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Nizoral over the counter 1% Gone

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  • Regular Member

I bought about four bottles of Nizoral 1% last yr when it came back on the shelves . I have searched all the local CVS, Walgreens , Target , Walmart etc.. and Nizoral is gone. I asked a pharmacist and he said you can only get 2% by prescription. I have used 2% in the past and it was too harsh . I really liked to use the Nizoral twice a week and Jason Tea tree the rest of the time. Does anyone know why J&J took Nizoral 1% off the market ? Also does anyone know of another shampoo I can use in it place ?

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You may want to research Revita shampoo, which contains the same amount (1%) of Ketoconazole.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I just wanted to chime in and say that I've been using Revita shampoo for about 2 1/2 weeks now, and I am really enjoying the product so far. It definitely seems to be making my hair a bit healthier (at least from my perception), and from what I understand is a lot less harsh than Nizoral?! You are actually encouraged to shampoo with the Revita at least 5 times a week, to which I follow the instructions. I am 4 months and a little over a week from my hair restoration with Dr. Rahal, and my hair seems to like the shampoo and the vitamins I am using in conjunction with it. Not that my opinion matters.....but for what it's worth........ =)

4737 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 11/16/2012


Daily regimen: 1/4 Proscar (1.25 mg Finasteride), Rogaine Foam (twice daily), 1000 mcg Biotin, 1 combo Vitamin D/Calcium/Magnesium, 1500 mg Glocosamine, 750 mg MSM, 1200 mg Fish Oil, 2000 mg Vitamin C, Super B-Complex, 400 I.U Vitamin E.


I am not a medical professional. All views and opinions expressed in this forum are of my own.

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