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General advice & advice on UK hairloss clinics, rather than solely in the US (or similar)???? Thanks!!

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Hi everyone - very happy to have found this site and actually hear some useful imformation. I, like many, jumped into all this with my eyes shut, and went to the Norton Clinic a couple of years ago out by Gatwick for strip surgery (advert in the back of GQ) with no prior research. Was promised the world and certainly didnt receive it!! I dont feel my treatment went as bad as some of the other cases i have read on here, just not what i expected.


Anyways, i dont think i have any kind of extreme hairloss by any means, just some slight receding at the temples and i think a little just now from the crown. My hair has always been annoyingly fine and for the past few years i have relied on the trusted hairdryer, hair product, and the secret ingredient, hairspray, to ensure everything stays in place even when its windy. My hair transplant did create a good new hairline at the front, the problem is it was no where near dense enough, so i have actually had more hassle styling my hair since the op, to try and hide what was done. If it had been made dense enough then i would have said i had had a successful op, but the fact that even the slightest wind, or taking off a jumper, moves my hair all out of place and then this much less dense areas of hair becomes visible and thus embarrassing!! Bl00dy nigtemare i can tell you.


Anyway, i have a few questions im keen to get answered if anyone out there can help??


1> I want to look into getting another procedure done, but i dont really want to fly to the US (or similar), is there definitely nowhere in the UK that is good with good surgeons?


2> I have read about the "DHI no-touch technique" where i wouldnt require another big scar at the back of my head (really dont want that again if possible!!) - any thoughts, ive heard bad reviews of them??


3> I did not need to shave my head last time i had my op, so i dont want to have to do it this time (if possible)??


4> I have not used any other type of product to stop hair loss (finasteride etc, shampoos) - i dont really want to start taking a pill everyday for the rest of my life (that cant be healthy)...or maybe i should, any good recommendations?



Although i ahve already had one op, i am really new to all this and never realised this world existed online - so really happy i found it and thanks everyone for your help!!


(just wanted to add - never believe a word these places say about goign straight back to work - i had to phone in sick for a week because the aneasthetic they put in my temples starts to move down on to ur forehead, so you look like something the elephant man would be proud of!! Took a week for that to diffuse!!)


Thanks again everyone!



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Farjo will be your best bet in the UK.


Plenty of people will tell you though that they would be willing to travel and will make their choice of the doc they want then travel to them. You'll have to live with the results for a long time and travelling is over in a few days.


If you really don't want to cross the pond Devroye and Feriduni both in Belgium appear to do good work.

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Dont go to DHI and dont believe the pr hype about "no-touch as it still leaves scars".I went there and am not satisfied.after, I aslo found this forum just in time.Look at heading to Belgium as their are a number of docs there that have good reps.

HT 2006/7

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yes in Europe my #1 choice would be Dr. Bisanga for sure. and if you don't mind spending some extra dough i would go with their FUE as the results that i've seen so far from them and their FUE are immaculate to say the least.

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hi i too went to norton and they only have a clinic in wakefield west yorkshire around the corner from my house and gatwick is around 200miles away, im not questioning youve had a poor ht experience but are you sure it was with norton.

If in fact norton now have a clinic in gatwick then people need to be aware of this icon_smile.gif

2 poor very poor UK ht's

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In my opinion get on a plane and go to the USA , we are light years behind here in the UK . It seems to me that this site can point you in the direction of a great clinic in the usa there are plenty of reccomendations.

Stay away from Greece and the Choi absolute rip off ! You defo wont need a week off work with any work done in the USA they really are light years ahead 6 -7 hour flight I know what I would do .

Hope this helps


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hi lemonsour,are you certain it was norton and not nobel?nobel are based in surrey.

firstly have you any pictures of your hair so we get a better idea on your situation?

secondly,you are not going to get the density of your exsisting native hair.i have read a few posts lately on the various forums where guys are unhappy that their new hair while looking extremely natural and carried out by reputable surgeons is not matching the hair behind it.

this is always going to be a fact of ht life i'm afraid,if you have good thick native hair behind where you want the transplant.(ie.nw2 and 3,s)

as for your initial question on uk clinics,i believe farjo are the only clinic to be considered in the uk at this time.i had two surgeries there since 2006 and they are the only uk clinic to be chosen into the coalition by this site.

feel free to view my blog as well as the many results that mick(co-odernator at farjo)has posted over the past year or two.

good luck with your research.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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thanks for all your responses - all useful and i agree with the general consensus that the US is better....would take a lot more research for me to head over there though!! icon_smile.gif


And bullitnut, my apologies (and to the norton clinic), i actually went to the Noble Clinic near Gatwick!! Had just read a load of posts on the norton clinic and had it stuck in my head!! Doh!! Do u happen to ahve any good feedback for the norton clinic then??? Have seen there advert in the back of GQ also....


Anymore recommendations or tips much appreciated everyone!!

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thanks bolody, think we posted at exactly the same time...and ur right, it was the Noble Clinic i went to!!


As to your point about density, i would ahve never gone in the first place if i didnt think they could replicate my current hair density...thats a bit of a negative!! Not sure if its worth goign through another op then and the extra cost, in that case! Will have to have a think!! Will do some research on this farjo guy as well...do u have any idea on rough costs etc??


Cheers guys!

