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2052 Graft FUT Procedure with Dr. Glenn Charles


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I figured I would post the before and after pictures of my procedure for the community. I thought about having a hair transplant for a long time and Dr. Charles and I stayed very conservative with our approach, but I'm still expecting great results in a few months. I had a very receded hairline, and if you look at my Propecia album from 10 years ago you'll see it has always been extremely receded but has since stabilized thanks to Propecia. And yes, the penis works just fine.


I thought about getting this procedure since I was 26 (currently 35), so it is bizarre to finally be on the other side of having a hair transplant. The procedure was fairly painless. I didn't mind the anesthesia at all, but the last hour of the surgery became slightly uncomfortable because the donor area was tender and I was still on my back as they were inserting the final grafts. Apart from the first two nights where I definitely needed the painkillers to lay down on the donor area, recovery was a breeze.


I had another doctor, who works with a plastic surgeon in Jacksonville, take out the sutures and both she and my hair stylist( who is from Miami and has seen a lot of bad transplants) believe Dr. Charles did an exceptional job with the donor area. It's honestly a pain in the ass to attempt to find the donor area to show family and friends-- I believe that is a very good problem to have.


I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Charles and his staff and I hope the final results match the quality of my procedure. My first contact with their office was in 2011, so to say that they were patient and took time to answer all my questions is an understatement.


Overall, the procedure was fun! People back home cannot believe how clean and minimal the procedure appeared when I drove back to Jacksonville the following morning.


I am not going to update every month, but I will update at month 4 or 5 as the results begin to manifest. My fingers are crossed that I am a fast grower, but I've read enough of these threads to know to trust my doctor at this point and enjoy the recovery and growth, even if my growth is on the slower side of life. I added more pictures, but they did not show up for some reason. If anyone is interested, they are in my photo album.


Videos of my procedure can also be viewed at drglenncharles on his Instagram page if you are interested. I look pretty dumb, but if it helps you it's worth it ;) If anyone in Florida is considering a hair transplant and has any questions please feel free to message to me.









Edited by kaliber
wanted to add some details
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I actually do not have any pictures of my scar.  I attempted to take a picture for you but I can't seem to find it.  I had a different plastic surgeon in Jax remove my sutures since Dr. Charles office is four hours away and she thought he did an excellent job.  I can still feel the internal sutures as I don't think they are completely dissolved yet.  It feels like there is a raised section of my head where the scar is, but I'm struggling to photograph this area.  I can barely get my friends and family to see the scar when I show it to them.  In a few months, when I update the rest of the pictures I'll get someone to run a comb through my hair so we can get a better idea of the quality of the scar.  I hate to say this, but it does seem like I'll get close to that "pencil thin" quality scar that people claim does not happen.     

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  • 3 weeks later...
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It's so weird;  I never understood why people don't post updates but after going through the dance I get it.  I've had results, and in my opinion, pretty damn good results.  However, they are not as good as the chia pet results that are always posted to this site.  I've realized this website mainly posts only the very best results.  Apart from skill of the doctor, I now understand that individual hair transplant also have a huge luck factor.  All my graphs have grown in, but compared to guys with smaller foreheads or thicker natural hair, anything I post to this page is going to be criticized and I don't feel like dealing with the bullshit.  

My transplant was great and it has transformed my life.  I'm way more confident, no one knows what I did, and the people who I have told think it looks really great.  I also know I would like a 2nd procedure eventually to lower my hairline a little more and to add a little more density because I have naturally thin hair.  

Maybe I'll post some pics in the future.  But honestly, I don't think about hair loss anymore nor does it consume me like it used to.  That's a major fucking win.  I fully reccomend Dr. Charles and don't think you should take the risk going to Turkey or advise spending 20 grand just because you think the quality of your magical hair transplant will be that much better.  

Research your doctor.  Talk to some patients.  If it bothers you enough, get a hair transplant.  If money was no object, I'd do a second procedure in June.  However, I'm going to pay off grad school first.  I don't feel bald anymore.  I just feel like I have a naturally high hairline and I can live with that.  I'm more concerned with being ripped than I am with my hairline and that is an awesome feeling.    

Good luck to you guys.  


Edited by kaliber
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  • 10 months later...
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On 1/24/2019 at 5:39 AM, kaliber said:

It's so weird;  I never understood why people don't post updates but after going through the dance I get it.  I've had results, and in my opinion, pretty damn good results.  However, they are not as good as the chia pet results that are always posted to this site.  I've realized this website mainly posts only the very best results.  Apart from skill of the doctor, I now understand that individual hair transplant also have a huge luck factor.  All my graphs have grown in, but compared to guys with smaller foreheads or thicker natural hair, anything I post to this page is going to be criticized and I don't feel like dealing with the bullshit.  

My transplant was great and it has transformed my life.  I'm way more confident, no one knows what I did, and the people who I have told think it looks really great.  I also know I would like a 2nd procedure eventually to lower my hairline a little more and to add a little more density because I have naturally thin hair.  

Maybe I'll post some pics in the future.  But honestly, I don't think about hair loss anymore nor does it consume me like it used to.  That's a major fucking win.  I fully reccomend Dr. Charles and don't think you should take the risk going to Turkey or advise spending 20 grand just because you think the quality of your magical hair transplant will be that much better.  

