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Avodart Excellerating Hairloss

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I have been on both Avodart 3days a week for the last 8 months and the rest finasteride. My hairloss has seemed to excellerate quite a bit over the last 2 months. Could the Avodart becausing this?

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Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


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Did you get your T levels and blood work checked? How is your scalp, itchy and oily or calm and relatively dry?

Also are you losing hair all over (including transplanted ones) or just in certain areas?

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I have been on finast for 4 years and started Dut 8 months ago. My hair does seem oily and kind of brittle lately. It is only the native hair that seems to be falling out. I just never saw my hair fall out so fast.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


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how are the calibers of the hair? are they thin miniatured ones shedding to be replaced by thicker ones, or already thick hair just falling out?


I would examine DUT's effects on your scalp and overall health and the type of hair being shed and then decide to drop it or not. how bad are the sheds btw, within the daily 30-50 hairs?

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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The hairs are mostly normal caliber. The shedding started about 2 months ago. Any other advice. I may double down and take it 5 days a week instead of 3 or drop it. I am torrn.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Did you experience an increased shed when you first added the Dutasteride?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Did you experience an increased shed when you first added the Dutasteride?


No. It seems that it just axcellerated hairloss since I have been on it and especially the last 3 months. Not really a shed per se.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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