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Who is the best Body HT doctor in the US?


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Is Dr. UMAR the best body HT in the US? Thanks to 2 strip HT I had over a decade ago by a below average doctor I do not have enough donor hair left on my scalp. I already met with Dr. True who does some body HT but he turned me away. Is there any other doctor possibly in the Northeast that performs body HT like Dr. Umar?

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Why did Dr True turn you away?


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(formerly BeHappy)

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He told me I'm not a good HT candidate because I don't have enough donor hair. He actually recommend me to get SMP done by Dr. Pak in LA. Atleast he's honest not like some other doctors who are just looking to get paid no matter what the situation is. I began looking into SMP and got my 2 strip scars SMP by a very well known practiconer in NYC and it looks pretty good. I very hesitant on getting SMP on my scalp it scares the sh!t out of me. I don't need to make my situation worse by getting a bad SMP done on my scalp and looking fake and possible long term side affects. This is why I'm looking into body HT.

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If you're choosing BHT there really isn't any other choice besides Dr. Umar. Can you post some pictures? If a doctor already turned you away for having insufficient donor hair you may not be a candidate. Dr. Bhatti, Dr. bisanga, Dr. mwamba all perform BHT but no body has the experience that Dr. Umar has or the track record, keep that in mind.

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^^^^ I gotta agree with HTsoon there, from all the videos and before/after pics I seen Dr. Umar is head and shoulders above everyone else (when it comes to BHT).


There's a reason why this forum recommends him.


He also seems to have some kind of patented uGraft (whatever the hell that is).

If you watch his videos, it does make sense what he says.


Go to youtube and search for Umar and you'll see some of his results

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Thanks for the responses. I'll check out more of his youtube videos. I don't understand why he's really the only good BT doctor in the US. I'm from the New England area not an easy trip to go to his office in LA.

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I have seen 3-4 body hair transplants in person. Honestly I wasn't impressed at all. The hair doesn't look natural and almost appears almost like a pubic hair. One guy received 7000 grafts and probably just over half grew. Although there was a cosmetic difference it didn't look natural compared to the photos I saw before I met him. He spend around $70K and wasn't happy at all. I even met an old poster named Poet. Although he was probably the best one I saw but it was only 900-1200 in the crown if I remember correctly. Everyone had dots on their body, some better than others, others were able to cover it up with other body hair. One guy if I remember correctly told me for two years he wouldn't go to the beach because he hated people starting at this dots on his chest.

I was pretty excited before I saw body hair thinking that if I ever needed it I could use mine. After seeing results in person I would never get it done ever if I was paid to do it. My opinion is based on what I saw.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


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I agree with Lorenzo. You will not find many US doctors that do body hair because most of them don' t view it as a viable resource it just doesn't look natural. You should try to meet with a patient that has had this done and view it in person before considering having this done. I would never trust pictures or even video when it comes to body hair. There is a reason doctor True turned you away.

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  • Senior Member
I have seen 3-4 body hair transplants in person. Honestly I wasn't impressed at all. The hair doesn't look natural and almost appears almost like a pubic hair. One guy received 7000 grafts and probably just over half grew. Although there was a cosmetic difference it didn't look natural compared to the photos I saw before I met him. He spend around $70K and wasn't happy at all. I even met an old poster named Poet. Although he was probably the best one I saw but it was only 900-1200 in the crown if I remember correctly. Everyone had dots on their body, some better than others, others were able to cover it up with other body hair. One guy if I remember correctly told me for two years he wouldn't go to the beach because he hated people starting at this dots on his chest.

I was pretty excited before I saw body hair thinking that if I ever needed it I could use mine. After seeing results in person I would never get it done ever if I was paid to do it. My opinion is based on what I saw

But what about just beardhair as a filler amongst scalphair on the crown?? Wouldnt that look okay since its the crown anyways, and people dont really look there.


So lets say 2,000 grafts on the crown, of which 1,000 grafts are regular scalphairs and the other 1,000 are beardhairs

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I have never seen beard hair live. From what I see it seems quite positive but unless I see a few people in person I don't want to call it successful. My biggest concern is for someone that is clean cut whether the dots will be visible. I don't picture any doctor that can guarantee you wont see the dots. If the dots are exposed then you appearance will be comprised forever.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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I have never seen beard hair live. From what I see it seems quite positive but unless I see a few people in person I don't want to call it successful. My biggest concern is for someone that is clean cut whether the dots will be visible. I don't picture any doctor that can guarantee you wont see the dots. If the dots are exposed then you appearance will be comprised forever

But wont those dots eventually heal though?? Or are those little scars that last forever??

