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Dr Bisanga 4300 Fue at BHR Clinic


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Right... I see, the area hardly did receive any grafts.
Really strange. It looks as if they should not have skipped this area, because you show clear signs of thinning here too and will continue to loose density here. 
From my point of view you will definitely need another ht for this area.

Probably it would have been better to priorize the frontal part first and later focus on the crown

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Yep I think that was probably a better plan in hindsight.  The original plan was to hit the front 1/4 with good density and also work on the crown to hit it all in one. I was expecting them to blend it in though to be honest!

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Hi Danny, 

Thanks for keep updating!

Well, I have to admit, I also have my concerns with my situation, for example, one side of my head looks like it got more singles and the other got more doubles/triples, so visibly it looks like one side has more hair than the other (*will it affect the end results, IDK, I cannot know..)  and maybe it's just the nature of this HT surgery,  that nothing is guaranteed and since you're not seeing your final results for a very long 1 year after the surgery - it just leaves so much room for question marks and doubts. 

from looking at your photos,  to me it looks like your mid-scalp hair is healthy enough hair.. so I think most likely when everything grow it will blend and will look nice.      (need to keep those hairs, different story..) but I put my money that you're going to get excellent results from this surgery.  I'm not just saying that just because we went to the same surgeon +- at the same time,   but try to think about it objectively..  you had a good head-start to begin with, as you are a good candidate, and also you chose a very good Dr/Clinic.

so statistics you're already in good shape, heading to success.  of course, success is a subjective and depend on your expectations, but I believe that you're going to get significant improvement from where you started.  will it be 100% to your liking, or 80-90 % we'll have to wait a year to know.

meanwhile, I think you can definitely rock this buzzed look.. or at least try and enjoy it before the ugly duckling phase.  that's what I'm trying to do 😂 since I have the same situation +-on in my head like yours (even less hair) I keep telling myself that in 2-3 weeks from now,  it will look like pile of S@#;  and probably things are going to get worse before they'll get better.. so enjoy the Buzz cut as much as you can.. 

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14 hours ago, kondofoni said:

Hi Danny, 

Thanks for keep updating!

Well, I have to admit, I also have my concerns with my situation, for example, one side of my head looks like it got more singles and the other got more doubles/triples, so visibly it looks like one side has more hair than the other (*will it affect the end results, IDK, I cannot know..)  and maybe it's just the nature of this HT surgery,  that nothing is guaranteed and since you're not seeing your final results for a very long 1 year after the surgery - it just leaves so much room for question marks and doubts. 

from looking at your photos,  to me it looks like your mid-scalp hair is healthy enough hair.. so I think most likely when everything grow it will blend and will look nice.      (need to keep those hairs, different story..) but I put my money that you're going to get excellent results from this surgery.  I'm not just saying that just because we went to the same surgeon +- at the same time,   but try to think about it objectively..  you had a good head-start to begin with, as you are a good candidate, and also you chose a very good Dr/Clinic.

so statistics you're already in good shape, heading to success.  of course, success is a subjective and depend on your expectations, but I believe that you're going to get significant improvement from where you started.  will it be 100% to your liking, or 80-90 % we'll have to wait a year to know.

meanwhile, I think you can definitely rock this buzzed look.. or at least try and enjoy it before the ugly duckling phase.  that's what I'm trying to do 😂 since I have the same situation +-on in my head like yours (even less hair) I keep telling myself that in 2-3 weeks from now,  it will look like pile of S@#;  and probably things are going to get worse before they'll get better.. so enjoy the Buzz cut as much as you can.. 

Thanks buddy it’s nice to have reassurance!  I’m sure after a year it will be a big improvement.  I actually love the hairline that was recreated for me.  I don’t think it looks too Juvenile and it’s mature enough to hopefully last and still look suitable in years to come. 

I think I’m kind of similar to you in that on one side of the crown the grafts look more natural and seem to blend together, but the other side seem thicker and kind of stick up, therefore stand out.  The fact that the square patch in the mid scalp wasn’t touched enhances the contrast between the two areas, but if I put my hand in the way, I can see that if that patch was to have work in the future it would definitely blend in better.  That’s good I suppose but I still don’t think those grafts on my left side look as natural as the right and I can’t quite put my finger on the reason why?

