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Model for hair transplant??

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Hey everyone icon_smile.gif


I haven't seen this question asked here yet--maybe someone knows the answer..?


I have read that when people get plastic surgery, they sometimes bring in a picture to show their doctor how they would like the results to look. My question is: do people do this with hair transplants?


For example, say someone wants their hair to look like, say, Schwarzenegger--could an accomplished doc do that?


I know that a hair transplant is not a one-size-fits -all procedure--and what looks good on person A might not look good on person B...


That said, do people do this? Bring in a model for their hair transplant?

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  • Regular Member

Hey everyone icon_smile.gif


I haven't seen this question asked here yet--maybe someone knows the answer..?


I have read that when people get plastic surgery, they sometimes bring in a picture to show their doctor how they would like the results to look. My question is: do people do this with hair transplants?


For example, say someone wants their hair to look like, say, Schwarzenegger--could an accomplished doc do that?


I know that a hair transplant is not a one-size-fits -all procedure--and what looks good on person A might not look good on person B...


That said, do people do this? Bring in a model for their hair transplant?

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  • Regular Member

I think this is a good question. I was wondering the same thing as I had wanted to take in a picture of Christian Bale's hairline or Brad Pitts ... not because I wanted their hair exactly but showing them an idea of height of forehead I preferred or the distance forward I wanted my temples to be brought forward and the angle I liked.


I mean no name people's pictures would be fine too but since you can easily find pictures from multiple angles from these guys with great hair/hair lines I thought it might be a good idea to convey what some of us might like.


Admittedly I felt a bit lame when thinking about this because I know that they cant replicate someone elses hair because of skull shape, amount of available hair, hair characteristics , etc. But I think going in with the model pictures with a realistic expectation "working towards some thing SIMILAR, not necessaryily exact" might be useful as I am leaning towards taking something in rather than having to rely on my verbal descriton and risking the surgeon mis-understanding my explaination of my descriptiona and coming out with a different hairline than expected. This would be worse than a bad hair cut because a hair cut can 'grow out' and return ... however a HT, though it will 'GROW OUT' it may grow out in a way you didnt want it to..

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Very interesting.


I suppose any patient could do this. However, I also think that patients should realize that they aren't ever going to look like their favorite hollywood actor, even if they did have a full head of hair.


And it's highly unrealistic for a bald guy like me to bring a picture of a guy with no signs of hair loss and think I can realistically achieve it.


The only way it may be somewhat realistic would be for working with your doctor for appropriate hairline placement.



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Brad Pitts
to take in a picture of Christian Bale's hairline or Brad Pitts ...


Everybody would like to be Brad Pitts! However, if there is one (tiny) flaw about him, it would be his low hairline. His front is actually a little too short when compared to the rest of his face. Measure his hairline to his eyebrows and then compared to the length of his eyebrows to his chin, it will be much lower than 50%, which would be the perfect face measurements, according to Da Vinci.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Off topic slightly,


but speaking of the two above named persons. Sometimes when I see Mr. Pitt, I always wonder if he has maybe had some work done. And in many recent shots, he always seems to be sporting some kind of headware.


And secondly, the great Da Vinci himself. I read somewhere not so long ago, that along with many of his other "before its time" inventions, such as the helicopter and catapult etc etc... he also penned in somewhere in his later life, regarding the posibility of HT's. Interesting!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

I'll bring in a model for my HT in late February and see what Dr. Lindsey says... First I need to pick the model though. Any suggestions? (Brad Pitt would be asking too much I think, haha.)

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