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delayed growth

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I had a procedure done two years ago. Over the last few weeks, I have obvious growth of hundreds of new hairs. I can tell most, if not all, are transplants. Anyone have thoughts on why I am seeing this growth 2 years later? Is it possible these are hairs that had grown and then I lost them, and now they are growing back? Would this be considered "shedding"? I have recently started on MSM, about 2 months ago. Would that have anything to do with it?

Or, what I am afraid of, is that my procedure was done poorly (Bosley) and things are really screwed up.

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  • Senior Member

Well growth is never bad news, bet you were thrilled! You read so many different stories on this forum, guys whose little hairs start growing immediately after the HT, and others like you who need to wait over a year, or even 2. Nothing surprises me anymore in this field, there is really no rule.

Some say that the technique used during the HT plays a role, but I've seen examples of guys having approx the same number of grafts with the same doc only a few days apart, and whose growth rate was completely different. I don't think you should worry anyway.

As for MSM, yes it does help, keep taking it diligently if it works well for you. Any pictures?

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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  • Senior Member

JK, first congrats on the new growth. Personally I've never heard of regrowth "starting" at 2 yr mark. I've personally had growth going on up to the 18 month mark. You just might be one of those rare percentage of people who have long dormant periods, and maybe MSM is helping somewhat but probably not the main reason for the delayed growth. Oh well, regardless, you now have the hair you paid for-- CONGRATS>

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  • 5 years later...

Hi everyone! I had a hairtransplant in Feb of 2009. It consisted of 3 to 4 follicular unit grafts totalling 850 count. I am frustrated that these transplanted hairs still feel stubbly on my crown, and I look the same as I did 14 months ago. I hope that these grafts grow. Has anyone had stubbly grafts that have never grown?


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  • Regular Member

do they come out easily when u try plucking them? i dont know how a dead graft could stay in place for 14 months, but at the same time, if its not dead, theres no reason why it shouldnt grow longer, hairs have to shed or grow, either or lol.

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  • Regular Member

Tommy Boy who was your surgeon?


I think there a lot of factors that could affect hair growth, but I am surprised to here you are growing new hair after 2 years! I suppose I should say congratualtions?


Have you started taking any pills or medications recently?

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