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  • Regular Member

Guys, I'm 1 year post op from my surgery with these people. Bottom line, awful result!


They were polite and clean and seemed professional but the transplant was a total failure.


Techs did most of the work. All the extractions and most of the implants.


Left hand side grew average to poor. Right hand side and front middle 10% yield.


Multiple doubles and triples were positioned at the edge of the hair line. Healing took forever and I'm left with a sand paper texture on my skin that you can see in certain lights.


They basically wasted 80-90% of my (supposed) 2100 grafts and left me with limited donor and a much more difficult repair procedure ahead of me. After that procedure I wont have any grafts left for further work down the line either so they've really screwed me over.


I've read that one of the senior techs was once the driver lol. Guys it's just a FUE mill. Muslum was the rep and struck me as a decent fellow. He's quit, probably got sick of answering pissed off emails for patients.


I'm just giving my 2 cents. No, I wont be adding pics. I can't be bothered. I know what the result is I don't need validation.


This is just a FYI for others so they don't make the same mistake I made.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
Guys, I'm 1 year post op from my surgery with these people. Bottom line, awful result!


They were polite and clean and seemed professional but the transplant was a total failure.


Techs did most of the work. All the extractions and most of the implants.


Left hand side grew average to poor. Right hand side and front middle 10% yield.


Multiple doubles and triples were positioned at the edge of the hair line. Healing took forever and I'm left with a sand paper texture on my skin that you can see in certain lights.


They basically wasted 80-90% of my (supposed) 2100 grafts and left me with limited donor and a much more difficult repair procedure ahead of me. After that procedure I wont have any grafts left for further work down the line either so they've really screwed me over.


I've read that one of the senior techs was once the driver lol. Guys it's just a FUE mill. Muslum was the rep and struck me as a decent fellow. He's quit, probably got sick of answering pissed off emails for patients.


I'm just giving my 2 cents. No, I wont be adding pics. I can't be bothered. I know what the result is I don't need validation.


This is just a FYI for others so they don't make the same mistake I made.





Hello monty3001


I knew It is late reply. Yes I quit but not because that I got sick of answering pissed off e mails from patients.

I got kicked out because I was keep asking him to do his job properly.

Also I was reporting him about bad result that recently we had.

He asked me called patient for second operation with no charge otherwise he wont take any action I was dissagre because they have been already did refund in the past so If patient doen't want to come for second surgery what can I do ? I did my best for him to bring patients for surgery he should have been done good job but he didn't do anyway I am not a doctor. on the other hand I asked my commission as well. Consequently he got pissed off becasue It was time to face his big mistakes.


You are right driver became a nurse that's true.


I kept in touch some patients most of them got bad results I just direct them to contact with clinic some of them got refund some of them agree for second surgery.


I also knew that there more good doctors out there who are charging 1 euro per each graft or less in Turkey.


I did this reply because monty3001 gave me the right to explanation otherwise I don't want to known with hakan anymore.

I am not medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice

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I'm sorry to hear about your experience and results, when did you have the procedure done? This position was recommended by our community for a while but because of the number of reported complaints and concerns, we ended up discontinuing their recommendation. I know that Dr. Doganay has claims that he has been more involved in the procedures now but I'm not sure if that's true or not. Also, he's been presenting examples of his work on this for him still to be reconsidered but posts like this concern me.

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  • Regular Member
I thought you quit because you didn't get paid or at least that's how it seemed when you made a thread about it.


Hello Wwii...


No I didn't quit I kicked off the reason I kicked off is for other issues I explained above then I asked my commission he paid me later after 2 weeks he offered me new agrement from facebook I have it as prove but I didn't accept so after 1 month he went to court no problem we are on court period we will see. The main problem is bad results from Doctor I sent a fews massage to bill still waiting a respond I made my report what I have in my report whatsaap chat between me and patients of course with pictures. I direct these patients to contact with clinic so some of them get refund some of them agreed for second surgery some of them still waiting for 1 year post-op


I was not working on operation side my due to was marketing, services ( answering e mails, follow after operation), coordination and representation.


I don't want to known with him anymore monthy give me a right to explanation otherwise I don't want to involved any topic that created for Hakan bad or good. I am still working in this field however Hakan was my first experience so this time I will be extra carefull I want to find out good doctors in turkey who is as good as recommended doctor here. Which will make a good competition the benefit would be a good job with acceptable price that's it.


Asmed is on the top there is an other doctor should be recommended here Dr. Ozgur Oztan HLC clinic

I am not medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice

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  • Senior Member
Hello Wwii...


No I didn't quit I kicked off the reason I kicked off is for other issues I explained above then I asked my commission he paid me later after 2 weeks he offered me new agrement from facebook I have it as prove but I didn't accept so after 1 month he went to court no problem we are on court period we will see. The main problem is bad results from Doctor I sent a fews massage to bill still waiting a respond I made my report what I have in my report whatsaap chat between me and patients of course with pictures. I direct these patients to contact with clinic so some of them get refund some of them agreed for second surgery some of them still waiting for 1 year post-op


I was not working on operation side my due to was marketing, services ( answering e mails, follow after operation), coordination and representation.


I don't want to known with him anymore monthy give me a right to explanation otherwise I don't want to involved any topic that created for Hakan bad or good. I am still working in this field however Hakan was my first experience so this time I will be extra carefull I want to find out good doctors in turkey who is as good as recommended doctor here. Which will make a good competition the benefit would be a good job with acceptable price that's it.


Asmed is on the top there is an other doctor should be recommended here Dr. Ozgur Oztan HLC clinic


I don't blame you to be honest. he's work is definitely not up to standard these days and the way he treated you wasn't fair along with the patients that went to him. it's sad that some "doctors" get like this. I just hope asmed keep the way they do things because he is undoubtedly the best in Turkey he's results are good so I'm not surprised you want to work for him. hope everything gets sorted.

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