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FUT 2901 Grafts by Dr. Steven Gabel 6/2/2016

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Looking back on it now I would probably say when I was about 22 my hair started thinning quite significantly. I really didn't actually notice it at the time and it wasn't until I was ~26 that I realized it was a serious problem and it started to bother me. I think I just didn't really realize it could effect someone so early on...


After reading articles posted here, on reddit (tressless section), and other misc forums I finally discovered A single surgeon in my area who had absolutely amazing feedback from everyone discussing him online. Dr. Steven Gabel (Gabel Hair Restoration Center). I feel like that is pretty rare the internet can be a cruel place. I bit the bullet after reading about others positive experiences with him and decided to have a consultation.


At the initial consultation he was honest, friendly, and overall put me at ease and gave me realistic expectations. He never once said anything that could be perceived as someone trying sell you something. He simply answered every question I had about the process, and set my expectations regardless of who I decided on having my surgery with.


This guy IS the real deal. Everyone online gave him glowing reviews, but i just can't do justice to how amazing he and his staff really are. he made me feel really comfortable and he seemed to really care about what he does and about educating others who want to know more without trying to sell the actual procedure at all. I actually scheduled the procedure that day in his office. That was how impressed I was with him and his staff.


I just completed my surgery and I am actually just a few days post op -- Everything has been going great. The surgery itself was a BREEZE -- I honestly have had MUCH WORSE experiences at the dentist. There was such little pain during the entire process I really wanted to slap myself for being so stressed out about it. I would say the worst part of the entire thing was the numbing injections and they weren't even that bad -- once they were done the following injections were hardly even noticeable, I would equate it to a pinch. The dentist has caused me MUCH more pain with needles. I actually fell asleep 3 times while they were putting the grafts in :). The only other difficult part was sleeping the first night, I took a single vicodin and slept 7 hours straight (i might have woken up once or twice but it wasn't all that bad). a Neck pillow is indeed a godsend for the first night.


MY BIGGEST Fear pre op was the removal of the strip, I've never had a broken bone, and i've never had a single stitch in my entire life. I was terrified. He actually removed the strip, sutured me up and then asked "Are you ready to take the strip out?". Not knowing he was already done I hesitantly said yes.. Worried about what was to come. He responded with "Would you believe me if i told you I was already done?". We both laughed, but I honestly couldn't believe the guy removed the strip from my head AND sutured me back up without me even knowing it.


He saw me for my 1 day post op after his staff cleaned my grafts/donor area/hair (OMG that was such a great experience, my 1 day post op appointment hair cleaning was honestly the best part of the entire process. I had no idea how good it would feel to have them clean my grafts and wash my hair/donor area.) At the 1st post op he wanted to make sure everything was going well due to some extra redness and oozing so he asked me to come in for another post op appointment the next day (a saturday none the less). This kind of worried me so i asked if i should be concerned and his response was just perfect it was something like: "While I'm really not too worried I just want to make sure everything is healing appropriately. This was why you picked me right? I am thorough." I knew I was truly being taken care of and he was going above and beyond to ensure everything was healing correctly.


When i went to my 2nd day post op appointment his staff was once again amazingly gentle and made me feel completely at ease. They washed my hair again (about the same kind of amazing experience as the first) and when Dr. Gabel came in and inspected my grafts he said everything looked great and then sat and chatted with me for 30-60 minutes answering all of my questions which made me feel great again about choosing him. The guy is truly impressive he really cares about his patients and you realize that pretty quickly. He spends as much time as you need answering any and all questions you have.


At the start of this i was not planning on posting anything to this website, mostly because I'm super shy and also because I really didn't want to talk about doing it as I felt I was being kind of vain. After reading supportive stories from others, and seeing some of the horror stories I wanted to put this out there so that others who may be in the area (or not) might pick the right Dr for their transplant. I also felt like this forum was super supportive and i used it to make up my mind about finally doing this and to find Dr. Gabel. I kind of feel indebted to everyone here, and to Dr. Gabel for allowing me to have such a pleasurable and stress free experience. Please if you are thinking about having an FUT transplant done and have any questions about the process or maybe you are in the west coast and have questions for me -- create an account and ask away.

Edited by MrBurns
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Great write-up and clearly a great doctor's experience. Maybe you can post some headshots as things progress. Happy Growing!

1,792 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on April 2-3, 2015

313 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on May 3, 2016 to make it perfect!!!

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I'll try to keep this updated as everything progresses.. here is me right now (2 days post op)


very little scabbing so far, and very little pain. I just re-read what i wrote, and I don't want it to come across like its unbelievable, but i really had that great of an experience with Dr. Gabel. I feel super lucky i found this website.


also-- My hairline choice was a bit conservative, and i'm glad i chose that as Dr. Gabel said it might provide denser coverage -- I've always had a high hairline and if it grows in like its implanted i will be absolutely ecstatic.


