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Hi James,

Your hair is looking awesome! Was shaving your head for the procedure a personal preference? The only reason I ask is, you already had really good coverage, so I assume you could have used your existing hair to hide the procedure for the first few months of recovery/regrowth.

I'm looking to book in with Dr Bisanga either in Brussels or Athens so I'd be keen to hear your thoughts. I know shaving is preferred but not necessary for areas that are not going to be treated.


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On 12/4/2019 at 2:48 PM, Raphael84 said:

Looking great at 3 months post op.

Its a great sign of things to come. Im very pleased for you that you can get back to normal every day life without hiding under a cap and that you can feel more comfortable again.

Looking forward to the next months.

Thanks Ian, yes very happy with the progression so far. Will update at month 4. 

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On 12/11/2019 at 10:37 AM, MJM said:

Hi James,

Your hair is looking awesome! Was shaving your head for the procedure a personal preference? The only reason I ask is, you already had really good coverage, so I assume you could have used your existing hair to hide the procedure for the first few months of recovery/regrowth.

I'm looking to book in with Dr Bisanga either in Brussels or Athens so I'd be keen to hear your thoughts. I know shaving is preferred but not necessary for areas that are not going to be treated.


Hi MJM, I shaved for the operation as Dr.Bisanga wasn't offering unshaven FUE in Athens at the time. I would have preferred a unshaven procedure to be honest, although I know he densely packed the frontal region more than expected. To be honest it's 3 months of hell but well worth it in the grand scheme of things. I really dont know if you would feel comfortable regardless. In my opinion I would always be wary of it being noticed. Probably end up in a cap again ha!

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16 hours ago, jame$ said:

Hi MJM, I shaved for the operation as Dr.Bisanga wasn't offering unshaven FUE in Athens at the time. I would have preferred a unshaven procedure to be honest, although I know he densely packed the frontal region more than expected. To be honest it's 3 months of hell but well worth it in the grand scheme of things. I really dont know if you would feel comfortable regardless. In my opinion I would always be wary of it being noticed. Probably end up in a cap again ha!

Thanks for the info, that's really good to know. I was recently told all you need to do is shave the donor and recipient areas. Everything else can be left long if desired. I might have to double check with them.

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Hi James, Thanks for making this thread!  I have so much interest in this since Im in a very similar situation to yours.

Im 30 and  have similar hairloss to yours, though a bit worse (hairline more receded), and I also have been considering Dr.Bisanga for long time, and actually had a consultation with him in his clinic 2 years ago.  So Im watching closely, keep updating!

I do have some questions,  if you or Rafael can answer:

1. what exactly the difference between the athens clinic and belgium clinic? Is the cost in athens is cheaper purely because prices at greece lower than belgium? and how this arrangement work for Dr.Bisanga, does he do some weeks in athens and some weeks in brussels? Im asking because I want to make my decision based on quality as number one, and really been wondering if there are disadvantages for booking in athens clinic. Also, I hope it doesnt sound stupid but all those flights can be exhausting for Bisanga and his technicians.

2. you said Bisanga did the punching and was present at the extraction. what about the placement part? would you say in general Dr.Bisanga more involved in the whole procedure than other surgeons?  Also as I heard the surgeon should also do the placement of the front line,  was that the case for you?

3. Do you take medication (other than vitamins)? what the doctor recommended you?

4. What is the density of the transplanted hair?  and did he also transplanted hair some inches into your native hair area? I cant really tell if you have thinning, but for me the front hair really thin and he said that he also transplant about 4 inch into current hairline


I wish you good luck and waiting to hear more good news on the results!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 12/24/2019 at 12:54 PM, karatekid said:

Hi James, Thanks for making this thread!  I have so much interest in this since Im in a very similar situation to yours.

Im 30 and  have similar hairloss to yours, though a bit worse (hairline more receded), and I also have been considering Dr.Bisanga for long time, and actually had a consultation with him in his clinic 2 years ago.  So Im watching closely, keep updating!

I do have some questions,  if you or Rafael can answer:

1. what exactly the difference between the athens clinic and belgium clinic? Is the cost in athens is cheaper purely because prices at greece lower than belgium? and how this arrangement work for Dr.Bisanga, does he do some weeks in athens and some weeks in brussels? Im asking because I want to make my decision based on quality as number one, and really been wondering if there are disadvantages for booking in athens clinic. Also, I hope it doesnt sound stupid but all those flights can be exhausting for Bisanga and his technicians.

2. you said Bisanga did the punching and was present at the extraction. what about the placement part? would you say in general Dr.Bisanga more involved in the whole procedure than other surgeons?  Also as I heard the surgeon should also do the placement of the front line,  was that the case for you?

