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LMS's visit with Dr. Lindsey, McLean, VA

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a few days Dr. Lindsey agreed to meet with me to discuss my current hairloss situation..as well as discuss potential future options as my hairloss progresses.... the thing about it is he agreed to do so while on vacation with his family.... i was lucky enough to have him vacation in my area and he was kind enough to give me some of his time... we was very straight foward with me which i appreciated. he seemed genuine, honest and upfront.


id just like to give thanks to him for giving me some of his time. he did not have to meet with me..i hope you and your family enjoyed your stay Dr.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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a few days Dr. Lindsey agreed to meet with me to discuss my current hairloss situation..as well as discuss potential future options as my hairloss progresses.... the thing about it is he agreed to do so while on vacation with his family.... i was lucky enough to have him vacation in my area and he was kind enough to give me some of his time... we was very straight foward with me which i appreciated. he seemed genuine, honest and upfront.


id just like to give thanks to him for giving me some of his time. he did not have to meet with me..i hope you and your family enjoyed your stay Dr.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Bill--- as dr lindsey knows, currently my hair is buzzed very short... i had a britney spears moment like 4 weeks ago and buzzed it on a zero guard, revealing the terrible scar and all... but sometimes i get so fed up with what ive allowed my hairloss to do to me that i thought f**k it.... lol... it looks terrible, because of the scar. and now that its grown out a bit my thinning pattern is more visible. tough for me to look at to be honest. had i not had my procedures the 0guard would be my choice for freedom from this. maybe one day it will have to be anyway, scar and all. who knows. all i know is last weekend i was bowling in the state tournement and some official came up and told me no hats allowed and mine had to be removed.. it was a very rough situation but i told him this hats not comming off, so go get whoever you gotta get and we can talk about it. thankfully he could sense i was serious and chose not to ask again... still some people around me were wondering what the hell just happened.. it sucked....


anyway,to your question... dr. lindsey essentially confirmed some things i already knew.....his advice????? 'dont do anything for right now'..... he feels that at this time another HT is not my best option for a few reasons, one being i dont know yet how my hairloss will progress as im still very young, another being that from what he could tell i looked normal, as in i have not been butchered.. rather just a guy with thin hair...


the only thing he did say, surgery wise, is that my scar is terrible.. something i already know quite well sadlyicon_wink.gif dr lindsey felt he would be able to provide me with a much less visible scar. ive not decided on ANYTHING as of yet though and frankly im not even close a decision.


one final thing he said is that i have some donor left which is good news.. he could not give me a number but i asked if he felt i had atleast 3000 left and he felt i did... i hope hes right, although we both know 3000 is ONLY 3000 eh Bill?


once my hair is grown out a bit to where i can somewhat style it a bit(3-5 more weeks hopefully) ill snap plenty of shots... i plan to take ACCURATE, telling pictures without the bull shit lies a camera can so easily provide... ill have outdoor, and indoor shots(just like i posted on another forum), and a few showing how i leave the house so they will include my dermmatch and I WILL MAKE NOTE OF ANY PIC THAT INCLUDES CONCEALER......


ya know what i may take a few bull sh*t shots just as an example of how pics can lie, and how i can make my THIN result look quite thick as long as i take it at the right angle OR using the right lighting.... ya know like the pics we see drs post all the timeicon_wink.gif...... either way Bill, pics are coming soon. i KNOW how excited your getting about seeing them but just try to be patient for a bit, im working on making your dreams come trueicon_smile.gif... now excuse me.. time for my meds.


any other questions about my visit with Dr. Lindsey feel free to ask away, any of you. ill try to answer a little shorter next time.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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ill try to answer a little shorter next time.

i know. when i started reading this i was nw3 and when i finished it i got to nw4. icon_smile.gif


i hope you and your family enjoyed your stay Dr.

meeting you in person and then enjoying the stay - i gotta hear that one from Dr. Lindsey icon_wink.gif


kidding aside, did he tell you how much more reserve you got there at the back?

does your hair loss future look bright in his opinion?

