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It worked for me, I'm happy!

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I had my HT in Feb 2014 with the well-regarded Farjo clinic (UK). After a few weeks research I decided to go ahead and a week after my consultation I was offerred a good price due to another patient cancelling.


Immediately after it was over I was full of buyer's remorse! I had a long scar, metal staples in my head and looked odd, and I paid $$$$ for this!


Four weeks later and looking very bald I kept visting these boards and reading posts to reassure myself that it's all normal. I also read expert opinions and the shedding period is normal - albeit hard to endure!


My scar healed well and after three months the hair started growing. A few more months and the growth continued.


It's now exactly six months to the day and I have good growth, I am happy with it. I no longer look bald and don't give my hair a second-thought, I feel much better in company. I hope there is still a little bit more growth to come but if not then I still consider it money well spent.


I was 46 at the time of the op and still had some hair at the top and dense sides and I hope at this age I will not lose much more native hair. I have never taken medication for any condition, ever (except for surgery) so the idea of taking hair medications is a non-starter for me, I value my health too much.


Every case is different so the only advice I will offer is that you should choose a good doctor.


I haven't posted any photos from the outset because I don't have the nerves of steel to deal with all the inevitable unfavourable opinions. The only opinion that matters to me is mine and the surgeon's.


Good Luck to all of you.

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Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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