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How many grafts?

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  • Senior Member

I'd say ~2500; maybe closer to 3k, though, depending on how much hairline work you want (it's kinda tough to really take a stab on that w/ the given pic). But, I see no reason why you shouldn't be mint after your next session!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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How many grafts you will need will largely depend on your goals. Feel free to use our animated graft calculator to help you determine the number of grafts you may need to help you meet your goals. There are however, a number of variables that the calculator does not take into consideration. Thus, this tool should never take the place of an in person consultation with a qualified physician.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member


The question you ask does not have a straight forward answer. There are many factors that go into deciding how many grafts are 'needed' for a hair transplant. I just posted a topic on 'How Many Grafts Are 'Needed' For a Hair Transplant Surgery'? in the open hair loss topics:


This post might be helpful for you to read.


There are many factors that need to be considered in deciding how many grafts are needed for each patient's hair transplant. A hair transplant doctor needs to take into consideration the following factors: will you allow you hair to be cut short, your age, your goals, your donor density, the sq.cm area of the scalp we are transplanting into, your hair caliber, your family history of hair loss, your response to medical treatment, your personal health history, and as our cases go longer and get larger the risk benefit ratio that is acceptable to you.

At Shapiro Medical Group we do have general guidelines which I have printed in the table below. These general guidelines are good for the average patient but sometimes our sessions will go larger and sometimes smaller then in these guidelines.




I do believe it is beneficial to do a session in which the grafts can be planted within 6 hours of being out of the body and try to limit the total time of surgery to 8 hours or less.


I suggest you have consults done at more then one of the clinics listed in this web sites recommended physicians. Most clinics do the consults for free and can do them over telephone if you do not live in the area. Then you should go with the clinic you feel the most comfortable with.

I hope this information is helpful.

Dr. Paul Shapiro

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  • Regular Member

Bill, Thanks for the calculator...I had not seen that. And, thank Dr. Shapiro for your guidelines. Very helpful.



By the way, 9 more days! I never did an in-person consultation so I can't wait to see exactly what Dr. Cooley decides I need to help reach my goals. However, after using the calculator and Dr. Shapiro's guide...I still think close to 3000 grafts will be needed.


Again, thanks for everyone's advice/help!




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