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But wont those dots eventually heal though?? Or are those little scars that last forever??

I think there are three things that could happen (my opinion)

1) no sign of anything right from the start

2) dots eventually fade and no signs at the end.

3) dots heal but still are visible.

Every extraction leaves scar tissue even if its very small. No doctor I can think can give you 100% guarantee that the dots will not be visible in the future. Ever done perfectly this depends on how you heal, color of your skin and how many extraction are done. Do you think any doctor that does beard hair will show an example where the dots are visible and permanent? I personally will never take the risk because I think if the dots don't heal perfectly you are going to look like a freak with 1000 dots under your chin. In that case the only optional you have is to grow a beard if you have enough hair left to do so. This is my opinion.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


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I had around 350 beard grafts taken from under my chin about a year ago. I don't have any visible scarring in that area unless you really get up close in the right light, but even then I can't tell if what I do see are from the grafts that were removed or if they are from shaving. I'm planning on using more beard hair grafts later this month. The beard hair that has grown started out much more wiry and curly than my head hair, but it calms down after a year or so and I can't tell the difference now. It actually grows longer and faster than my head hair.


I also used around 1000 chest hair grafts. The marks from those are slightly more visible than the beard area, but not enough to be noticed by anyone unless they get close to me and are looking for them. I did walk on the beach this Summer with no shirt and I didn't even have to think about it. The chest hair grows slightly thinner and slightly more wiry than the beard hair, but this also straightens out and falls mostly in line with my head hair after a while as well. It also grows very long too. I can still feel a small difference between the chest hair and my scalp hair at this point, but it seems mostly on the ends of the hair now, so I think after another hair cut there will no longer be a noticeable difference.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I had around 350 beard grafts taken from under my chin about a year ago. I don't have any visible scarring in that area unless you really get up close in the right light, but even then I can't tell if what I do see are from the grafts that were removed or if they are from shaving. I'm planning on using more beard hair grafts later this month. The beard hair that has grown started out much more wiry and curly than my head hair, but it calms down after a year or so and I can't tell the difference now. It actually grows longer and faster than my head hair.


I also used around 1000 chest hair grafts. The marks from those are slightly more visible than the beard area, but not enough to be noticed by anyone unless they get close to me and are looking for them. I did walk on the beach this Summer with no shirt and I didn't even have to think about it. The chest hair grows slightly thinner and slightly more wiry than the beard hair, but this also straightens out and falls mostly in line with my head hair after a while as well. It also grows very long too. I can still feel a small difference between the chest hair and my scalp hair at this point, but it seems mostly on the ends of the hair now, so I think after another hair cut there will no longer be a noticeable difference

2 questions, please:


1. Who was your BHT doctor??

2. Do you mind showing us some pics??

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  • Senior Member

I had around 350 beard grafts taken from under my chin about a year ago. I don't have any visible scarring in that area unless you really get up close in the right light, but even then I can't tell if what I do see are from the grafts that were removed or if they are from shaving. I'm planning on using more beard hair grafts later this month. The beard hair that has grown started out much more wiry and curly than my head hair, but it calms down after a year or so and I can't tell the difference now. It actually grows longer and faster than my head hair.


I also used around 1000 chest hair grafts. The marks from those are slightly more visible than the beard area, but not enough to be noticed by anyone unless they get close to me and are looking for them. I did walk on the beach this Summer with no shirt and I didn't even have to think about it. The chest hair grows slightly thinner and slightly more wiry than the beard hair, but this also straightens out and falls mostly in line with my head hair after a while as well. It also grows very long too. I can still feel a small difference between the chest hair and my scalp hair at this point, but it seems mostly on the ends of the hair now, so I think after another hair cut there will no longer be a noticeable difference.


Thank you for supporting my point. Body hair and beard hair does grow differently and has a different texture. I am sure in some cases its not a big deal and in others it is. Your honestly is appreciated concerning visible dots. I am happy in your case its not a big deal but its important that people understand that this is a strong possibility and will vary per person.

I read your story and you have been through a lot. I am happy you are content with your outcome.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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I have never seen beard hair live. From what I see it seems quite positive but unless I see a few people in person I don't want to call it successful. My biggest concern is for someone that is clean cut whether the dots will be visible. I don't picture any doctor that can guarantee you wont see the dots. If the dots are exposed then you appearance will be comprised forever.


