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Thinning temples and thin patches over sideburns?

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  • Regular Member


I have thinning at the temples and thin patches over the sideburns--like in front of the ear or right above the ear. Will this mean I'll progress to a NW5-7? Or do I have any hope of not going that far? Age 22 here. No one in my recent family history (at least Great Grandparents) were anything more than a NW5 or 6 at worst. No NW7s.


Father - NW 1, 2 at most. Perfect hairline for a man near 60.

Paternal Grandpa--NW 3 Vertex

Paternal Great Grandpa -- NW 1 or 2

Paternal Great Great Grandpa - NW 5 or 6

Paternal Uncles - None beyond a NW 3.


Maternal Grandpa - NW 1-1.5

Maternal Great Grandpa - NW 5 or 6

Maternal Uncle - NW 4 at most.

Maternal Great Uncles - Nothing more than NW 3 at most.

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  • Senior Member

At this point in time, thinning in the fronto-temporal region doesn't provide much information about your final Norwood pattern. What's more, although hair loss is genetic, the trait exhibits "variable penetrance" - meaning that the pattern of other individuals with the gene in your family doesn't define how your hair will thin. What's more, at 22, this could be a maturing hairline.


Because of this, I recommend a consultation with a trusted hair loss physician. This specialist will be able to analyze your scalp and determine what's causing the perceived hair loss. If the cause is genetic alopecia, they can recommend preventive measures (like minoxidil and finasteride) to stabilize and maintain.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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