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Originally posted by Mr. GQ:
ill try to answer a little shorter next time.

i know. when i started reading this i was nw3 and when i finished it i got to nw4. icon_smile.gif


i hope you and your family enjoyed your stay Dr.

meeting you in person and then enjoying the stay - i gotta hear that one from Dr. Lindsey icon_wink.gif


kidding aside, did he tell you how much more reserve you got there at the back?

does your hair loss future look bright in his opinion?



lol... that was pretty funny post man.... he actually didnt comment much on my FUTURE situation, only that my current sutuation was not horrible... and its not.. its just not good either...... as for my future...have you ever seen a situation involving hairloss that continued to GET BETTER as it progressed??icon_wink.gif


as for how much donor i have-- CLEARLY Mr. GQ you did not read my looooong post as well as you claim, so i insist you NOT attempt to blame your new NW4 status on me.... in my previous post i explain that he did not give me a number but after giving the donor a look i asked him if he felt i had ATLEAST 3000 in the bank.... he seemed to think that 3000 was quite possible.. but did not suggest i use it any time soon

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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CLEARLY Mr. GQ you did not read my looooong post as well as you claim

you are right lms!!!

CLEARLY i skipped that whole paragraph icon_eek.gif. i know clumsy me. that's what happens when you try to read something and talk on the phone at the same time. just too many distractions on saturday.

so 1-2 more months before Bill's dream comes true? icon_biggrin.gif

i got a feeling that he'll ask you for 'em few more times before the "deadline" unless you start to "behave" yourself icon_wink.gif

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Hey LMS good for you that you started looking for options, except from the scar how does your hair look buzzed down?Are you ok with the look to use it in the future?



You said the Dr. found your scar bad, what does he mean is it very wide?when you feel like posting pictures again include one with the scar to see how it looks.Maybe your solution could be to find ways to minimize the scar get off the f***ing hat and wear the buzz look.


I dont honestly know how well FUE into the scar works but i ve heard of some doctors doing that, maybe you should research your options there but i really dont know which doctor could be good at it.


Dont let it consume you my friend i know its unfair but its your life now and its not worth getting screwed for BS. if you find freedom in the buzz look maybe you can find ways to minimize the scar and thats it...even if it is obvious f**k it and let it be there.You know how many guys with shaved heads i see with a strip scar on the back?trust me it looks far better than a thin head of transplanted hair and they know it thats why they do it.


One of my friends that owns a club despite his advanced baldness had a 1500 grafts transplant not knowing any better!!! and he decided to shave his head in the end...he has a scar(which is thin since he had a small procedure) and he looks fine...I told him that there are doctors that do this FUE into the scar but he is so over it that he didnt even mind the scar anymore.

should we believe everything?

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i think you should take some pics of scar & post. though i think most will get a decent(if you can say that) scar some will get a stretched scar negardless. show the reality some may face.

why in the world would you buzz to a zero??? missing farrel or your root canal canceled???


dr l

your wife let you see patients on vacation? probably some single guys on here want to know if she has a sister that's single.



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hopefull--i buzzed it without a guard so were talkin just enough to barely feel the 'stubble'... how did it look?? meh... it was ok, i guess.it was not ideal but is the shaved look ideal for any of us?? no, its not, but that does not mean its STILL not our best option as balding men... i can say this.. had i not made my uninformed HT decisions years ago, and knowing what i know now id be sporting the shaved look FOR SURE, and while i would obv prefer hair i would WITHOUT A DOUBT be free from many of the stressors i currently have to deal with... id do it now but im just not ready to have to answer questions for the rest of my life about how i got that huge scar on the back of my head.. ya know...


a couple other things, on a 0guard my hair looks uniform in terms of thinning(with exception to my grafted area which DOES look different then the rest of my head.. in that area i have visible bumps that do stand out somewhat.... as my hair has grown out a couple things have become noticable. 1. my balding pattern has become more visible to me and honestly its not looking to good long term, sadly. and 2. my grafted front third looks very different then the rest of my head... my 3000 grafts were NOT dense packed, so until it grows to an acceptable length again where i can incorporate my native hair to help cover it i look to be a guy with a somewhat odd thinning going on up front, it does not match the NATURAL thinning taking place on the rest of my top. i hope that makes sense.