3. Do you take medication (other than vitamins)? what the doctor recommended you?

4. What is the density of the transplanted hair?  and did he also transplanted hair some inches into your native hair area? I cant really tell if you have thinning, but for me the front hair really thin and he said that he also transplant about 4 inch into current hairline


I wish you good luck and waiting to hear more good news on the results!


Hi @karatekid no problem in regards to creating the thread. I just think the more information online relating to hair transplants the better! 

Unfortunately I can't accurately answer no.1, but one thing I will say is that his team of technicians from Brussels were alongside him for my surgery. Other technicians recently employed at the Athens clinic were also involved and overseen in parts of the procedure. Mainly extraction. 

2. Yes Dr.B completed all graft punching and the incisions. The removal of the grafts were completed by his technicians. Mostly the Brussels staff, but the Athens staff also did contribute. The placement of the grafts were only completed by the Brussels technicians. One had been working for Dr.B for over 11 years! So I didn't have any issues on this front.

To be honest I've never heard of the physician just completing the placements of grafts on the hairline.

Yes the reason I chose Dr.Bisanga to complete my surgery was because of the input you recieve. Lots of other Dr's in Turkey for example only draw the hairline and at most make the incisions. 

The two most critical parts of the surgery for me were the shape of hairline, incisions to form the hairline / surrounding areas, and the punching of the grafts. 

3. I was recommend to take oral finasteride. Although I have been totally put off by the amounts of people with horrendous side effects on a facebook forum. I did although consider topical finasteride but due to maybe having another child I decided to put this on hold. 

4. I didn't receive the density measurements after surgery to be honest. Yes he went into my natural hairline by a good inch or so. 

Hope this helps! 

I'm updating the page soon as I've just hit the 4 months mark today. 

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Month 4 update 

It's been 4 months yesterday since I had the surgery with Dr.Bisanga in Athens. Very happy with the way things are going. The only very slight issue to date is the hairline to the right side of my head. It just seems fairly sharp and unnatural the way it approaches the temple area. Again it's a very minor issue but I think it would have looked more natural to have been shaped like the left side. It may just be a case that this area hasn't produced any follicles as of yet but only time will tell.  

I've uploaded a few photos to show my progession. Under harsh lighting conditions - a few with the hair wet, a few with the hair dried upright and another few in natural daylight (out of direct sunlight) with paste in the hair. 

Again very happy for the 4 months stage and would like to hear how others think I'm getting on 👍🏼










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  • 3 months later...
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Right so here I am on month 7. Things have really taken off since month 4 and I'm really happy with my progession! All the transplanted grafts have started to settle in nicely in my opinion and flow great with my native hair.

I mentioned a slight issue with my hairline in previous posts which I feel was a little harsh. As my hair stands at this moment, longer and more developed, I feel like its totally unnoticeable with the style I'm currently going for. With a shorter haircut, or with a longer on top style (combed back over) I still feel like "I" would notice it, but very unsure if a total random person would. I'm going for a straight back combed style. As I described to Dr.Bisanga on consultation so we will see :) My patient advisor Ian has reassured me Dr.Bisanga will happily take a look at the design if I'm still feeling the same way.

All being said, I'm totally chuffed to be at this point 7 months in. If your considering Dr.Bisanga I'd go and do it.

I've attached a variety of photos with my hair in different conditions.

- Semi wet and under harsher direct lighting conditions
- Dry, no products and natural daylight lighting
- Paste type product, average (if not brighter) room lighting.
- hair pulled tightly back over, dry natural, room lighting again
- Donor area with a guard of around a no1 blended.
- A pre op photo to give comparison

It would be great to hear everyones thoughts on my progession.








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@83mjs Thanks mate. Yes donor area is great. I'm very happy with the way things have gone over the past  7 months. Hopefully some thickening over the next 5. Fingers crossed! I knew once I came across Dr.Bisanga he was the surgeon for me. Very happy with my choice :)

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Absolutely stunning work, Dr. Bisanga hist another home run

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Looking fantastic. Impressive growth and density at this reasonably early stage and with further maturing and settling to look forward to, things will continue to improve.

You are a very diligent and level headed guy. Your results are well deserved and I couldn't be happier for you.

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Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Well I'm just around a week off the 8 months mark. Here's some updated pictures. I'm in desperate need of a haircut on the back and sides. I've pulled the hair directly up over with some matt effect paste in. Very happy with the way everything has progressed. Cheers for the kind words guys






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  • 5 months later...

Due to this patients result being one of the most referenced, mentioned and requested results from enquiries over the last months, some of you may have interest to see the video presentation that was put together which includes some great post op wet photos that were not posted on the thread.

Again, Im personally thrilled for the patient. Great guy and thoroughly deserved!!!


Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Wow this is incredible 👏🏼👏🏼 @jame$ wish you could come back and share some more updates.


I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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