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2000 Grafts - Now six months


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Dear Friends,


Just now I have joined the member of this network after come know the excellent positive comments from my colleges..:)


My Story :

1) I started to loss my hair since my age of 20 and now i am 32 age.

2) In my 24th age I have lost most of hair in frontal and center areas

3) I did hair transplant exactly six month back from now and details

published below,



Transplant Date : 23 - Aug -2012

FUT - 1000 grafts

FUE - 990 grafts


Tolal hairs : 4170 hairs

Surgeon : Dr.Ramachandiran ,Apollo hospitals,Chennai


4) Have attached my today's photo here (after 6 month) for all your kind

perusal and suggest / advise /console me since i am feeling that i haven't

get that much result :(


5) Unfortunately don't have the photo before surgery.


To Bill,

Bill ,since this is my first post,ignore my offense info if any and really seeking your help to analyze my results.


Could you please let know for any other information required.


Thanks in advance to Bill and all for your support and help.


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Congratulations on your recent procedure. Its impossible to be able to comment on your current situation, at 6 months post HT, without being able to compare them to your pre HT situation. At 6 months, you still have a plenty of time for your transplanted hair to grow, mature and strengthen. It would be great and Im sure that you would receive more feedback, if you would be able to post some further photographs.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Thanks for the posts.

Here ,have attached the pre HT photo which was taken 4 years back.

Before HT,one year back taken non-surgical medication for hair regrwoth.That given little good results.So on the day of surgery my head is some what better comapred to the given before HT photo.Sorry for not taking any pictures on the day of surgery.


After HT ,

Tugain 5% - daily at night

Fincover - 1mg


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Thank you for sharing your experience and 6 month photos on our forum. As others have already commented, it's a bit difficult to give you an accurate assessment of your progress so far based on the photos you presented. The before pictures only shows the hairline area whereas the current photo at 6 months post-op shows more of the balding/transplanted area.


The good news is, at 6 months, the average person is only seeing about 50 to 60% growth and maturation. This means that you should see more growth and thickening of the existing hair in the next 6 to 10 months.


In my opinion, start taking more detailed photos with a high resolution camera from this point on and each month until your 1 year anniversary. Photos should include multiple angles of the scalp. This will give you something to compare to in order to see the kind of growth/thickening you see from this point on.


I also encourage you to post detailed photos on this forum each month, which will enable members to provide you with their opinion.


If the clinic didn't take before pictures, I suggest seeing if you can find and present any pictures in your personal library that show your scalp before surgery from a top/down point of view. Also, pictures showing your scalp immediately after surgery would be helpful if you have them.


Thes above photos will help members provide you with a more detailed opinion.


Best wishes,



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