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Transplanted Hair Not Falling Out and Not Growing

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I got FUE transplant done a little more than 4 months ago. The transplant was the non-shaven kind - so I didn't have to shave my head before surgery. Just a few days after I got my transplant done I could feel tiny hairs all over the recipient area. And just as was explained, about 3-4 weeks after the transplant, the hairs started falling out.


What I didn't expect was that not all of the hair fell out. A large number.. a couple hundred or more, still remained on my head. I could feel the prickly hairs with my hands and fingers. Weeks passed and I could continually feel these hairs. Every now and then, a few more would fall out. What I noticed was that the hairs that were falling out 2-3 months after the transplant, were the same length as the hairs that fell out 2-3 weeks after the transplant. They never grew. And I could feel more of them still in my head and they always felt about the same length (probably about 0.7 mm).


The fact that after 3 months I could see no results, and the fact that I still had these non-growing hairs in my head got me worried. I started searching the web and even asked questions on this forum, but did not get an answer to this issue. I finally emailed my doctor.


The doctor told me that it was important for me to remove these hairs. That these hairs could be stopping new hairs from the follicle to grow. I told him that these hairs don't fall out, and that no amount of scrubbing or even scratching gets them off. He told me to use tweezers if I have to. So about 3 weeks ago I started using tweezers to remove the hairs. And to my surprise these hairs simply slid right out of my head. No resistance at all. The problem is, its not easy to find these hairs and to correctly grasp them with the tweezers because they are embedded amongst other hair.


Anyway I've been removing them slowly and steadily for the past 3 weeks. In fact, I removed a few just today, over 4 months after my surgery. These hairs, just like all the others are the same length (less than 1 cm) and have hook shapes at the end. They slide right out without any resistance as if they were just sitting in a hole.


I still have not seen much or any progress 4 months later, but I know I have to be patient. I just wanted to share my story in case others are also wondering why they have small hairs that aren't growing.

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