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Dr. Friedman – 5,791 Grafts - Norwood VI – 2 FUT Procedures – 3 Year Post Op

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Dr. Friedman performed a FUT on a 31 year old male, Norwood VI, who desired frontal restoration. Dr. Friedman artistically redesigned patient’s hair line working his way back to the crown. One transplant on Norwood class VI gives the patient an appearance of just beginning to thin. Dr. Friedman informed the patient that Norwood class VI typically needs 2 procedures to fill all areas of concern. The first procedure Dr. Friedman successfully transplanted 2,564 grafts. 840 single follicles were placed in temples, temple peaks and hairline; 1,724 follicular units were placed in patient’s frontal region, midscalp and vertex. The second procedure, 1 year post first procedure, Dr. Friedman successfully transplanted 3,227 grafts. 800 single follicular units were placed in hairline and temples; 1,724 group follicles were placed in frontal region and midscalp. Dr. Friedman used custom blades and strategically placed each follicular unit at the correct angle and direction creating the patient’s transplanted grafts to grow in a natural pattern.













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Given this patient's degree of hair loss, I think he got good coverage. His face is framed nicely and it looks great from the front and sides. A little Nanogen would help with the appearance of density but I'm sure must be happy with this result.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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