FUE into the scar poses other issues as there WILL be scarring visible if i buzz to a 0. also yield in scar tissue is not near as high so now im wasting more donor, creating more scars all for a procedure that in all likelyhood will produce a lower yield then that of a typical procedure... all that said i STILL have not ruled out the possibility. but im far from knowing WTF to do with my scar OR my available donor, so its best i do nothing for the time being but continue my research.... ya know?


BANDIDO-- ive researched it pretty well, and honestly im not sold on ANYTHING BHT, but again ive not ruiled out anything in the future.


RTC--- your 100% right.. i will get over to my sisters in the next couple of days(using her camera) while my hair is still short and take a few shots of the back of my head.. my scar is wide ESPECIALLY on one side, its jagged and bumpy as well... just a terrible job by my HT "doc".... Dr. Lindsey felt the same..


as for why i shaved it all off?? lol... as i said i had a moment where i was tired.. just tired of the dermmatch and the constant 'up keep' required to keep it looking ok.. so i was able to convice myself it wasa good idea just long enough to where there was no turning back.. im a crazy dude...


Mr. GQ-- if your going to even ATTEMPT to read this post i suggest you pop ATLEAST 3 fin pills and take your phone off the hook. we dont want your hair loss advancing any further and i dont want you to ask me another question ive COVERED ALREADYicon_wink.gif

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Glad you got some extra-info and, importantly, further conformation on things.


Having a botched scar on top of botched growth/density is criminal; not the least of which is that it "traps" you to an extent into subsequent HTs, which is so insanely counter-intuitive after getting conned by that very field. I'd still be really surprised if your situation wasn't salvageable, tho....never seen your pics, but if I had to guess I'd bet you'll get to where you want to be in due time, and that any steps you take will be exceedingly positive!


btw, the straw-breaking-camel's-back angry-buzz is a bitch, and takes stones, especially post-HT. I remember a couple months before I went in I got so spontaneously livid I snatched a pair of scissors from the kitchen and started to hastily chop up my hair...icon_smile.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Having a botched scar on top of botched growth/density is criminal;


I know that feeling very well.

Also the ' Sir no hats on" has led to many altercations in my past life . Some worse then others icon_wink.gif

LMS I feel for ya as Ive been there and it F-ing sucks .

Your best bet is for one more strip/revision and then go the fue route.

I wouldnt go for MAX grafts because your scar could stretch again .

I would go for a number in where the surgeon feels gives he could give you a NATURAL hairline and much thinner scar, possibly 1-3mm depending on your laxity

I know you hate hearing this but your best bet is going to a top clinic.

You know who they are.

Doesn't guarantee perfection but at least puts you in the best position to get the best work with someone who truly cares about you and not their wallet.

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if your going to even ATTEMPT to read this post i suggest you pop ATLEAST 3 fin pills and take your phone off the hook.

done and done icon_smile.gif


i know, that "no hats" rule or dress code or fascism/nazism or whatever you wanna call it suck ass big time!

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I think ve seen his pics a long time ago in HLH and he wasnt butchered or anything!!!i havent seen his scar though.From the pictures it looks like a typical result i am not sure though if it was LMS or another Bosley patient.


I think everyone commented on how lucky he was and that his result is very nice though it was from Bosley.


LMS i am not sure if i am right and it was you its been along time...

should we believe everything?

