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Dr. Sam Lam...RUN FAR AWAY!!!

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If he ever takes me to court for that, he better be ready for my photographs of his work to go online because I have kept excellent photographs of my progress and have hospital medical reports of the damages he did that are ready to go.


Can you share your photographs that you seem to claim show Dr. Lam's work in a bad light?


I hardly think it is enough to come on here with a total post count under 3 posts and defame a doctor with zero evidence shown or even explained in any detail.


The guy that starts this thread has 1 post, and then you chime in with 2 posts total.


If you refuse to shown any visual evidence can you at the very least explain in detail what exactly was your bad experience with Dr. Lam?

Edited by Shampoo

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you share your photographs that you seem to claim show Dr. Lam's work in a bad light?


I hardly think it is enough to come on here with a total post count under 3 posts and defame a doctor with zero evidence shown or even explained in any detail.


The guy that starts this thread has 1 post, and then you chime in with 2 posts total.


If you refuse to shown any visual evidence can you at the very least explain in detail what exactly was your bad experience with Dr. Lam?

I think in many cases, after having a hair transplant, the patient sits back for some time (I know I did) and after complaining to the doctor about being unsatisfied, is told things like "don't worry, time will take away the pits at your placement sites" or "we have some things here in the office we can use to help with the healing process" and the next thing you know, it's a year or two gone by. Then the doctor drops all offers of support and the patient who's been "burned" doesn't have much other than words to back up their disappointment with the doctor.

I've had some transplants. 1 with Robert Bernstein was the best ever and did a lot to cover up the bad transplant I had before that.

It doesn't change that the 1st transplant was terrible!!!!! Do I have photos to document my 1st transplant? No.

After Bernstein, I had another with Francis Badamo. He was hired by N.H. I. (Bernstein/Rassman) and after being promised by staff that Dr. Bernstein would oversee this procedure, he wasn't there that day. Result? Badamo had some difficulty with placement direction of the hair.

What was I told would help this? Start plucking. I've plucked and plucked and plucked and they continue to grow. The plucking plan was offered as they will come bak thinner and thinner, then not at all. Never happened.

My last transplant with Dr. Robert Haber was where I got all the pitting at the placement areas. It's next to impossible to show in photos, due to the Dr. Bernstein Transplant still holding up the "masking".

Dr. Haber is the doctor who made the comments in my 1st paragraph and then after the healing/pitting never changed told me "it's caused from you getting transplanted so much" and the procedures that would remove the pitting (lasers/injections) would not work (lasers) and were only temporary (injections). It was a very different attitude than a few months earlier and a whole new agenda for the doctor.

Can I prove this to this message board with photos, dates, etc.? Not most of it, but my point here is many folks who have inferior transplants are in the same boat.

Edited by HT3
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I forgot to add, after Dr. Bernstein left N.H.I., I decided to complain about Dr. Badamo (since fired from N.H.I. I believe) to Dr. Rassman in California as my wife & I were going to be in LA for another reason.

Basically, Dr. Rassman couldn't be taken seriously and just joked & joked with me and gave my hair/scalp a view and said I had almost no miniturization. When I kept pointing him back to being serious about the hair direction, transplanted by Dr. Badamo, he agreed to give me a 10% discount on future transplants, but stressed, "if I needed one".

Again, my point here is I'm not making this stuff up, but can't back it up with photos on this board. :)

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  • 3 months later...
Can you share your photographs that you seem to claim show Dr. Lam's work in a bad light?


I hardly think it is enough to come on here with a total post count under 3 posts and defame a doctor with zero evidence shown or even explained in any detail.


The guy that starts this thread has 1 post, and then you chime in with 2 posts total.


If you refuse to shown any visual evidence can you at the very least explain in detail what exactly was your bad experience with Dr. Lam?



Hey man if your fixed on Dr. Lam after meeting the guy, go for it. Sign away your rights as a patient and as an American with freedom of speech and take the plunge with Dr. Lam because I’m not here to stop you.


Am I bitter patient? You bet. This man ****ed up my crown with false promises and an ego three times the size of a Good Year Blimp. To kick me when I’m down he reminds me of the confidentiality agreement to stop me from telling and showing the world what an incompetent quack he is. Bitter is putting it mildy.

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Lam was very nice when I met him, and so was his staff. Dr. Lam had what appeared to be a very clean and new office. Dr. Lam seemed like a really knowledgeable guy, and he took a long time explaining everything to me. I did not feel rushed at all. Dr. Lam has lots of videos on YouTube for patients to look at. The main reason I decided to go with a different doctor is because Dr. Lam does not do hair full time. Otherwise to me Dr. Lam seemed like a pretty good guy that is passionate about what he does.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Dr. Lam was very nice when I met him, and so was his staff. Dr. Lam had what appeared to be a very clean and new office. Dr. Lam seemed like a really knowledgeable guy, and he took a long time explaining everything to me. I did not feel rushed at all. Dr. Lam has lots of videos on YouTube for patients to look at. The main reason I decided to go with a different doctor is because Dr. Lam does not do hair full time. Otherwise to me Dr. Lam seemed like a pretty good guy that is passionate about what he does.


You can be the most passionate doctor with the most clean facilities in America and the biggest YouTube video collection but thats useless if your surgical abilities are s**t. Give me a crass, passionless doctor like Dr. House but good surgical ability any day of the week. Don't care about anything but all I ask from you doc is to not **** up my surgery.


His pre-op bedside manner is fine, its his post-op bedside manner and his blatantly obvious attempts at cover to save himself from public humiliation after his **** up thats cowardly.

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