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Dr Bisanga 4300 Fue at BHR Clinic


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Hi all,

I have just returned to England after a good old sesh with Dr Bisanga and his team at BHR Brussels.  The doctor estimated around 4000 grafts to make a significant cosmetic improvement and he wasn’t far off with a total of 4300.

Graft breakdown:

1 FU - 679 grafts

2 FU - 1312 grafts

3 FU - 1600 grafts

4 FU - 709 grafts

I’d like to document my progress in order to give something back to this community after years of stalking it!  Without you guys and your shared experiences I’d be very lost!.....

I had discussed with Dr Bisanga in both of my pre- surgery consultations that I wanted to design the hair transplant on the assumption that I would not be able to tolerate Propecia and therefore plan for further hair loss.  It was therefore essential for me to understand what my donor hair could offer me in all aspects such as follicular units per square centimetre, hair caliber, hair to graft ratios and above all, how many grafts I had to use in my lifetime.  After thorough examinations I learned that I had good, above average density with good groupings and had approximately 8000 grafts available for fue.  This was good to hear but my future pattern of hair loss is heading to a Norwood 5/6........so a conservative hairline was decided.  Although less conservative than I thought, I’d like to know your thoughts?

Anyway below are pre-op pictures I took a couple of months ago and some of the second day of surgery.  I’ll try and update on a monthly basis unless I get into a scary situation in which case I’ll be screaming for your assistance!

Thanks all














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Hairline looks just right to be honest. Best to play it safe if you are headed towards a higher norwood and if there's a chance you may not tolerate propecia.  Plus you can always tweak a hairline and bring it down in the future but if you were to go too aggressive now and it didn't look great, more difficult to fix. 

Looks like good clean work as usual by Dr Bisanga.

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Dr. Bisanga has been on fire lately hitting home runs left and right. I can tell just by looking at your post-op photos how much your face is going to transform when this grows in. I hope you'll keep us updated on your progress, i'll be following your thread happy growing🙌

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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12 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

Dr. Bisanga has been on fire lately hitting home runs left and right. I can tell just by looking at your post-op photos how much your face is going to transform when this grows in. I hope you'll keep us updated on your progress, i'll be following your thread happy growing🙌

Thanks Melvin I hope I’m as lucky as the others with my results.  It’s a long wait now but hopefully worth it!

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Super happy for you brother. Was great speaking with you initially several months back. Happy that you felt comfortable in Brussels. As I mentioned via message, your hairline design looks great,  very appropriate!

Thank you for providing your photos and documentation.

The hard part starts now, sitting tight and remaining patient. I look forward to following your journey and enjoying your growth!

Nice to be home Im sure!

Get some rest!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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37 minutes ago, Raphael84 said:


Super happy for you brother. Was great speaking with you initially several months back. Happy that you felt comfortable in Brussels. As I mentioned via message, your hairline design looks great,  very appropriate!

Thank you for providing your photos and documentation.

The hard part starts now, sitting tight and remaining patient. I look forward to following your journey and enjoying your growth!

Nice to be home Im sure!

Get some rest!

Thanks buddy, I can’t believe I actually went ahead with it!  It’s a scary step to make but a necessary one.  Thanks for all of your assistance along the way to this point.  Still a long way to go, fingers crossed it all works out 🤞

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Here are some day four progress pictures in case anyone is interested. Today the swelling seems to have gone completely. Yesterday I had a black eye!

Does this seem about on track in terms of healing?

Everything feels pretty tight up there and my donor area is itchy and painful especially at night.  Hoping ibuprofen and Aloe Vera sort that out so I can sleep!

Ill update again at 10 days.

Cheers all

On 10/10/2019 at 3:28 PM, Ftothe said:








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I think your donor is also looking great. The picture that I posted in your other thread only shows that mine is less bloody (after washing it daily) than yours. If you clean it a bit more, they will look the same. 

The next big step is to gently remove all scabs on day8 as advised by the clinic.

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On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 12:44 AM, Fozzie said:

Hairline looks just right to be honest. Best to play it safe if you are headed towards a higher norwood and if there's a chance you may not tolerate propecia.  Plus you can always tweak a hairline and bring it down in the future but if you were to go too aggressive now and it didn't look great, more difficult to fix. 

