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Receding Hairline, Help Appreciated


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I'll start off by uploading a picture, apologises, its a bad one. Around a year or so I noticed that my hairline was starting to recede, not by a great amount but there's definitely signs of it, hair is is also thinner along the sides too.


The weird thing is, my grandad and uncles on my dads side of the family have very good, strong hairlines, my dad is the only one it seems who has had quite a large hairline receding problem, albeit hes not completely bald. My mums side of the family is a different story, my uncle is completely bald on that side, however my mums father had a full head of hair.


What are the chances of me going bald/continuing to see my hairline receding? My dads hairline didn't start receding until he was in his early 30's, I turned 20 a couple of months ago.


Any help would be appreciated! I feel stupid booking an appointment to see my doctor about this.


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  • Senior Member

Hi DanielAKAWMD ,


Hey mate don't feel shy to see one of the top hair restoration doctors recommended independently on this forum. You are smart to take action. Your hairline does look mature for your age from this one image. Though MPB is inherited the pattern and onset of hair loss can be uniquely different from siblings and parents. The best thing Daniel would be for you to have a consult online or in person. All the Best, Michael.

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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  • Regular Member

First off you have come to the right place, your hair looks identical to mine was i was 20 that is 15 years ago, i wish i knew about or had the availability of propecia or even i wish it was available then!!!! Get a consult with your doc an get on the meds, propecia and rogaine. Is your diet good and do you exercise much?

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  • Senior Member

Welcome Daniel! As Ireland said, you are in the right place for advice and support.....and you are ahead of the game in identifying and taking action to slow/halt the loss of your hair any further at only 20 years old. As the gentleman before me have said, meeting with a doctor who can potentially recommend finasteride and minoxidil now will be tremendously helpful in minimizing the impact of your hair loss. I am about to turn 32, and wish I would have known about the medications available to help treat alopecia when I was your age! I lost too much of my hair already before I ever started a treatment regimen, so unfortunately I had to go as far as having a hair restoration to get some of what I lost back!


Anyhow, welcome again. This forum is a great source of support, or to get opinions/advice as you have concerns or questions along the way!






4737 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 11/16/2012


Daily regimen: 1/4 Proscar (1.25 mg Finasteride), Rogaine Foam (twice daily), 1000 mcg Biotin, 1 combo Vitamin D/Calcium/Magnesium, 1500 mg Glocosamine, 750 mg MSM, 1200 mg Fish Oil, 2000 mg Vitamin C, Super B-Complex, 400 I.U Vitamin E.


I am not a medical professional. All views and opinions expressed in this forum are of my own.

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