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Scabs and Hair Coming off Day 8/9 ; Blood on Pillow

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Hi all, 

I am on Day 9 post FUE. I was sleeping flat on my back for the first week, then my doctor gave me permission to sleep on my sides as I normally do (with grafts touching pillow, etc)

Last night I had trouble staying asleep and was tossing and turning a fair amount of the night. I woke up this morning (Day 9) and noticed a relatively small amount of blood on my pillow, and a few small shedded scabs/dead flaky sin. I also noticed, on the temple point, a few scabs and associated hairs had fallen off completely over the night. 

I know by Day 9 shedding of scabs and hairs is normal, but I am worried my tossing and turning, rubbing against my pillow on Night 8 could have dislodged the grafts? The blood (albeit minor) on my pillow, as well as the complete shedding of scabs and hairs in certain areas has me concerned as well. 

1) Could this blood be part of the normal scab shedding process, or is it a sign of graft dislodgment? Is tossing, turning, and rubbing grafts on a pillow on Night 8 enough force to dislodge them?

2)By Day 9 is it normal for scabs and their hairs to shed completely? By this I mean there is an area (roughly the size of half a penny) that was previously scabby and hairy, that is now completely flat with no scabs and is totally hairless?


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You didn't dislodge any grafts after 9 days from sleeping on them. You said you had trouble sleeping and were tossing and turning. My guess is your recipient area was itchy from rubbing on the pillow and you were probably scratching the area while half asleep. This made a few scabs come off with a small amount of blood from the scratching. That's my best guess. It happens. Nothing to worry about. The scabs should be all coming off now anyway and the hair will start falling out. That's normal.



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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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