Your expectations are too high. Whether a patient has the individual grafts removed for transplantation or if he has a strip taken out, there will be some amount of scarring. This is the nature of hair transplantation. FUE will have subtle dots, and for a good surgeon, a strip will be minimal.


I've had two stages of HT with Dr. Umar. In both, portions of the donor were taken from the lower part of the beard area, under the chin. When I am freshly shaven I can see the faint markings from where the grafts were taken. Perhaps someday I'll have fraxel done to resurface the area if it would work. In my small anecdotal experience, when I ask people if they noticed any dots on the lower mandible, the answer I get is that no, not until I pointed it out.


Lorenzo, I think you are guilty of having too sharp an eye for these minimal defects. I have it too. I readily notice the stage of baldness that other people are undergoing, whereas years ago, before I ever thought about HT, I was unschooled in how much balding such a person was set up for and if they had any hope in a successful HT. When I see a "smiley face" scar on the back of someone's buzzed head, I know exactly what it is.


My advice for those who are thinking on using body hair to build up density, see if it's possible to mix the BHT with head hair, as that camouflages it better. But if you are thinking to add alot of it in to a very bald area then consider sporting a short haircut so that people like Lorenzo won't be able to tell the difference.

Edited by AB2000
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...The beard hair that has grown started out much more wiry and curly than my head hair, but it calms down after a year or so and I can't tell the difference now. It actually grows longer and faster than my head hair....


I guess this is why beard hair never seemed a realistic future option, at least for me. My beard hair is pretty much identical to my pubic hair, in both texture and color. Even mixed in with other scalp hair, it didn't seem like it could work. Chest hair seems a bit better match for me.


Interesting to read that it calms down and takes on scalp hair characteristics though. Fascinating, really.


Also, typing this out really has me rethinking the current beard.

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Guys, thanks for all the responses. I would not use beard or even chest hair. I don't need to make my situation worse having little dots all over my chest or under my chin. Maybe this has worked out ok for some. I would only use hair from my upper thighs or leg area if possible. Like some of you guys mentioned most HT docs do not do body HT for good reason.


I'm 40 years old, NW 5 and don't know what the hell to do at this point. I have looked into SMP which Dr. True actually recommend to me. I already SMP my 2 strip scars by a well known practicener in NYC that came out pretty good. I'm not sure if I will SMP my scalp.

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Your expectations are too high. Whether a patient has the individual grafts removed for transplantation or if he has a strip taken out, there will be some amount of scarring. This is the nature of hair transplantation. FUE will have subtle dots, and for a good surgeon, a strip will be minimal.


I've had two stages of HT with Dr. Umar. In both, portions of the donor were taken from the lower part of the beard area, under the chin. When I am freshly shaven I can see the faint markings from where the grafts were taken. Perhaps someday I'll have fraxel done to resurface the area if it would work. In my small anecdotal experience, when I ask people if they noticed any dots on the lower mandible, the answer I get is that no, not until I pointed it out.


Lorenzo, I think you are guilty of having too sharp an eye for these minimal defects. I have it too. I readily notice the stage of baldness that other people are undergoing, whereas years ago, before I ever thought about HT, I was unschooled in how much balding such a person was set up for and if they had any hope in a successful HT. When I see a "smiley face" scar on the back of someone's buzzed head, I know exactly what it is.


My advice for those who are thinking on using body hair to build up density, see if it's possible to mix the BHT with head hair, as that camouflages it better. But if you are thinking to add alot of it in to a very bald area then consider sporting a short haircut so that people like Lorenzo won't be able to tell the difference.




I am only stated my opinion. Body hair is based on what I have seen and as I stated I have never seen beard hair. I am sharing my thoughts and concerns. Can any doctor guarantee that you wont be able to see any visible signs on your beard? Unlike donor harvest in the back of your head this scars can be covered up by hair.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


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Dr. Umar emailed me back. Below is my question to him and his response

(I have no idea why he called me Mr. Hans....LOL):


Hi Dr. Umar,


I am considering having a partial scalphair and beardhair transplant done on my crown.

I figure it would take about 2,000 grafts to cover the bald spot up.


My only concern is scarring or tiny dots left on neck from the beardhair transplant.

Is this a common problem, or do you rarely encounter this??


Hello Mr Hans,

If done properly, the healing sequalae is typically seamless. Kindly complete our free online consultation form so i can make recommendations specific to your situation.

Free Hair Restoration Online Consultation - DermHair Clinic Los Angeles

Read about BHT healing here:



Example of a patient after 4500 graft extraction:



In the meantime feel free to browse examples of our work in this page:




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