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Please suggest top repair surgeons based on my budget

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Hello guys,

tl:dr; First surgeon completely botched the transplant and butchered my donor. I am looking for top hairline repair work and will consider SMP for donor down the line. Budget is 16000$

After having my donor and hairline butchered by my first surgeon (who was an extremely unethical surgeon), I am planning to undergo hairline repair. 
I have about 20000$ in my bank a/c and I willing to spend it all on a repair procedure (Yeah, that's how desperate I am for repair).

Assuming about 4000$ in travel and stay expenses, I would have 16000$ left for the procedure itself. My goal is to get my unnatural hairline repaired. I will consider SMP for donor few years down the line.

Given my extremely horrid experience with my first surgeon, I am extremely scared and therefore only considering top surgeons for repair and want a top-notch hairline work. My list for is as follows:

1) Hasson and Wong - the best but expensive

2) Dr. Feriduni - I've seen his repair work on this forum and I've been extremely impressed by his stellar work. Although, I don't know how much he charges.

3) Dr. Bruno Ferreira - Based on @Rolandas's experience I like his work but I don't know if he does repair work and how well he does it.

Please share your suggestions. I am attaching pictures of my butchered donor in the next post.

Edited by tressful11
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Worth reaching out to all of them. Dr. Ferreira is doing repairs as few people contacted me who needed it.

You can also add Dr. Lupanzula & Dr. Bisanga in Belgium. They both do lots of repairs coming from Turkey. I've seen some great repairs from Lupanzula.

Dr. Lorenzo in Spain probably does it all the time.

Prices will be different due to it being a repair job. I've heard Dr. Ferreira is charging something like €5000 if it will take 1 surgical day. Not sure if that's across the board or just for that specific guy. I think most surgeons would charge minimum/average what they make in 1 surgical day ( i might be wrong though).

It looks like your donor is overall very good with lots of grafts and thick hair. I'd say it's possible to homogenise the look quite easily with either beard grafts (so you keep scalp grafts for the future should you need), or relocating scalp hair to the scars. Nevertheless i think such job require high skill.


Best of luck

1st FUE28/01/2020 - 3659 grafts - Dr. Bruno Ferreira
2nd FUE - 03/06/2021 - 2881 grafts - Dr. Bruno Ferreira

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I'm not a medical professional, thus any information given by me is my own observation and should not be treated as professional advice.

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6 minutes ago, Rolandas said:

Worth reaching out to all of them. Dr. Ferreira is doing repairs as few people contacted me who needed it.

You can also add Dr. Lupanzula & Dr. Bisanga in Belgium. They both do lots of repairs coming from Turkey. I've seen some great repairs from Lupanzula.

Dr. Lorenzo in Spain probably does it all the time.

Prices will be different due to it being a repair job. I've heard Dr. Ferreira is charging something like €5000 if it will take 1 surgical day. Not sure if that's across the board or just for that specific guy. I think most surgeons would charge minimum/average what they make in 1 surgical day ( i might be wrong though).

Do you mean €5000 is the additional repair fees on top of standard per graft charges?


It looks like your donor is overall very good with lots of grafts and thick hair. I'd say it's possible to homogenise the look quite easily with either beard grafts (so you keep scalp grafts for the future should you need), or relocating scalp hair to the scars. Nevertheless i think such job require high skill.


Yeah, I am aware my donor hair is of good quality but most of it got butchered by my first surgeon which is what has me worried :( 
Another surgeon I visited after my first transplant was very worried about my damaged donor and refused to operate on me until I turned 25 and I totally respect him for his ethical approach. 

My goal is get a top repair work so that I can stop being worried about my hair. So ideally I am look for surgeons with extremely good repair experience and top notch donor management. Do you happen to know the per graft charges for any of the surgeons you listed or do I need to contact them for a quote?

Thanks a lot for your suggestions and your youtube videos on hairtransplants. great work.

Edited by tressful11
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i its repair i dont think you pay per graft.

Lupanzula and Bisanga about €4/graft, Lorenzo €5.

1st FUE28/01/2020 - 3659 grafts - Dr. Bruno Ferreira
2nd FUE - 03/06/2021 - 2881 grafts - Dr. Bruno Ferreira

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I'm not a medical professional, thus any information given by me is my own observation and should not be treated as professional advice.