I guess I’ve now re-discovered the buzz cut, and I would love to have this option in the future, but can only do it if it looks natural.  I guess having those 4 hair follicular units are great for coverage when it’s longer, but where is best to place them to get the best of both worlds ie good coverage when long, but natural when short? I don’t know I’m not a hair surgeon! I trust in the Dr and his work.  Let’s pray it works out!

Ive emailed the Dr and he has responded and said he will look at pre-op and post op photos and answer my concerns when he’s back in the clinic.

Enough waffling from me any way!

Happy growing 👍🏼

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  • 3 weeks later...
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So I’m at 4 weeks and one day after my procedure at BHR Brussels. Although I haven’t actually noticed much shedding I think it looks pretty Ugly Duckling like at this point.  All has healed very well and I have zero pain, tightness or itching anywhere.  I’m currently taking Propecia on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 5mg Minoxidil tablets, Biotin, MSM and hair vitamins from Holland and Barrett daily.  I’m sure this has made my hair grow pretty quick!

Im a little concerned about the density in the temples either side of the forelock as I’m sure the hairs that were originally placed in this area were quite sparse to begin with.  I’m hoping that they fill in to look full and give a good illusion of density in a few months as this area was my biggest concern.  I’d like to know peoples thoughts on this when comparing my photos from 2 weeks to now?

Im not sure weather to buzz it all off again or just buzz the sides or leave it all, any suggestions as to what, or when safe to do so?

I thought I’d be 100% she’d by now but it seems to be very slow shedding.

Im generally a bit more relaxed at the moment, I’m going out and about looking like someone has butchered my hair in my sleep or something but have told people at work and close family what’s really going on!

Any thoughts, questions feel free to ask!









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How are you?

Thanks for the update. Its great to hear that you are completely pain free. You medical regimen is also pretty impressive which Im sure will put you in good stead and help move things along.

I have read that you have had a couple of concerns, which I understand from a previous post of yours you have discussed with Hilde, and I understand that you will be meeting up with Dr Bisanga in December. As you well know, you are in great hands and it will be a good opportunity to discuss your concerns.

Looking at you photos post op, I dont see any cause for concern regarding density in your temples.

Its completely normal in the weeks post op, after having taken such a huge step of having a procedure, then with the emotions and potential anxiety and constant evaluation as you experience shedding, to have some concerns. The ugly duckling phase as you rightly said is the hardest part of the process for many guys.

Wishing you the best and Im sure you will take a lot of value from seeing Dr Bisanga.


Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Thanks Ian,

I’m actually feeling more relaxed about the whole thing now and appreciate it’s a waiting game.  The first couple of weeks were tough but I’m sure in a few months I’ll be in a better position all round.  I fully trust in Dr Bisanga and his team especially when looking at all the case studies from previous patients.

Thanks for your support as always.

Fingers crossed it turns out great!

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On 11/6/2019 at 6:39 AM, Danny1671 said:

And just noticed a shed hair on my forehead in the photo 😂😂

🤣🤣 I got to the ugly duckling myself,   Imagine success on dates during this time, it's 100% game! :D

I had a week that I washed my hair above the sink and it looked like I shaved my beard ,  or woke up and the pillow looked like I cleaned my hair clipper machine on it. 

strange thing that the hair that fall doesn't look like it include the root part... it's looks like it's been cut ..  crossing fingers that it will grow back,

I was so happy with my crown 2 weeks ago. 😪

Thanks for the update Danny! Say hello to Bisanga for me..  I hope to meet him when he is in NYC.  

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Hey Kondofoni, 

Yes it’s strange that the hairs look like they’ve been cut with scissors!  I’m losing more by the day but I know it’s part of the process so I’m ok with it..... as long as they come back 🤞🏼!

Are you telling people about your procedure?  If I’m honest, it was not wanting to tell people at first which is why I delayed getting it done for years.  I’m a firefighter who works at a station with 60 people! And most of them now know what I’ve had done.  I was worried about what people would think of me but actually people seem to be genuinely interested and say ‘good for you mate’.  So it’s actually quite liberating to tell people in my opinion. 

