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Dr.Hakan DOGANAY 2800 Grafts with MANUAL FUE / Hair and Beard Transplant


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I have got my hair and beard transplant operation on 25 and 26th of September, 2017 with Dr. Hakan Doganay. In total, 2800 grafts were implanted, 2100 for my scalp on 25 of September and 700 grafts for the beard on 26th of September.



Like most of the hair transplant candidates I was very excited about my hair transplant on the first visit of the AHD clinic. Dr. Hakan examined my donor area and he mentioned that I have a good donor to have operation. Then, I asked the questions about the operation, he walked me through the operation. This consultation lasted about 30 minutes. In the consultation I asked manual FUE and only donor shaved operation which I needed for returning back to my work faster.


Finally, my blood tests were taken in the clinic and my 3 days hair and beard transplant journey was started!



First Day

After the consultation with Dr. Hakan Doganay, my operation was stared by shaving my donor. Dr. Hakan did local anesthesia to my donor area. The pain was bearable. They start taking grafts from my donor one by one with manual punches. In 2.5 hours, they took 2100 grafts and we had about 30 minutes lunch break.


After the lunch break, Dr Hakan started to implant grafts one by one. The implantation was done by Dr. Hakan only. I think implantation took about 2.5-3 hours.


Then, they arranged me a private room at the hospital where I rested during the day. I was imagining more pain on this day during night but pain was not that big of deal.


Second Day

On the second day, my beard transplant was started by taking 700 grafts from my donor for my beard. The steps were same as the first day. This time operation was shorter than the first day. Again, I rested in my room after the operation.


Third Day

My first wash is done by a staff at the clinic and Dr. Hakan informed me about my after operation steps.



It has been about a month since the operation. Surprisingly, I lost not much hair in the shock lost. In beard, the shock lost almost did not happen.

For now, this is all. I am going to update my pictures regularly.





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