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Succesful repair ongoing with dr Feriduni in Belgium!


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5 hours ago, lyskvostroya said:

Did you think about just using SMP for the thin hairline at the front and saving the grafts for another time?

Is this question regarding his pre-repair state? Because SMP would have just exaggerated the whole problem and made it worse. Davy's hairline was full of multi-graft hairs that stuck up at awkward angles. Density issues were the least of his problems. SMP would have made an already very stark hairline more stark, and the hairline itself was way too low, meaning any desire to get it back to a normal height would have had the added complication of needing to then remove SMP afterwards as well as the SMP hairline being exposed as his actual hairline gotten taken back up. There's a good Dr Ed Ball example of this on YouTube in which a repair patient called Pierre has his hairline taken up again, and then needed to have his exposed SMP removed afterwards as well.

Long story short? Adding SMP to a bad hair transplant  often runs the risk of compounding the issue in multiple ways. I've seen so many cases kicking around the internet like this. For me any SMP + HT must be strategised in harmony with one another. Unfortunately it seems the vast majority of SMP practitioners know very, very little about HT's and don't have the knowledge or strategic thinking to do good combo work on tricky cases.

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