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I am surprised at how very little redness or scabs I seem to have 8 days post op. Here is a pic of me today. I think i am doing very well for only being 8 days out from surgery. I would like to think a lot of that is due to following Dr. Gabels instructions to the letter, and having such a great surgeon.


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Congratulations! Thanks for sharing such a detailed account of your experience. Dr. Gable is a class act and produces consistently excellent results.


Now release the hounds! :)

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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You seem to be healing really well. You and the doc have done all you can to ensure a good result, just got to let nature take its course now:)

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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Thanks everyone! :) once again I am really grateful I found this forum.


I took a pic today (10 days post op) as i feel like the recipient area looks almost completely healed. There is almost no redness or scabbing or anything that i can really see. The flash kind of makes the center look less filled in due to overexposing it. It looks more filled in in the mirror.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you for the reply, Squatch! I also need to thank you for such detailed posts documenting your experience/post op results. You were a HUGE contributor to me finally deciding to have this surgery :). You contributing so much to this forum and so many pictures/posts a year ago had a VERY big impact on me and helped me pick a Doctor, and to know what to expect surgery/post op wise, it also helped me feel better about doing it. Not to mention i probably dodged a bullet by not going somewhere that could have butchered me. Thank you again, Sir!



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18 days post op decided to post some pictures of results at this stage. There is a slight sensitivity to the back of my head still, not too bad just barely noticeable. The donor area looks a little pink still from what i can see in the pictures, but its really pretty well healed. The hair has started to shed, and its a sad thing to see happen even though you know its coming. I really started to like looking at the hair/buzz cut in the mirror. I feel like the next few months will go by very slowly, but in the end it will be well worth the wait.



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Hi & I am Thankful & other members here of you coming forward to tell your experience to date.

myself have only heard good reports about your Doctor & staff so if I was a betting man I would say your going to have a great outcome here as you shortened the odds of success by choosing a excellent doctor with a proven track record.

now you done that, its just a matter of science & letting nature take it's course.


Wish yoh a full recovery & happy growing....nice story & I'm sure wonderful ending.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm 4 weeks post op and I've been getting a few little pimples on my head that have been resolving themselves. there is still some numbness on the top of my head, the donor scar sometimes feels itchy but its mostly healed and I don't really notice it anymore. I've been noticing some little tiny black dots/hairs in new places on my head (can kinda see in the pictures) maybe that's new hair already growing? I don't know as it seems too early for that.


The first two pictures are how i look right now without anything in my hair, and the hair is kinda damp as I just got out of the shower. (no toppik or concealer)


The third and fourth pictures are of the donor scar with a small amount of toppik concealer spray (not the fibers) I'm glad its so easily hidden i was worried pre op about it as its the biggest giveaway that i've had something done (besides the fact that my heads shaved now)





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Seems like your making good progress & your hair seem to grow fast.

Looks like you still got some grafts holding on there after 4wks, dont concern yourself if they fall out though.

Pimples, redness, itchy, tightness is unfortunately part of the journey, it will subside soon enough.

Early days for you so get your mind fixed on something else like hit the gym a little more to get your mind of this stuff & even better stay off here until you want to update your progress say every 6wks.

heal well, happy growing.

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Thank you so much for the kind words and helpful suggestions :)


I've been doing cardio for the past 3 days and its helped a ton (mentally), I'll likely start hitting the weights again starting tomorrow.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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2 month update, not much to say, things seem to be healing really well, you can hardly tell there is a scarline and very little shockloss around the donor section. I'm very happy so far, some of the hair is even growing it seems like, and some never fell out. All in all... Very happy patient here.


first pic no flash, second pic flash. amazing how the thin hairs are virtually hidden by the flash lol. A little toppik spray can and it thickens them up to the point that it almost looks like a buzz cut! ill try and take a pic of that tomorrow maybe.



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donor area 2 months. Hair is a bit long so it would likely be hard to tell even if there were a lot of shock loss or something. but it seems to be healing well from what i can tell.. which isn't much since its int he back of my head :P



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you @ontop *CROSSES FINGERS I hope to get results like some of the others on this forum. This whole process has been stressful, but this forum and Dr. Gabels office really made it a LOT easier on me. They checked in with me the other day in fact and I'm just shocked at how amazing they have been throughout this whole thing!


None of the pics i've posted up until this point have been with Toppik. In case anyone were curious. with Toppik things are very well concealed (i think) maybe ill get around to posting a pic with concealer.

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