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Update/FUE in the West?

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  • Regular Member

Hi there again everybody, it's been a while since my last post. I am almost totally satisfied with my current hair situation.


It's been a year since my second surgery, and I think it's very good. However, I still feel there is a little bit of "naturalness" that my hair lacks, especially below the temple angle on the left side, and of course density is always in the back of my mind.


Although I am no expert, I have done a lot of research and it seems that the only way to fix the kinds of concerns I have is with an FUE, since specific hairs may be picked for their qualities and placed in an area where they are desired.


It's somewhat hard to explain and not very visible in photos, however, there is a certain quality that the transplanted hairs have the the native hairs do not, and I don't feel the line along which they meet is blended as well as I'd like.


Does anybody have a suggestion of where I can go from here?

Edited by Ryan Daj
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  • Senior Member

Within a strip there should be enough hairs of the type needed, but you're right that with FUE the doctor can be more selective. Since you're happy with your result and just want a little refinement (and perhaps some added density) then you'd be looking at only a small procedure and FUE is ideal for this.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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