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i somewhat remember those pics from hlh.

btw is the link still there and are those pics still on Farrel's server or he "burned" them for good? so LMS if you still know the link and they still there, post it here. i remember that on one of the pictures you had some kind of artifact or tapestry behind you hanging on the wall and some member was asking you to sell it to him for a million bucks or something like that. so when you take the new set, make sure you photograph nothing valuable or you just might get robbed from one of us here icon_smile.gif. i suggest you hide your big screen TV too icon_biggrin.gif

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I'm glad you stood up for yourself regarding the hat via bowling. I bet you looked fine but I dont see how a hat would give somebody an advantage in bowling so the rule does not make much sense to me.


I do remember your pictures on another forum. I thought your hair looked good in them. icon_smile.gif


That was great that Dr Lindsey could see you on his vacation! icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Originally posted by hopefull:

I think ve seen his pics a long time ago in HLH and he wasnt butchered or anything!!!i havent seen his scar though.From the pictures it looks like a typical result i am not sure though if it was LMS or another Bosley patient.


I think everyone commented on how lucky he was and that his result is very nice though it was from Bosley.


LMS i am not sure if i am right and it was you its been along time...


hopefull--- it was me. although not many said the result was 'very nice'. i did get the "your lucky considering you went to bosley". and "it looks prety good" honestly, i think that many posters who made comments were just expecting me to be a disaster case simply because i was so outspoken about the many risks involved.


i remember my dr told me he was going to restore my 17year old hairline, even being uneducated at the time. i THANKFULLY told him i was ok with a higher hairline with a BIT if temple recession.(no clue why i said it considering i KNEW NOTHING about HTs and was being promised my 17year old hairline).. i know for a FACT that had i let that f**king idiot try to Armani my hairline id be a disaster case..ATLEAST armani can dense pack before he delivers his shitty results!!icon_smile.gif..


thana-- thanks for the support man... seems youve had a few 'crazy' moments yourself due to your hairlossicon_wink.gif. as for now i dont need saving just yet, just a guy with an oddly thin front 1/3 and a long nasty scar i require dermmatch and longer hair gelled down to cover... it could be MUCH MUCH worse, it has been MUCH MUCH worse for many.



PGP--its funny how in the future i will more than likely NEED the very industry i caution about.... and by 'funny' i mean SHITTY...


as for now my situation is passable with dermmatch on my scar and front 1/3.. and some creative styling.... im quite thankful that, for now, i have that much... my life was not DESTROYED by my HTs like some others, it just drastically changed the course of my future.


ill get some pics up soon.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Mr. GQ---- as far as i know my pics can still be found on HLH.-- i posted them in the HT MAIN forum not the results section though.. that thing in the background was like a wolf dreamcatcher or some s**t... but your right im gonna make sure to keep my 15 inch panasonic COLOR tv out of the background.. you cant be to safe these days ya know?


wantego-- thanks man, i only hid under the hat at bowling because my head was SHAVED down.. trust me i did NOT look fine... not with that scar.. and the back of you is what everyone sees during the bowling process..


and yes. dr lindsey taking time during his vacation just to meet and talk with me was VERY nice of him.. hes a good guy, good lookin head of hair too IMO.


BTW in the 9 games i bowled in the state tourny i carried an AVERAGE of 210 scratch.... i dont wanna brag or anything but.......

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Thanks for the comments. I met 5 guys out in Utah last week and it was a good experience. Everyone was respectful of me being on vacation AND the fact that we got 27inches of snow, and that I couldn't see folks until after the lifts closed down.


Unlike most new walk-ins at the office, the guys who I saw out in Utah were extremely well versed in their options and we were able to really dicuss my approach to these issues, and my overall frank approach to dicussions with people.


I will definitely see folks when I travel again. In fact just this am I made my reservations for New Years week to Utah again.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr Lindsey,


Thats a great attitude to have. I am always intrigued and impressed with your posts here. Your obviously one of the good guys.


LMS - Good luck with everything! You seem to have your head screwed on and be very aware of positives and negatives. Im sure you will make the right decision, whichever that may be!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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