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1600 Grafts with Dr Ali Emre Karadeniz

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Started experiencing hair loss at about age 17. By the time I was 26, most frontal area was gone (heavier on the sides). Did not use any type of medication, including Rogaine.


I visited about 6 clinics to potentially get a hair transplant. Each doctor assured me my hairline would be back to normal and that I shouldn't really worry about looking like my former self before. For some reason, I held off from having any surgery.


By November 2016, my receding hairline had become noticable. I visited 2 more clinics and neither of them really convinced me - not that I needed convincing, I was ready to go under anytime at that point mind you.


Then, through my cousin, I came across Dr. Ali Emre Karadeniz, who within the first 10 minutes of my visit right off the bat told me that my receding hairline would not look like it did. Ever.


After the initial shock, I got more interested since he was the only one telling me a different thing. Upon asking for elaboration, he explained how if I got my hairline back to its former state, it would look unnatural and that he would gladly do it if I really wanted to but it would look awkward and just overall wasn't a long-term plan. He explained how no other clinic is really willing to tell you that once you have your frontal hairline back, the rest of your scalp is receding too and in 10 years or so, you're left with hair only at the front of your scalp - and none on the rest of your head.


His brutal honesty is what sealed the deal for me. Once I gave him the OK, he drew on my scalp a line which was way further at the back than where the rest of the doctors drew.


I underwent the operation on 30th Jan 2017. The results are visible and I couldn't be happier. I've since accepted the fact that I will always have a hairline that's at the back than the rest, but it looks natural and I'm very satisfied with the results. I didn't think this was possible with this little amount of grafts (about 1600) but apparently every graft survived the operation.


P.S. As you can tell from the attached pictures, the rest of my scalp is receding rapidly. I am considering another transplant sometime in the next 5 years or so - and Dr. AEK is definitely my first choice.
























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  • Senior Member

Great plan and great work! I've always though Dr. Karadeniz performed excellent hair transplantation. Congrats!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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