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Dr. Shakti of Mumbai offering the infamous hair doubling technique


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From his bio page, Dr. Shakti seems fairly new to the game. Is anyone familiar with this surgeon? He has before and after pics, but they don't seem to be clearly categorized.


Here is the URL:


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I realize Dr. Nigam is on the lam, and I haven't seen any mention from Dr. Gho or Mwamba about this recently, but it's always nice to hope for an end to the struggle. Their website also discusses dermal papillae cultures with acell, a bit reminiscent of what has been previously attempted.


Am I correct to assume that transecting a stem cell or dermal papilla would reduce its caliber? Or is this only with in vitro culturing?


I am generally skeptical, but of course am curious.


Any thoughts?

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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  • Senior Member

From the lack of response it seems that people are not familiar with him.


By the same reasoning, I wonder if the ~10-20% transection rate that has been variably reported for FUE, when the surgery is done in the setting of PRP, would account for the reported donor regeneration people are talking about (ie. 'accidental' hair splitting).


Some of the more experimental surgeons out there are making some claims along these lines -- 70% regrowth, etc.


Has anyone who's had PRP with their surgery noticed better donor regeneration afterwards? (ie. follicles growing in where supposedly they were removed)

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Am I correct to assume that transecting a stem cell or dermal papilla would reduce its caliber?


Nobody knows mate, just if you damage hair follicle (totally or partially), follicle can not produce hairs. This is the reason why FUE surgeons discard damaged grafts during extraction process, ( and some grafts do not produce hair) It's the same during cutting process of FUT strips. More curliness, more damage, more discarded or unusable grafts.






Yes you are totally right, it means infamous marketing tactics.





I am generally skeptical, but of course am curious.

Has anyone who's had PRP with their surgery noticed better donor regeneration afterwards



To evaluate that, you should apply PRP one half of the donor areas, placebo to the other half and only after that you can compare. All the same to evaluate the effectiveness of PRP for better growth in transplanted areas.


Just note for now:



The conclusion here is correct, but the reasons, explanations are totally incorrect and they are misleading unfortunately.


If you are really so curious and wanna find the facts all about PRP, here is a starting point for you. Here you will find the end, and beginning from the end, have a journey to the beginning point -Is PRP a gimmick or effective?


Keratinocyte growth factor is required for hair de... [Genes Dev. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI

"Keratinocyte growth factor is required for hair development but not for wound healing.

We suggest that the redundancy in epidermal growth and wound healing is likely to stem from the vitality of these functions to the organism, a feature that is not a consideration for the hair follicle."


( I summarized the important points for you. If you need any assistance during your journey, I will be near you, just turn the lights on.)

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