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Doctors/Surgeons to be avoided.


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Dr. Shory in Birmingham, Alabama - the doctor for Latham's Hair Clinic.


It's really not that I think he's a hack, but I called them and quizzed about their procedures and I swear they are doing it the same as back in 1991. I'm sorry, but a bunch of 4-hair plugs springing from ones hairline isn't unnoticeable; and the 8-hair plugs in my crown made it difficult to sit anywhere but on the top row bleachers at any sporting event.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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It's amazing how a thread like this can attract a lot of replies and quickly.


If only my other more "technical" threads would do the same. icon_frown.gif


I just guess I'll have to be patient...

take care...



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Yes, don't be naive- this site promotes coalition docs, of which all are great, but they pay to be listed here. Some docs just don't want to buy into it. It doesn't mean they don't do great work. A website can create 'rules' that a surgeon must follow to be here but it doesn't mean surgeons that aren't here are not good. It just means they didn't meet the specifications for this site. In essence, they are advertising. I remember how not too long ago someone got on a Dr. Pistone for advertising (billboards, etc). What exactly do you think the coalitions docs are doing by posting here- it is advertising. It really is an easy concept. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Just understand that it comes down to business- plain and simple. Even if you are a great business, you still advertise- not doing so would be bad business. I know people may disagree with me, which I respect, however I do firmly believe this to be the truth. For example, every year my city has a magazine that puts out the city's 'top docs' which all other docs know is just political banter. Just the way the world runs.

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yes you are absolutely right New-me, but there is nothing new and groundbreaking here that you just said. most of the members in here are bright guys and they alredy know all that as it's nothing new to them.

since this web site has a lot of traffic from all over the world i'd say it's not such a bad idea for them to be "advertising" themselves and their work in here afterall. plus keep in mind that this is a 2-way street and if they mess up they'll get exposed. so it's not like that local magazine example that you compare this website to where after reading it you just drop it the garbage since you can't go that easy to the magazine's publisher and insist that you do not agree with their list for whatever reason. on the flip side, here you can log in from all over the world and express (in great details) your genuine concerns within few minutes and believe me that will get the attention of both parties really quick.

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I think you ought to go back and re-read my post.


It seems you are taking our recommendations and watering them down to simple advertising, which is far from how we do things here.


By very nature, advertisers purchase space to advertise their services. The only requirement to advertise is the willingness to pay the advertisers fee. Though plenty of other websites work this way, we do not. We've privately and publicly turned down a number of surgeons interested in recommendation who we felt didn't meet our standards. Our interest is in creating a recommendation list of solid, reputable surgeons regularly performing state of the art hair transplants with excellent results. This way those considering hair transplant surgery can be confident selecting a surgeon recommended by our community. Of course, we still recommend all those considering hair transplant surgery to diligently research all surgeons they are considering, hence the basis for why we have a discussion forum where real patients can share genuine experiences, good or bad.


Additionally, nowhere do we claim our list to be definitive, in fact quite the opposite. From our physicians standards page, it states:


"Important Note - The hair restoration physicians recommended on this site are not a definitive list of all excellent hair transplant doctors. Nor do we warranty or guaranty the results of any of the physicians presented on this site. As always, we encourage you to do your due diligence in evaluating these and all hair loss physicians."


Just like an elite educational university accepts only the best applicants, so we do accept only the best physicians. Conversely, not every bright and intelligent student applies to every university and nor is every quality doctor interested in recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network. However, much like a popular high esteemed university rejects a number of applicants, we decline physicians we feel don't meet our standards.


We don't hide the fact that surgeons recommended here pay a sponsorship fee. Those who work hard to cultivate this community deserve to make a living from it, just as anyone who works hard at their profession does too.


I hope this further clarifies how we run things in this community and that you don't confuse our website with a simple advertisement site.



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  • Senior Member

Bill is right.

What is most important to me is the educational aspect of this forum in which surgeons give their professional opinion as well as submitting article/journals for the members to read.

take care...



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  • Senior Member

All FUE only doctors should be avoided, for the simple reason that the yield is horrible and inconsistent. While a small FUE session for touch up may be ok, regular HT or megasession of FUE is not advisable.


With FUE, you may have a less noticeable scar, but you most likely end up with noticeably less hairs.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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Hey maxxy,

I been knowing about FUE for about a little over a month now and I really thought I was gonna go with this percedure cause of less scarring. I see alot of people are doing strips on the forum and I am thinking and seeing some after pictures of the donar areas of some people are healed up pretty good. I heal up pretty good, but I like hair cuts that are like #2 clip on the sides. I also came across something I read that, you will see faster results with strip then FUE. True? Anyone, if you have answers also. Thanks




Originally posted by Maxxy:

I believe he only does strip or did 4 months ago.

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  • Moderators

In New York and New Jersey, stay away from:

Dr Gary Hitzig

Dr John P Schwinning

Dr James J Malecka

Dr Paul M Goldberg

Dr Michael J Kassouf


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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There is no way to tell how your scar will turn out after a strip but in the right hands it should be minimal/pencil thin. (if you do everything right post-op)


Most people believe a strip is superior to FUE when it comes to growth yield, I've never heard of FUE procedures taking longer to grow.

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I had a strip.


There is a section on this site showing peoples photo's.


Link below.




Pk-hair, I'm not being funny but we are getting Mmhce's thread really off track, maybe you could start your own thread to address your questions?

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Bill- I am afraid my post came off as too critical. I think sites like this are fantastic for educating prospective transplant patients as well as providing a valuable forum to bounce concerns, thoughts, etc off a worldwide network of people with a vast array of experiences. Please understand that I personally think that is fantastic. I just wanted to stress that hair transplant is done very well by non coalition docs- just a choice for some physicians. I think this sight provides a valuable resource for those interested in one of the fantastic surgeons on this sight. My sureon was not a coalition doc, but he was the right choice for me- however, like you,after looking at Dr Hassons results- I have to admit, he has some great results and may be my 2nd HT guy

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