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I'm mid forties and have been losing hair for 10-15 years. For any number of reasons, I'm interested in doing something now. Spoke with a Dr in Houston about FUE last month and it seemed like a good situation (until I came here and found the debates). Cost was going to be about $11,000 to cover about half of what I have missing. Big chunk of change, so I looked into outside the US. (That's how I found this site). I have tried Rogaine, store brands, even a few home remedies, but to no avail. Just checking into options.



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You are in the situation I was in year and half ago. Though your donor appears thicker than mine was. I suggest first try some Finasteride for few months to see if you have any sides. In those 6 months do as much as research you can do and then decide. Many N American docs will either reject you or suggest sparse coverage. There are could who would agree to do your HT but most likely be prohibitively expensive unless you have plenty of extra cash to spare. Your best bet is to eventually find someone who does BHT (Scalp + beard and/or other body hairs like chest,axilla etc..).


If planned appropriately a good result may be achievable. Good luck to you.

My Thread: 


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  • Senior Member
I'm mid forties and have been losing hair for 10-15 years. For any number of reasons, I'm interested in doing something now. Spoke with a Dr in Houston about FUE last month and it seemed like a good situation (until I came here and found the debates). Cost was going to be about $11,000 to cover about half of what I have missing. Big chunk of change, so I looked into outside the US. (That's how I found this site). I have tried Rogaine, store brands, even a few home remedies, but to no avail. Just checking into options.


Looks like your hair can be saved with Propecia and Rogaine


Rogaine 2x/day no lapses for one year

To judge results


Propecia 1x day no lapses for one year

To judge results


You will be impressed by results from these two meds only if used in this manner

Then and only then decide on HT


I would not consider any survey before doing this

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Sir Chris,


A combination of Propecia and Regaine (Minoxidil) will help preserve what you have got left and the Fin will help to reverse the miniaturization of the hairs on top of your head. However, in my opinion its probably too late to make any drastic difference, you are simply too far gone.


The only way to get the look you want is now through surgery. It make sense to concentrate on your hairline and frontal third, you don't appear to have enough donor to have a mega session to cover all your balding areas.


There is the option of using beard and chest as mentioned by Harin, his result alone should give you some hope if this is indeed an option.


Wishing you all the best, please feel free to throw any questions at me.

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Sir Chris,


There are a few people who will have negative side effects to Finasteride, that's a fact, I've met a few myself. I always advise patients to give it a try for a few weeks, if it doesn't agree with them, then to reduce the dosage/frequency. If they still have issues then its best to stop altogether.


Saying that, I myself had minor side effects but I just 'rode the storm' and after a month or so I was alright, that was more than 2 years ago and I still pop a 1mg pill every other day now just to help preserve my native hair.


We are all different and our bodies will react to different drugs in different ways, I guess you only really find out if you give it a go.

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  • Senior Member
I'm mid forties and have been losing hair for 10-15 years. For any number of reasons, I'm interested in doing something now. Spoke with a Dr in Houston about FUE last month and it seemed like a good situation (until I came here and found the debates). Cost was going to be about $11,000 to cover about half of what I have missing. Big chunk of change, so I looked into outside the US. (That's how I found this site). I have tried Rogaine, store brands, even a few home remedies, but to no avail. Just checking into options.


Dude I'm a straight talker, forget these clowns telling you to take propecia and rogaine it's going to do nothing for you, your more and less bald on top, you have 2 options shave your head and move on with your life or commitment to a hair transplant long term, that is the truth



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Dude I'm a straight talker, forget these clowns telling you to take propecia and rogaine it's going to do nothing for you, your more and less bald on top, you have 2 options shave your head and move on with your life or commitment to a hair transplant long term, that is the truth




I did come here to do some research and get more opinions. That being said and with all due respect to all who have commented, I will have to agree with you on the drugs. It was a good 10 years ago or better I used Rogaine and was steady for about a year. Nothing. Actually, it got worse. Propecia scares the hell out of me with side effects. I don't like the idea of fut (I believe) where a chunk of scalp is removed and replaced. Fue sounds like a nicer option. I'd like to find some guys who had it done a few years back to see how it lasts.

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Glad you agree with me your not one on these people that think drugs are going to give you a full head of hair thats a good start.


Now I actually think your a good candidate for a transplant because your hair loss is severe enough to warrant basically in my opinion your not going to loose nomore


I know you don't want a scar but FUT is the best option to start with it yields better results and your get more hair from your donor without it looking moth eating because your probably need multiple surgerys before your content with your results. I'd only use fue when your low on grafts and in the last stages of densing up your hair.


What ever your decide to do best of luck

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At this point, be very careful. You do not want to chase repairs. You need a lot of coverage. If the FUE does not yield well, it will take away a lot from your donor and you could end up patchy with halos in the donor area as well. This is also true if it is done wrong. We can all hope cloning comes through soon. If you do approach surgery, do it in small sections and no doubt it will be multiple surgeries to create some sort of illusion. This should not be approached as a one and done procedure. You may not have enough to cover the crown unless you use alternative hairs from other locations of the body. Good luck.

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