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Dr. Robert Dorin NYC - Corrective HT - Beard/Chest FUE

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This patient had gone through previous surgeries utlizing older technology - his goal to even out the choppy look of the larger grafts and establish more uniformity throughout the front. His scalp donor did not support a large procedure - he does have a viable beard and chest donor resource so this was mainly utilized. Dr. Dorin extracted manually a couple hundred from the scalp but mainly targeted the beard and chest region. 1295 grafts were extracted to enhance the front.


Dr. Dorin saw this patient at our long island new york office for follow-up and snapped an after pic that shows very good development even after just 5 months.






VP Patient & Media Relations for The Hair Loss Doctors by Robert J. Dorin 



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This client must be happy to have some good early growth and likely more to come at only 5 months. What is the graft breakdown beard/ chest?


Do you find beard grafts seem to grow without going into a dormant phase.


Does Doctor Dorin use a hand punch, do you use saline as a graft holding solution or another solution. Does Dr Dorin use intermittent fue, or extract all create sites, and plant as is the traditional method used by most. Has the client enough donor for further work towards the back?


Interesting case and the client looks hugely better at this early stage he must be elated



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Interesting case and significant growth at five months. Nice job.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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It looks like he still has a lot more beard hair that he can use later.


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(formerly BeHappy)

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appreciate the comments -


about a 50 /50 split between beard and chest


we do find that the beard goes dormant and reveries, however in this patient I suspect that they never shed in order to have such a full result at 5 months .


We use a proprietary bled of Bio enhanced solutions, not merely saline

VP Patient & Media Relations for The Hair Loss Doctors by Robert J. Dorin 



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Significant improvement with the amount of grafts utilized and at this stage. How does the chest donor area look now? How about the beard donor area as well? Great seeing repair by utilizing hairs from other parts of the body and when those hairs work in recipient zones.


Have you had a case where the donor of the scalp had shockloss from FUE extractions and came in for repair by you? Wondering if these partuclar hairs could be used to fix FUE donor areas where a patient may have extraction halos as a result of permanent shockloss from concentrated extractions?

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1295 grafts only!, holy smokes!!, this is a great improvement,specially there seems to be at least in limited views no kinkyness of beard and chest hairs which is normally seen. '


Patient must be a very happy customer.


Nice job doctor. Congratulations to both the surgeon and the patient.

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Many thanks for the reply. Looks to me like a great yield. I am aware Doctor Dorin has been using beard donor for a while now, this looks like a great result.


I often wonder if the results are indeed improved with your bio solution rather than the saline that the majority use. I have seen the stick and place, and intermittent fue used also, and wonder if this improves yield, as when the site is created the graft is placed immediately, usually by a tech. It seems to make sense that the yield would be better if the graft is out of the body less?


Thanks again for your reply, fyi I have had 3800 beard grafts placed into strip acell scars




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