Patience is key, let’s hope the hair grows so others will be encouraged to do the same if they feel crappy about their hair!

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On 11/9/2019 at 5:52 AM, Danny1671 said:

Hey Kondofoni,  Are you telling people about your procedure?

I was so ashamed telling people about it,  probably it was the biggest fear that hold me for long time from having the surgery.   so, before the surgery I consulted friends and family and got tons of support from everyone..and it made it a bit easy for me to start to open up,  then I realized, No ONE CARES...  It's a great conversation piece as people might ask as they want to know details about it but no ones gives to it more than 2-3 minutes of attention.  even I told girls that I dated with before the surgery,  I shared with them that I'm about to have an hair transplant , as I wanted to see their reaction, and they couldn't care less about it... literally,  reaction from one girl was,  "yeah, but I like bald men.." .    

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello all, 

It’s now been 2 months and 5 days since my procedure with Dr Bisanga and thought I’d be a good time to give an update.  Things seem to be progressing well.  Everything is fully healed and I can’t see any redness at all which is good and also the numbness has pretty much gone. 

As for the shedding, I actually retained a fair few grafts which have continued to grow, and weirdly they grew faster than the rest of my hair, very bizarre.  I’m not sure if any new hair has grown but it definitely seems like my hair overall is covering fairly well which I didn’t think was possible at this early stage. I was expecting a far worse ugly duckling stage to be honest.  So I guess I’m actually pretty chuffed about that. I wonder if maybe I’ll be a late shedder...  

The best thing is that I’ve actually binned off using hair fibres, I feel fairly comfortable going out and about without them now probably because my hairs a bit longer and to me that’s unbelievably liberating to not be a slave to the fibres!!

Obviously there are still the thinning areas but in certain light they look worse.  In contrast though I can see what it will look like if it all fills in and grows like it should and that excites the sh#t out of me!

The photos are with dry hair and straight out the shower with wet/ damp hair.

Oh and I got my second hair cut, grade 1.5 back and sides and trimmed the very ends of the hair with a scissor cut.

Any questions or comments please fire away.

Cheers all





















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great growth/recovery at 2.5 month,  :)  your donor looks solid after 4,300 almost untouched..  and the center part with the native hairs that you've been worried about looks awesome,

I don't know when you've been on fibers but I don't think you need them now..  ;)  can't wait to see what coming next..  Thanks for updating.. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
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3 Month Update....

3 months have passed already and although still quite thin in places I think there is an improvement compared to how my hair was pre- surgery.  I don’t think I shed all of the grafts placed in the crown, maybe 30%?  I don’t use concealer any more which is amazing.  I’m really hoping it thickens up over the next few months although I keep thinking that this could be my final result, but research has told me it really should only be the beginning!  

Still on Propecia Monday, Wednesday and Friday and oral minoxidil daily.  In darker lighting I’m quite pleased with my mature hairline and wouldn’t want to lower it any more.

Any questions or comments please fire away.











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Thanks for the update Danny.

Things are progressing and at 3 months you are still extremely early in the process. I would suggest that you are in a great place and the next several months will be exciting times for you.

Im looking forward to the next updates.

All the best!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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8 hours ago, MarshallUK said:

Hi pal,

3 months is only the start of the growth enjoy the next 6-9 months as it starts getting good ha

Hey Marshall thanks for the positive comments.  If my hair turns out to be as good as yours I’ll be a happy boy!  Are you still pleased with it?  I think I read that you were considering a small touch up, did you go back to BHR in the end?

Cheers bud

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8 hours ago, Raphael84 said:

Thanks for the update Danny.

Things are progressing and at 3 months you are still extremely early in the process. I would suggest that you are in a great place and the next several months will be exciting times for you.

Im looking forward to the next updates.

All the best!

Thanks Ian, looking forward to the next few months.  I can’t tell you how liberating it is to not use hair fibres any more!

Thanks for your assistance and support as always.

Now fingers crossed for a Pat Sharpe Mullet one day haha!



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