts on laser combs:


I never set out to try to prove that this works. It was someone else's idea to have a forum member try using a laser comb and post about their results. Some people tried to get Bill to use one since his word would be one of the most trusted. Not a single person wanted to try using a laser comb at the time.


I will say right now that I do NOT feel that a laser comb is ever going to replace hair transplants. I hope I never gave anyone that impression. If I could get a decent HT I would certainly do that instead of trying other methods to get hair on my head. If you have any significant hair loss, you probably should look into getting a quality HT by a coalition Dr.


I can't have a hair transplant because my donor area has already been over depleted. I had been on proscar for 10 years and was looking for something that might start some new growth, so I decided to try using a laser comb and said OK, I'll let everyone know how I feel things are going with it. That's it. That's all it ever was. I'm not here to argue with anyone about the effectiveness of laser combs, I'm not here to fund an independent study and I shouldn't be expected to. I'm not here to prove laser combs work, so I shouldn't be expected to post proof. I'm not here to stop using other treatments that have worked on me just so you can be sure it's the laser comb that's working and not something else. I simply tried to give my account of how I feel things are progressing, good or bad. I agree I should have tried harder to take pictures, but honestly I thought the improvement if I had any at all was going to be only minor and you could just explain it away by saying there's different light, different angles, etc, so I didn't think it was very important.


I admit i sort of became a spokesperson for laser combs, but not because I feel everyone should be using them. In fact I've posted that I haven't recommended them because it could be that it only works for a very small percentage of people and maybe I'm one of the best cases. I only know that I'm growing hair. I don't know if you or anyone else will.


Around the same time I started to see what I felt were the start of new growth and improvements to my hair while using the laser comb, Dr Feller came out totally bashing it and I didn't think that was right because after using it I felt there was some benefit even if it might be minor. I don't see anyone bashing revita or nizoral shampoo even though just about everyone here feels it won't grow any hair and any possible benefits are minimal, so why are you bashing a laser comb if some people are saying it's helping a bit?.


If you were to go back and read some of Dr Fellers statements on laser combs he was so ridiculous. I would have totally agreed with him if he said he can't recommend it at this time because he hasn't seen any real proof as of yet and didn't feel it was ever going to pan out to be anything worthwhile. What he did though is go way beyond that without any proof of his own on why it can't work.


What happened then is a lot of people believed Dr Feller as if he did have proof that it didn't work which was not the case. There was a thread not so long ago where someone stated that I was the only one who ever said they had good results. Well that is simply false, so I posted the comments from people who said it did work. Not because I'm trying to prove that it does work, but because I think it's the wrong way for this forum to be headed if you're going to offer one side of the story when people ask for opinions.


Anyway, that's it. I have no real proof that laser combs work other than links and testimonials from others. Whether any of those are true or not I have absolutely no idea, but to keep trying to hide them as if they don't exist is dumb.


I don't manufacture laser combs, I wasn't involved in any kind of study, I don't sell laser combs, etc, so I shouldn't be expected to provide any kind of proof. All i know is since I've been using a laser comb, my hair is growing. You are free to decide for yourself if you feel I'm lying, it's the proscar, any other things you want to decide. I was never here to change anyone's mind about it.


For now I will try to stay away from the laser comb debate because I'm really not here to fight with anyone.


One last thing: If you tried something and were seeing results, what would you say to others on here who insist it doesn't work?


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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If the lasercomb is working for you, who is anyone to tell you not to use it right? If it is working, don't fix it, or so the expression goes!


Some of my general thoughts on laser therapy,


In my personal opinion, if laser therapy works, it most likely works best as an adjunct hair loss treatment (much like ketoconazole, which in my opinion, its benefit is also often overstated).


I too have yet to see any compelling photos of laser therapy as a stand alone hair loss treatment.


In my opinion, the problem with the before/after photos BeHappy provided above is that these companies have a financially vested interest in it.


Now clearly BeHappy does not. So I think it's fair to take his word for it that he is seeing some benefit for himself.


But I'm afraid BeHappy will be hard pressed to convince anyone of its efficacy overall without pictures.


I do however, appreciate reading his experience and am happy that he is receiving some benefit.


Best wishes,




P.S. At this point, I do not believe I would be a good candidate for any non surgical hair loss treatment on top of my head based on all the surgery I have received. I do however use Proscar to help maintain the hair I have below my crown. I also use Revita (ketoconazole 1%) continually because I like the way it makes my hair feel. I do not expect any natural hair regrowth from either treatment at this point. Perhaps if I had started sooner.

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Any photos to share?

I think if anyone is going to praise laser combs for regrowing hair they are obligated to show clear and credible photos. To date not a SINGLE user has provided any evidence that the "magical lasers" actually worked on them. Not a single one.

But this is understandable considering they are following the example of the hairmax laser company who THEMSELVES have faild to show clear and credible photos.

Shlock medicine and junk science still sell in America.

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behappy, petesman,

no one is telling you to stop using the lasercomb--if it works for you, great. but when you come onto a public forum to share your results, the burden of proof lies with you. it doesn't really matter what your intentions are, be they good or bad. when you say something works, we need to see proof. otherwise you are essentially endorsing a product that people could potentially waste good money on--yes, you have a responsibility, even as just an anonymous poster.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Cant say more than the 2 above posters. It's not Behappy we are questioning rather the actual objective results of the lasercomb.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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Personally I think Behappy has done more than his share of "sharing" on the forum. Plenty of people give positive reports of products on this forum WITHOUT posting photo albums or any pics to "verify" the results of a product. Based off of everything anyone who is familiar with Behappy's posts would know, it is clear that he is transparent and sincere with his intentions.

Why can't he share his opinion as do others with "shampoos" such as Nizoral, blah, blah, blah----I NEVER see photo albums of people with positive posts on these products...

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Guest josh - b

unfortunately we are all doubting thomas' by nature and only proven results carry any weight.

I have seen countless surgical hair restoration results to know that it works, i've seen countless propecia results to know that it works, same with minoxinol.

However , i too have yet to see a single laser result that showed to me that it worked. That being said i also haven't seen any proven results from using nizoral or any other products either.

In this modern world where information can be shared so easily and freely and there are literally thousands upon thousands of follically challenged people using various laser brushes and there is not 1 proven photographic result... well i'm afraid that makes me a very big doubting thomas indeed icon_frown.gif

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