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rogain&facial aging

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  • Senior Member

Well there is really no way to definitively say that those wrinkles are from minoxidil use. If you stop using minoxidil the enzyme will stop being inhibited, but if minox did cause the wrinkles they aren't going to go away just because you stopped, so no if the wrinkles were caused by minox it is not reversible by stopping use. I have wrinkles on my forehead which are expression lines, my mom has the exact same lines, so I know I would have them no matter what because they have always been there. Minoxidil may have exacerbated the problem, but I am ok due to risk vs reward. I haven't seen any studies about whether or not the enzyme inhibition is localized to the area of application or if it is widespread due to systemic absorption so I really don't know if it is having any effect on collagen production anywhere except on top of my head. Like propecia you have to weigh the risks vs reward and decide if you are comfortable with them.

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