Looks like good clean work as usual by Dr Bisanga.


4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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2 hours ago, paddyirishman said:

Looks great ....clean work....Did you get your HT done over 2 days ?


Thanks Paddy yes it was two days. First day was 2000 into the mid scalp/crown and second 2300 into hairline and behind.

All seems like a blur now, probably because I was off my tits on Valium!

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Work looks clean and scalp is not overly bloodied as it is with some other surgeons.  This looks very clean and will probably look good when grown out.  So far so good and can’t wait to see this one grown out.  Happy growing

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2 hours ago, Sean said:

Work looks clean and scalp is not overly bloodied as it is with some other surgeons.  This looks very clean and will probably look good when grown out.  So far so good and can’t wait to see this one grown out.  Happy growing

Thanks Sean I truly hope so 👍🏼


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Ftohe yes all scabs we’re gone at day 9 and looks free of any crusting now at day 10.  How’s yours turned out?

Paddy, the donor looks pretty clean to me and only a couple of hairs shed so far. Not looking forward to the rest! And yes I had to pay extra for the grafts I signed a form at the start of the day saying I’d pay if the doctor used more.

If I’m totally honest, I’m not completely happy right now.  I was hoping to temporarily rock the buzzed look until the shed but I feel the crown looks very unnatural 🙄

There was a patch of native hair left completely alone, I think to reduce the risk of shock loss in that area, however the grafts up to that point look really thick like tree trunks and they were not blended into the native hair so it has left a very obvious line and square patch.  I don’t feel confident going out the house like it especially in day light.  I’ve emailed BHR to ask about it so waiting for a reply.  I think if the whole top of the scalp was treated it wouldn’t be as noticeable.

What does everyone think?

Im very pleased with the hairline work so far.  But the crown especially on the left side looks really pluggy, and nothing like I imagined as I’ve seen thousands of patient time lines and not seen anything like this.

Do you think there was an error in graft selection for that area?  Is the angle right?Could it have been blended?  What’s my hope to sort this out in the future?

I really would like the option of wearing my hair short all over occasionally like maybe a 2 or 3 guard but right now I can’t see it.  It’s early days I know but I hope it’s fixable in the future some how!





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The line that you described is obvious. I would also have expected an equal distribution of the multigrafts. But I cannot imagine that this was done on purpose. Did you notice a major shed when removing the scabs? Or did you see a lot of hairs that were removed when doing the more intense washing? Maybe for some reasons the hairs were weaker in the middle area and are now temporary gone. 

good you asked the clinic. I am curious what they say. 

I am ok with everything. I noticed that this time I am much less concerned, and over careful with everything. Maybe it is because I cannot see the crown everytime I pass a mirror or glass or w/e. Still I am curious how the density in the crown will develop within the next months. I will start letting all hairs grow out from the beginning.


Edit: is there any product in your hair in the pictures? I think it is strange that the multis are all ‚fixed‘ in one line... you described it as tree chunks. What happens if you tousle the hair in dry condition?

Edited by Ftothe
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There’s no product in my hair, the first 2 pictures were minutes after a wash so the hair is damp.  The area that looks thin was avoided intentionally so as to not cause shock loss as they were mainly miniaturised hairs. I mean it looked weird on day one really but trusted in the expertise of Dr and team.

I haven’t noticed any shedding at all yet, new or native hair.

When I had my consultation and I was told I had ‘good groupings’ I was excited because I was told I was an excellent candidate for surgery but I guess multi grafts especially 4,s are a blessing and a curse! I had over 700 4’s.

I have been in contact with the clinic advisor who basically said I need to let it grow and see!

Almost feel like I need a repair and it’s only been 10 days 😕

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I have researched hair transplants for 5 years. Dr Bisanga was my number one choice after the hundreds of surgeons I looked at for good reason, his hundreds of outstanding results.  His credentials are amazing.  I can’t imagine he intended any bad doing, but I’d like to know the reasons it looks this way, all be it an early stage.  I’m hoping to meet him in London in December to see if can give me some hope!

Wish me luck 🤞

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