Research your doctor.  Talk to some patients.  If it bothers you enough, get a hair transplant.  If money was no object, I'd do a second procedure in June.  However, I'm going to pay off grad school first.  I don't feel bald anymore.  I just feel like I have a naturally high hairline and I can live with that.  I'm more concerned with being ripped than I am with my hairline and that is an awesome feeling.    

Good luck to you guys.  


Hey Kaliber, do you have any updated pictures since you did this?

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  • 1 year later...
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I indeed took a hiatus.  I updated the site with some pictures.  I feel like my initial review was a little salty with too much profanity.  I really do not think or obsess about hair loss like I did before my procedure.  That's why I haven't been to the site.  It's bizarre, I used to frequent these sites so often that it bordered on obsession.  I occasionally think I need some more density, but honestly I just live my life now and it's wonderful.  I've realized that being short and my face may have been bigger obstacles to the physical side of dating than my hair ever was!  LOL.  

Life is really good.  I'm almost three years out and it was one of the best decisions I've made.  The peace and quality the procedure has brought to my life cannot be understated.  If you are in Florida, I totally recommend Dr. Charles.  He's great.  Alexia is also amazing and will take the time to address all of your concerns.    

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16 hours ago, kaliber said:

I indeed took a hiatus.  I updated the site with some pictures.  I feel like my initial review was a little salty with too much profanity.  I really do not think or obsess about hair loss like I did before my procedure.  That's why I haven't been to the site.  It's bizarre, I used to frequent these sites so often that it bordered on obsession.  I occasionally think I need some more density, but honestly I just live my life now and it's wonderful.  I've realized that being short and my face may have been bigger obstacles to the physical side of dating than my hair ever was!  LOL.  

Life is really good.  I'm almost three years out and it was one of the best decisions I've made.  The peace and quality the procedure has brought to my life cannot be understated.  If you are in Florida, I totally recommend Dr. Charles.  He's great.  Alexia is also amazing and will take the time to address all of your concerns.    

Can you share some pictures?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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20 minutes ago, kaliber said:









You look freaking awesome man, I don’t know where that old post came from, but that’s an amazing result 👏🏼 Dr. Charles did an excellent job 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Some men don't need major changes to their hair to completely change their feelings and outlook about their hair loss. Even a small improvement can sometimes make it much easier to style your hair without trying so hard to cover bald areas and sometimes more importantly is the feeling that you are no longer worried about losing your hair and how bad it's going to look next year or the year after. Just the idea that you did something about it that made an improvement is a great feeling for some men. It can be even better when it doesn't totally change the way you look when you see yourself in the mirror. You still look like you, but a little bit better version of you. 


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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haven't been around for a couple of years but maybe i can help w the thin hair issue.  i had 3 HTs w Dr Pathomvanich in Bangkok starting in January 2017.  a year later the second and another year later the 3rd.  my hair is also extremely fine and this doesn't help in regards to a full natural look.  what helped immensely is using Minoxidil in pill form.  the Minoxidil made my hair thicker and there's more of it.  it's not a subtle change either.  i can tell there's more hair on my back,  arms and hands so it must also be increasing the hair on my head but the main thing is it's much thicker.  so you might try the Minoxidil pill to thicken your hair up.  i haven't noticed any side effects and i've been using it daily (5mg) per day,  for 2 years.  it works.  the topical solution does not. hope this helps some guys.  

i also tried Finasteride and thought it destroyed my libido.  as soon as i noticed i stopped using it. watch out for that stuff.  the libido loss from Finasteride can be permanent.

otherwise i think your photos look great and congrats.  getting your hair back is like finding something special you thought was lost forever.  everyday it feels good to have it back.  


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Kaliber the way to measure a hair transplant is how natural it looks. That is for it to look unremarkable. You have achieved this in spades. Personally I wouldn't alter what you've got because their is no way I could tell that you have had the need for a hair transplant. Little things like a slightly higher hairline are the very things that make a hair transplant look 'natural.' Thanks for sharing!

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ZIker-  I've been using minoxidil and finasteride since I was 25.  Men should use these things before they ever consider a hair transplant.  I would argue this is why I'm maintained as much hair I have.  The libido loss from finasteride in my opinion is bs.  There are so many reasons men can have libido loss and finasteride is an easy scapegoat to blame for the problem.  Millions of men take that medication with absolutely no problem.  

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1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

Kaliber the way to measure a hair transplant is how natural it looks. That is for it to look unremarkable. You have achieved this in spades. Personally I wouldn't alter what you've got because their is no way I could tell that you have had the need for a hair transplant. Little things like a slightly higher hairline are the very things that make a hair transplant look 'natural.' Thanks for sharing!

I wouldn't mind it being lowered some, but I have to consider that my hair loss can still progress and I might need more transplants down the road. So, the conservative approach works for me.  We still live in a day and age where we are all limited to our availability of donor grafts.    

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6 hours ago, kaliber said:

I wouldn't mind it being lowered some, but I have to consider that my hair loss can still progress and I might need more transplants down the road. So, the conservative approach works for me.  We still live in a day and age where we are all limited to our availability of donor grafts.    

Amen 👏🏼 Refreshing to see such a smart approach. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • 3 years later...
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This is actually a really good result from Dr Charles. It’s a shame he doesn’t do work like this anymore… his older FUT’s and ARTAS results were much better than his current FUE’s 

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