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no need to apologise to norton mate,they've got the worst rep on here regarding the uk. icon_smile.gif

right,to wether another session is going to satisfy your needs or not we really need some pics or at least some info.what norwood level were you before the ht?what age are you?has your hairloss stabilised?is there baldness in the family(fathers/mothers side)?

its basically all about planning for the future.you only have so much donor at the back of your head, there is no point shoving it all into the front/temples to add density and then in 10 years you progress to a norwood 6.

my best advice is keep researching on here and educate yourself,yes you will see some guys with wow results but very few guys have the donor/characteristics to attain these results.

sure,any doctor can put all the hair you want at the front of your head but if you lose everything behind it you,ll have an expensive moustache sitting on yor forehead.

if you are showing signs of further balding(the crown) try the meds finaseride and minox,some guys respond extremely well.

i would suggest having a consult with dr farjo, he is a very honest guy and will give you all you need to know about your situation.

as for his prices i know this time last year he was charging ??2.95 for the first 2000 and a pound there after.this usually includes accomadation/travel to manchester.if you are flexible they might be able to discount for cancelations etc.

he also holds consultations in london aswell.

contact mick on here for excact details though.

hope this helps.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


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hi mate you asked if there was anything good about norton the simple answer as many can tell you is NO unfortunately they are amongst the worse there is.


Balody and Spex have made some very good points and given you some excellent advice, and i would just like to add that if you are in London why not go to the Shapiro Medical Group meet in march, where you can meet patients in person and ask questions face to face.You can also get a consult with one of the finest ht doctors in the world imo and a dr who is a coalition member on this great site.

the link to the meet is below good luck in whatever you decide but please dont go to norton



2 poor very poor UK ht's

2 world class repairs with Shapiro Medical Group

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Dr Paul's procedure http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1710

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Welcome to our forum community.


I know there are still some people who believe you that you have to fly to the United States or Canada for a quality hair transplant. However, there's plenty of evidence on this site that the East contains several top notch surgeons as well.


In particular in the UK, I'd suggest consulting with and researching Coalition members Dr. Bessam Farjo and Dr. Nilofer Farjo. Both surgeons from the same clinic have been privately and publicly reviewed by our community and visited and observed in live surgery by our Publisher, Patrick Hennessey. Pat was very impressed by their work and they were approved for the Coalition last year. To see highlights from Pat's visit to the Farjo clinic, click here.


You can find plenty of photos from them and other surgeons on our forum in the "Results Posted by Leading Hair Restoration Clinics" and "Hair Restoration Results Posted by Patients" section of the forum and on each doctor profile page.


You can also find over 750 before/after patient photos by clicking here.


Best of wishes in your continued research,



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Hey mate. Well Im also from the UK and also appreciate the "difficulties" regarding flights to the US or wherever after going through with a rather big procedure. But, whilst not wanting to sound like your dad, did your first time round not teach you enough? But without getting into that, whilst there are some coalition docs recommended in the UK and throughout Europe, the results of many of the top Northern American docs are undeniable and uncomparable.


Plus, what Im imagining is that the extra costs of flights and acommadation are also a concern. Please understand that many of the Northern American clinics will reimberse you part(a rather large part) of your travel costs, and are indeed cheaper than many of the UK/European docs as well. So, please dont be so quick to disgard these options. Flights may last 8 hours. Your results will last a lifetime. Do the right thing and have no regrets!!!


Good luck my man!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Originally posted by lemonsours:



And bullitnut, my apologies (and to the norton clinic), i actually went to the Noble Clinic near Gatwick!! .


Anymore recommendations or tips much appreciated everyone!!



hey Lemonsours...I'm a fellow Nobel victim.


Dont rush into the nearest clinic.. I personally wouldnt go to any UK HT clinic ever.. but this is why we do our research and make the best decision for the best result...(Why chose 2nd best?) as its a long time to wish you had made a different choice after its too late.


But I know how ur feeling with the unatural hairline you have from Nobel. Please consider travelling to the USA or Canada where you have peace of mind 1000's of guys like you and me have been before to get a result that can be pleased to show off and no longer be scared of showing off.



I can simpathise with you as I also was sucked in by the really poor treatment/result I received by Nobel Hair Clinic!! Did you ever meet the Nobel Clinic Dolls Hair plugs salesman Allen Foster? nightmare on legs!


My hair looked so bad that I never took my cap off for 13 years afterwards until I finally discovered these life saving forums.


After much research and 'not wanting to travel over the water' ...I decided to travel over the water! icon_wink.gif It was the best decision I have made.



I went to Dr Feller after seeing how much experience he has with repairing poor blokes previous UK work that I was displaying on the top of my head at the time! The whole experience was a world apart from Nobel, I can only recommend to you who I have had experience with myself, but my results I have had from Fellers has meant...I havent worn that dam cap for almost a year!! be it wind... rain...sun...or snow! which is something I never thought I would be able to do again without feeling very humilated....now I just have peace of mind that it looks as good as anyone elses hair.


The entire trip over there wasnt daunting at all.. before I went I just thought this is a big deal to travel all the way to the USA.. but...infact...it wasnt a big deal at all. I caught up with some movies on the plane and time 'flew' in more ways than one!


I really wanted to visit NYC as well...which I fell in love with and want to go back again sometime. I hadnt travelled anywhere since I was 20! so I think I was long over due a trip!



All the best...and be happy in the knowledge that your Nobel result will not be a problem for much longer.... I'm sure u'll be in safe hands in the near future icon_smile.gif take it easy.



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None of your posts have been deleted. But I guess you have already figured that out.


And just for people reading this: posts are very seldom removed and it's certainly not for critiquing a surgeon, their work, or disagreements with the Publishers or other members. We believe in giving our members the right to speak freely and offer genuine feedback.



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I can only apologise again. And can I say as well that I have found this to be a very constructive forum where people are almost always respectful and helpful. This is why I was so surprised when I couldn't find my comment but, as I already confessed it was my mistake. We're all human!

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