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Hair transplant decision (pictures)

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Hello Everyone,


I've been following this forum for 4 years now, which thorough it i have obtained significant knowledge about hair loss, transplants, treatements, and etc. However, this remains to be my first post EVER.


I'm currently 23 years old and have been expreincing hair loss since i was 18 (5 years). It all started after extensive usage of chemical relaxers when i was 17. In the beginning, the progress was slow until I wear a micro cylinder extensions for one year and half, where during that period I lost most of my hair. I haven't used any medications (Finasteride or minoxidil) until four months ago, nor had i undergone any transplant surgery in the past. During this year, after removing extensions in sept 2012 my hair loss haven't worsened AT ALL. I actually started seeing good improvement in the crown and mid-scalp after starting my regimen four months only!!! (Propecia and Rogaine 5%).


So, i recently took a decision to have a hair transplant and after extensive research in the past and recently, i narrowed my list of surgeons to Dr.Hasson, Sanusi Umar, Rahal, Feriduni, and finally Hakan Doganay. I so far met with Dr.Hasson only, who was extremely friendly and professional at his consultation. He said he will be able to extract 5000 grafts in one session to cover frontal area and mid scalp. however i ruled out a strip procedure even though i think H&W present the best results worldiwde, but there is too much risk for a strip scar given that i have thinning hair right above my ears and nape.


I started thinking of FUE supplemented with BHT to achieve my goals; given that i have very dark and dense beard with alot of chest, arm, and leg hair. I contacted Dr.Umar who was very kind to the point he responded to all my emails personally. He recommended three plans ranging from 1500-2000 Fue to obtain a conservative NW3 hairline and moderate coverage for the mid scalp and crown to a 7000-8000 Fue grafts to obatin an aggressive NW1 hair line and global coverage for midscalp and crown. Dr. Umar suggested to use the beard hair over a larger area so that it doesn't stand alone in the crown.


Recently, i saw various results for Dr. Hakan which were very impressive. As a result I contacted their clinic and they advised to undergo to go for a 4500- 5000 grafts with 1000 and 1500 beard hair respectively to be used in the crown. They claim that beard hair wouldn't stand alone in the crown because with time it adopts to its enviornement and becomes softer.


Saying all that, I’m seeking an advice about which surgeon to go with. Feel free also to suggest other surgeons from the ones mentioned above. Below, are attached pics of my current situation including one pic of my beard to illustrate its quality.







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  • Senior Member

Did dr hassan measure your donor??? Hairs per cm2, just interested as of you could use just head fue hair it would be much better than using any other type!! That's a good beard by the way!!! If your ruling out strip and want an fue procedure of 5000 grafts I'd say hakan would be the man as cost via Feriduni and rhal at that amount would be high!!

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Thank you for your response hairshopeing. Dr.hasson did not provide the details of the donor site but said i have both good hair characteristic and laxity. He assured that he can extract 5000 in one session. i'm not really concerned about the cost, all i want is a top notch work that would maximize donor and beard.

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  • Senior Member

Then at a huge session like that with no issue with cost, then go fue with dr Lorenzo who is. Currently in Madrid but moves to Manchester in September, his results are on u tube injertocapillar and on here!! For really big fue sessions I believe his yield and results are the best!! Of a smaller session I'd say dr Feriduni who I used for my hairline work but I havnt seen any results of 5000 fue plus from dr Feriduni so it's a no brainier with Lorenzo or hakan!!!

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  • Senior Member
Then at a huge session like that with no issue with cost, then go fue with dr Lorenzo who is. Currently in Madrid but moves to Manchester in September, his results are on u tube injertocapillar and on here!! For really big fue sessions I believe his yield and results are the best!! Of a smaller session I'd say dr Feriduni who I used for my hairline work but I havnt seen any results of 5000 fue plus from dr Feriduni so it's a no brainier with Lorenzo or hakan!!!

Yea if money was not a concern I would do this too (assuming you have the grafts).

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hey guys, i checked his work and it's very impressive. However, all of the 250 videos posted on their site and on youtube are of clients that have spectacular donor sites with exception to maybe 2 but are still a little bit above average. I've never ever seen this amount of patients with such donor sites. I guess that played the major role at delivering such results. plus, I don't think he uses beard hair at all.


@tacolinwest ya i know what you mean and that's why im planning to use beard hair to supplement the scalp donor and preserve it. For example, Dr.Hakan offered to extract 5000 grafts of which 1500 will be from beard.

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