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Hair Cloning - A Reality?


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  • Regular Member

I spoke with DR. Bernstein last summer about having another procedure but unfortunately he told me that I didn't have enough donor hair available. He suggested I wait about 5 years until the method of hair cloning was perfected, that way each person would have an infinite amount of donor hair by just cloning it!


I was just wondering if anyone has seen any breakthrough in this area? Or maybe there are some surgeons that are looking at this and would like to shed some light.


Again I would like to thank the people who responded to my scar issue, I have emailed the doctors recommended on this site so fingers crossed.



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There are a few companies out there digging for this grail. Intercytex seemed to be the front runner until it recently got crappy results from a trial of another drug and now they seem at risk of folding.


I personally feel the biggest advancement and greatest financial gain will probably come from a genetically engineered MPB vaccine. This will prevent future generations of young men from experiencing baldness in the first place.


but yes seems all you can do at this point is hope that cloning becomes a valid therapy. you may want to see if you could get into some of the trials as they are announced.

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  • Senior Member

glen something does not add up... if Dr. B really had a strong believe that cloning would be perfected in 5 short years why would he not suggest you get the ht, since your limited doner wouldnt matter???? atleast when ARMANI was spitting B.S. to all his young patients about how close we were to a cure he was using it as a sales pitch to make them feel more comfortable about loading 4000 grafts in their hairline.


anyway i really want to HOPE Dr. B is right.. if not im screwed... HTs are junk

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