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Round 2 for Crown Royal w/ Dr. Feller on 3/14/13!

Crown Royal

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Hello Community :-)


It's been sometime since I last posted. I had a procedure almost 4 years ago. I had around 3,500 grafts from Dr. Feller all in the crown area. I had a great experience and am happy with the results. However, I believe I may have lost some more hair back there since, even though I've been taking finasteride every day since the procedure....I will post some pics soon of where I'm at now but I'm going for a procedure for 1,500 grafts all in the crown area again with Dr. Feller on 3/14/13. I know the crown is considered the "dark hole" in the HT world, but I'm sick of every day use of dermatch...using black pillow cases and hiding my hairloss from everyone, including my girlfriend. I know 1,500 grafts isn't alot but I'm hoping Dr. F can pull off a miracle with that amount. I won't set my sites too high but I'm excited either way. My procedure from 4 years ago had a great story attached. I was supposed to be going to California and I even went to the tanning salon in NY to make my story more believable to people when I came home, even my girlfriend. I pulled it off without anyone knowing it. This time around, I live with my current girlfriend and I will see her when I get back after the procedure so there will be no way to hide it...I will just have to come clean and I think I'm ready to do that. I have taken the time off from work (2.5 weeks) and will hopefully be able to get away without anyone knowing except my gf. Wish me luck! I will post pre-op pics soon to hear what the community thinks :D.


-Crown Royal-

Edited by Crown Royal
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Attached are my updated pics as of 2/18/13. I had 3,500 crown grafts in August of 2008 by Dr. Feller. I'm going for another 1,500 grafts in the crown on 3/14/13...I hope this gets me to where I want to be....free of dermatch! I've taken finasteride every day since my 2008 surgery and will continue to take it every day after this surgery to hopefully maintain what I have.


Please follow my blog as I will post my pre-op pics and follow up pics along my 2nd journey:)














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i wish you luck my friend, i will be at dr fellers office in april, but just one thing,, aren't you afraid that you will use up all your donor supply in the crown then down the line you might need some for the front? if i was in your shoes, witch i wish i was because your hair loss isnt bad at all,, i would do smp and save the grafts, either way good luck

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I would be lying if that wasn't a concern of mine. I have pretty good coverage everywhere else but I do see small signs of thinning towards the front. I am taking a risk trying to fill in the crown. That will be a total of 4,500 grafts just in the crown after this procedure. I would hope that I wouldn't need to touch the crown again and whatever donor was left, could go towards the front in the future if that goes. Hopefully, by the time I would consider a 3rd HT surgery, hair multiplication would be a reality and donor supply won't be as much of an issue (fingers crossed).


BTW - What does "smp" stand for?


-Crown Royal-

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scalp micro pigmentation, its a special tattoo special needle special ink, its basically tattooing little dots into thinning areas giving the illusion of density, it lasts about 2 years give or take , something i will look into down the line for thinning areas and to camouflage the scar

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I think your crown looks pretty good now. The top down shots likely look worse than reality since it looks like you are using flash. Another 1500 should have you 100% set in the crown area.


I bet it looks much better in person.


What was your hairs per graft ratio? Did you have allot of 2s and 3s?


Good luck.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Can't decide,


Unfortunately, I don't have the hairs per graft ratio from my 1st procedure? Maybe Dr. Feller or Spex can chime in on that if they know what the ratio was.




It shows how long I've been away from the forums...I never even heard of the SMP technique until you mentioned it. I've since done some searches today on the forums and I'm very intrigued by the technique. I hate how noticeable my scar is after the 3,500 graft procedure back in 2008 and would love to "tattoo" that area so that I could even buzz my hair down to at least a #2 without any noticeable scaring. I would also consider it in the crown if my donor supply gets super low.


Do you know if Dr. Feller offers this technique? Maybe Dr. Feller or Spex can chime in on this as well...I realize it's temporary and would need to be re-applied every year or 2 but would love to see if it's an option to mix in...especially given the low cost compared to strip & FUE

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How old are you Crown Royal?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Your most recent updated pics prior to going into your 2nd HT with Feller look really good.


They look better than the 14-month mark, which shows you had additional growth and maturation of the hairs since those 14-month pics.


I know it bothers you, but from the pics, in my opinion, your crown looks good--again, we are all our own worst critics. And if you are starting to recede, have low funds...personally, I would wait.


