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Norwood 6 and an apparent poor donor

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Davis - I was referring to placing grafts on the back anterior crown laterals. At the time, I did not think I needed them but the way he placed them allowed my right profile to look pretty solid and improve the left as well. I am not saying that he is the only doc that would have done this but he did and I am very happy. Without these relatively few grafts placed, I would look terrible from the side. Keep in mind, they need to be hit again but if he was able to improve my side profiles that much with these few grafts, I believe he will be able to sure them up 100% this time around and that is what is most important to me in round 2.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Can't Decide,


In a way, I think you could be the walking proof for Dr. Rahal regarding NW5s/6s. I am totally fascinated by your case and I have been considering Dr. Rahal for a future procedure, and may be facing the same issues as you. Hence, any photos you can put up to illuminate your comments could serve both the community and Dr. Rahal given is ban from posting on these boards due to Canadian law.


Valentine: you've got one of the world's leading resource right in your neighborhood in Spex. See him ASAP.

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Davis -,Once I consult with Rahal in March to discuss my procedure, I am sure he will take pics so I am waitint or those to post along with the plan of attack he and I decide upon. Of course, I will document my full round 2 expierience, progress, and results as well.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

Davis - I think hairgoesnothing and Stellar are also amazing Rahal NW 5/6 transformations as well.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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I have only emailed him a few times. Hi is a pioneer in body hair transplants and had a failed HT himself so he is a knowledgeable fellow. Where are you located if I may ask (I did not look at your profile). I ask because if I am you I spend the time and money to go in person to a bunch of places across the USA if not also Canada and Europe. At least do phone consults. In LA you could see Dr. Umar and Dr. William Rassman's offices--the later because he is always preaching the Master Plan and will does a miniraturization mapping on your scalp hair. I would get this mapping done now and meaure again in 6-8 months to see if the propecia has an effect.


Umar had a failed HT?? I'm guessing it was FUE because I can't see an FUT scar?

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My Hair Loss is 6/7 (physician described).


If you are Class 6, there is no question I am Class 7.


I had 2100 grafts at the front zone to frame my face.


Because you do not know the future I'd get 2000 or so grafts to the front zone. If I am pleased, I think you will be pleased to greater degree.


That way you can "see what happens". Body hair (beard chest) is an exciting option. The problem of which to be aware is beard turns gray/white quite a bit sooner than scalp hair. So if you use beard/chest you will have to dye it in 10 or 15 years (who wants 3 tons of gray hair of a different coarseness interspersed with scalp hair).


You want to save scalp hair to fill at the front later.


Just a few thoughts


Good Luck

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I'm surprised that Dr R turned you down, I think he has operated on similar cases, but if he's turning you down, it is a strong signal I suppose. On the other hand HW said you're ok. That is truly confusing.


I would continue to seek opinions from other Drs. Keep taking fin, and also take minox, as it may thicken up your fine hairs.

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