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A repair is more difficult than a normal surgery, and there are more variables...

  • What is your expectationn? Fix the donor and move on?
  • Do you need grafts at the front extracted? 
  • Do you have body hair to fill the donor?

All this determines what is the right clinic for you. I also recommend to consult several clinics and ask for there recommended way forward. 

BHT to donor --> There is a great Bisanga case in here. Umar could be also an option. 

Hairline extraction and Donor to donor --> Feriduni is an option, not sure if he is doing BHT nowadays. 


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My goal is hairline repair. Not donor repair. I might SMP for donor later. 
My first surgeon didn't just butcher my donor, he botched the entire job. I've an extremely unnatural pluggy hairline with multihair grafts in the front

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Just now, tressful11 said:

My goal is hairline repair. Not donor repair. I might SMP for donor later. 
My first surgeon didn't just butcher my donor, he botched the entire job. I've an extremely unnatural pluggy hairline with multihair grafts in the front

Then reach out to lots of top surgeons, ask for their specific plan and take it from there.

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1st FUE28/01/2020 - 3659 grafts - Dr. Bruno Ferreira
2nd FUE - 03/06/2021 - 2881 grafts - Dr. Bruno Ferreira

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I'm not a medical professional, thus any information given by me is my own observation and should not be treated as professional advice.

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@tressful11 sorry to hear about your situation. there really is no excuse why your donor should look like that. 

who was the doctor who botched you? unless they have offered you a full refund (and even then) you have no reason to keep the doctor's name a secret. 

I would be hesitant to go to Hasson and Wong. They have been known to butcher the donor region (even if the rest of the hair looks great). Since you are specifically seeking a donor repair I would be wary. 

I think SMP may actually be the best path. SMP can look really horrible on other areas of the head, but I think it would be great on the donor area.

Keep in mind tho that SMP is literally a tattoo. But unlike a normal tattoo it fades super quickly. I've been told you may need SMP touch ups every 4 years or so. 

Concealer could be a good option as well, and you can do that while you are looking into HT and SMP options. May be quite challenging tho getting the concealer on your donor region. Maybe put some on your finger and put it on that way. 

Edited by SadMan2021
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Sorry to hear about this. I've messaged you privately as well. Feel free to reach out anytime. 

My advice does not constitute a patient-physician relationship nor as medical advice and all medical questions/concerns should be addressed to your medical provider. 

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22 hours ago, SadMan2021 said:

@tressful11 sorry to hear about your situation. there really is no excuse why your donor should look like that. 

who was the doctor who botched you? unless they have offered you a full refund (and even then) you have no reason to keep the doctor's name a secret. 

I would be hesitant to go to Hasson and Wong. They have been known to butcher the donor region (even if the rest of the hair looks great). Since you are specifically seeking a donor repair I would be wary. 

I think SMP may actually be the best path. SMP can look really horrible on other areas of the head, but I think it would be great on the donor area.

Keep in mind tho that SMP is literally a tattoo. But unlike a normal tattoo it fades super quickly. I've been told you may need SMP touch ups every 4 years or so. 

Concealer could be a good option as well, and you can do that while you are looking into HT and SMP options. May be quite challenging tho getting the concealer on your donor region. Maybe put some on your finger and put it on that way. 

Hasson and wong known to “butcher” donor areas. That’s an absolutely ridiculous unfounded statement. Only a handful clinics have as many successful real patient reviews on this forum with impeccable and pristine donor areas. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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@tressful11I am the coordinator and consultant of HDC clinic in Cyprus, you can PM for free consultant, I myself had an amazing repair by Dr. Maras, but I need to see more photos in private.

Edited by Doron Harati

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic.

For consultation, WhatsApp: +972526542654


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* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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20k in the bank isn't the same as 20k for a transplant. H & W for example offers financing and I'm sure other docs do as well. H & W are very much in your price range - anyway, 4,000 for accommodations could be a bit much as well though I guess it's better to have a more generous estimate, lots of clinics do comp your hotel and travel expenses. (Like H & W). 

I didnt know there was still stuff you could do with a depleted donor like that. Pretty interesting. Anyway, you should get consults first - listen to the doctors plan of attack before worrying about who to go to. Worst thing that happens is you get a better idea of where youre at

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