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27 yrs old- Wait for cure, shave off, or transplant?

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Hey guys, so I've tried rogaine and fin. Unfortunately I got sides with fin and will never take it again.


I'm at a norwood 3 probably and I'm receding from the front and have 2 bald spots on the back of my head. I'm wondering If I should get a hair transplant that will hopefully last me 6-10 years. I care more about the front then the back. Let's say I were to get a hair transplant and then some hair cloning cure or a cure came out. How would my HT affect this cure ? Would there be issues?



Or would it just be better to shave it off and wait for a cure or something better than rogaine/ fin within the next 3-6 years?


The main reason I'm thinking of a transplant now is so I can have hair during my youth. I'd love to hear your guys thoughts. Thanks

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  • Senior Member

I'm afraid no magic bullet is near, gene splicing someone outside the womb ain't possible at the moment. The advent of designer babies may make it possible to omit hair pattern baldness genes from future generations, but who knows.


If you're not going to do finasteride or minoxidil I'm afraid a transplant is a moot point, you'll progressively get more bald without preventative measures, and you'll undermine the results of the procedure.


So you can either give finasteride a second chance and consult a doctor about dosage and then consider a transplant or else shave your head.


Those are your blunt options.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Senior Member

How advanced is the MPB in your family history? If it is in the advanced classes of the Norwood scale, then Speegs makes a practical point because MPB is progressive and you will lose more hair as time passes and especially so without the use of low dose finasteride.


Possibly consult with your doctor about starting the medication at a reduced dosage and slowing increasing it over time.


If the hair loss in your family history is minimal, you may be able to get by with several HT procedures over the upcoming years.


The reality for most of us men with MPB is that we will need several HT sessions over our lifetimes because MPB is a lifelong journey.


Waiting for a so-called cure may be futile at best.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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27 y/o, not taking fin, "most of the top" receded hairline and crown is going too. You probably shouldn't get a HT. You haven't told us what your family history is though.


In any event, there are some promising treatments coming. RCH-01 (shiseido) has shown efficacy and is in phase 3 trials right now, we'll know the results around Q2 of 2018. Tsuji seems to have recently successfully developed an expansion method for hair follicle derived stem cells which has been a major stumbling block up until now, he's talking about 2019-2020 but as we all know, talk is cheap when it comes to hair loss treatment promises. If he pulls it off it'll be a functional cure though, we'll be able to implant new follicles that will mature and grow in.


If you can't take fin because of legit sides then that's one thing, if you refuse to take it on principle then you'll only have yourself to blame for becoming a bitter baldcel 30 something year old.

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