It is not as though you have a huge bald spot in back. You have coverage, albeit thinner than the rest of your head. I know the feeling of wanting thicker hair all over, trust me. But I would really take a more conservative approach and enjoy your hair now and give it some more time. Save your donor for what may happen down the road in your 40's and on.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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SMP is showing some pretty impressive results. I dont think that Feller offers it right now, but I know he had Milena Lardi (Milan), leading SMP name right now, show some live examples of her work. Spex actually represents her, and other clinics in the US are offering this very procedure. I would recommend hitting Spex up and learning about that option. With your dark hair, it could be a good solid option, and of course allows you to keep more of that much needed donor supply.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Just wanted to update everyone. I'm recovering from my 2nd HT procedure performed by Dr. Feller and his staff. I had another wonderful experience. I arrived @ 7:45 and was out of the door @ 11:45. I had approximately 1,500 grafts into the crown. Dr. Feller and his staff were very personable and did another excellent job in discussing the gameplan beforehand and executing it flawlessly.


I had the HT on Thursday, 3/14/13. I'm on Day 2 of recovery and I'm still in some pain in the suture area. I stopped taking the vicodin but am taking extra strength tylenol in conjunction with the anti-biotic. I can't wait to fully wash my hair in the next few days. Here are some pics from yesterday. Dr. Feller took some great before and after photos the day of the surgery that I hope he can post on here for all of you. I will continue to take pics as I go through the next year or so :-)


I attached 2 before pics and 2 after pics;)





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Good luck champ, hope it all works out well! I'm no expert but it looks like that area should be sorted now :) to my layman's eyes at least!

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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Looking Great! I agree w/ TommyL; that should take care of it. If you want the illusion of density, look into SMP I suppose. You definitely have plenty of transplanted hairs in the area to give a nice layered 3D look.


Cheers! I was in the office the day before you getting my frontal taken care of. :cool:

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I love that avatar picture you have Crown Royale- makes you stand out.


Did the Dr say how many grafts you have left in the tank?

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Dr. Feller didn't mention exactly how many grafts I have left in the tank but he said I definitely have good donor and made it sound like I have enough left if I need a 3rd procedure down the road to cover some of the front if I start losing that. I've been steadily taking finasteride every day so hopefully that maintains what I have for awhile. I'm hoping that hair multiplication will be a reality by the time I consider a 3rd procedure (5+ years or so).


Maybe Dr. F can chime in to elaborate more on what I may have left in the tank as far as donor supply goes...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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​Hello All,


I'm on week #4 post of from my 2nd procedure with Dr. Feller. I've attached a few pics below. They're not the greatest. I'm in the gloomy period now where my native hair still hasn't grown back but the grafts have fallen out. My staples are out and the scar looks good so far. Everything is going as planned. Thankfully, I already know what to expect since I've gone through this before (it's a long wait to see the results). I will try and post pics again in another few weeks.​


-Crown Royal-​




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  • 4 months later...
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Sorry community for taking so long to post updates. All I can say is that I'm ecstatic with my 5 month post op progression on the crown after my 2nd surgery with Dr. Feller. I know 5 months is young so I'm hoping it only gets better over the next 4 to 5 months. Attached are my updated pics today both using the flash and non-flash.


-Crown Royal-











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Do you have any preops from your first procedure? What did you girlfriend say?

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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My procedure from 4 years ago had a great story attached. I was supposed to be going to California and I even went to the tanning salon in NY to make my story more believable to people when I came home, even my girlfriend. I pulled it off without anyone knowing it.
Ha! Im going to try to pull off the same thing when I go for my procedure. Any extra tips?


Looks like your 2nd procedure is going in the right direction. filling in back there.


I hate how noticeable my scar is after the 3,500 graft procedure back in 2008
Can you elaborate a bit on this? Could you notice the scar if your hair was an inch long or so?
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Do you have any preops from your first procedure? What did you girlfriend say?


Spanker, You can check out my journal which is in my signature. You can see my pre-op pics from my 1st procedure. I came clean to my current girlfriend on this 2nd procedure and it felt so good. The whole California tanning thing was with a different girlfriend from my 1st procedure. My current girlfriend was nothing but supportive with my decision and helped me with my healing.

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Ha! Im going to try to pull off the same thing when I go for my procedure. Any extra tips?


Looks like your 2nd procedure is going in the right direction. filling in back there.


Can you elaborate a bit on this? Could you notice the scar if your hair was an inch long or so?


Thanks MagnumPi...hahaha you can pull it off, it just takes alot of lying or bending the truth. Depending on how big your surgery is, you need alot of downtime if you're going to hide your HT from the world. You will need lots of dermatch and if you can wear a hat to work that would be great.


I never went 1 inch on a buzz cut. You would definitely see the scar @ 1 inch. I would not recommend anything shorter than 2 inches on the side.

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