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Lol, Swagger....you know I like you....but sometimes....icon_smile.gif


Will Dr. Feller give JohnMolloy the shaft "after leaving him with crap density"? Cmon, let's not derail things when the pics we have all seen of John's (the latest of which I posted on his behalf) have been from what -- 7 months out? Armani could do a 8k, 2hour, session and most would still tell the poor bloke who had it done to wait at least one or two more months down the road before really making a major judgement.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Since many of us feel (including Dr. Alexander) that the patient should give it more time before evaluating the result, it would be nice to get an actual update from TakingThePlunge since he hasn't posted since the beginning of the month.


It was noted that in his assessment with Dr. Alexander, that there were still signs of new growth that would clearly thicken, darken, and mature with time. Thus, there's still hope for continued improvement.


TakingthePlunge, how are you progressing? Do you have any new photos to post? Have you been in direct contact with Dr. Alexander? If so, what has he been saying?


Guys, TakingthePlunge has handled this situation very appropriately and admirable without hurling blame at Dr. Alexander. Somewhere in between the two extremes (cheerleaders and accusers) lies a more balanced reality that while excellent surgeons like Dr. Alexander typically produce very natural looking results with excellent growth yield, some factors are out of their control. TakingthePlunge has been advised to go the distance and wait. If in the event his final results are sub-optimal, I'm sure Dr. Alexander will do what he can to help him. TakingthePlunge will then ultimately have to decide what he is going to do.


Best wishes,



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thana-- why bring armani into it lets stay on topic here manicon_wink.gif


all seriousness i agree and while i personally dont see how johns density is going to improve to something he or most would consider accepable in the coming 2-5 months i could be wrong. if so john will be the 1st on to show us all i believe.


now thana, i wont bring up john again in this thread and we can move on.. im wanting atomic and freakin to chime im but if we bury my previous post yappin about dr feller how will they find it!!!icon_wink.gif

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:


Phil, do you want to see someone question Atomic's motivations? icon_razz.gif



I do not. And that is the exact point of my post.


TTP has posted his results. He has been respectful and thoughtful. Everyone is going to have opinions that differ on them, some greatly.


But no one should imply that their opinion is an unfettered reality and that other opinions that differ are somehow suspect and not valid.


That's all.

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Hello to all,


I've been purposely avoiding the forums while waiting patiently for the one year mark on Jan 2nd. I just wanted to respond to Bill's questions.


I have not taken any new pics of my hair and I have not been in contact with Dr. Alexander. During my last follow-up he suggested I wait for the one year mark and see him again. I plan to post new pics at that time and I'm sure he'll take some too.


Again, I don't want to comment on my thoughts at this time. I'm hoping that I'll be pleasantly surprised when I compare my 12 month pics to my 10 month pics.


Thanks for the concern everyone! Happy Holidays!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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I know, Phil, I was being a bit sarcastic and just re-emphasizing what your point was. It's a good one.


Again, it's never good to have a dissatisfied patient where many others would also not be satisfied.


But, and Bill noted this, TTP was intending on syncing back up w/ Dr. Alexander for a final re-evaluation, and to come to what we'd all hope and expect to be a good closure to things and TTP will move forward strong and with confidence in his follicular future.


Sorry for further burying your posts to Atomic and 'freakin', Swagger...icon_wink.gif


EDIT -- posted at same time as TTP...have a good meeting and discussion with Dr. Alexander, m8, and I truly hope you've gotten some major late-term growth the past 2months, and that you'll become the poster-child for end-stage growing!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I admire the way you are handling this situation. Personally, I think you set a good example to others who may find themselves in your situation. Obviously, we all want the very best for you. If in 2 months, there's still less to be desired, you'll have options in front of you. However, I do have faith in Dr. Alexander and trust that he'll stand by you.


All the Best and Happy Belated Thanksgiving :-)



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Obviously you are frustrated, And you have made that quite clear.

It just seems to me that there is a lot of bashing going on & you are sort of putting words in other peoples mouths.

ie:1.they get money back(highly unlikely and they are STILL left with an unnatural look)

Who said it looked un-natural?

I am not an advocate for the Dr. but for future newbies to come. I am for a balanced truth about real results.


Since when have HT's progressed to being a done deal in one pass? Especially with a completely bald scalp in the front 1/3. The point is I have seen countless cases as this one, in fact a majority of the cases are just like this one.

You don't' want to have guys believe that you can be a NW 4+ & you will have complete coverage/density in one pass do you. Because you know that is not the case. I see this case as an average result & thats why I am chiming in.

I just don't want to see expectations for newbies that are beyond the normal reasults. Not Superstar results as achieved in a small amount of cases but the average Joe results.

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Taking the plunge,

Primarily Id like to offer my commendations regarding your attidtude, outlook and the way in which you have handled yourself and your opinion throughout this thread. You have been a credit to yourself, expressing your views in a fair yet concise manner. I genuinley hope that over the last month since your last post of images, and in the 5 weeks remaining until your 1 year date, that you achieve the extra maturation and thickening that has been spoken of. Failing this, I wish you all the luck with whichever path you choose to take. Whether that be some kind of arrangement with Dr. A due to your below average results, a consult with a different surgeon or in the simple (or not so as the case may be) acceptance and moving on. I, much like yourself, would not place any blame with the Dr. involved. Nor does it seem that your expectations were ridiculously high, especially if examples were shown. Maybe, as has been discussed, the initial required session size estimate/recommendation has proven inferior to what was in fact necessary. One thing that I do find dissapointing is the difference in results from both parties photographs. Whilst we all know the pros and cons of photography, and the huge differences that can be portrayed, down to the slightest change in several factors, the images posted by Dr A. seem to be the most generous. They almost seem to tell, a completely different story. I would like to think, that in a case such as this, in an industry so personal and concerning the worlds absolute elite Dr's, that something could be offered to the patient. Whilst the result may be honestly explained due to phsiology, the choice of Dr's is both a hugely personal and difficult decision. Where the relationship and care between both is of huge importance and impact. I feel that for a Dr to pass beyond the necessity, and "assist" the patient, would be appropriate. Especially considering the acceptance of a below average yield. Yet please understand, that in expressing the above opinion, just like TakingThePlunge I place no blame.


Moving somewhat off topic for a second, and in doing so I apologise.



Whilst the essence of your constant negativity, may have a genuine point. That in some cases, Dr's to seem to "get off" somewhat lightly (this case NOT being an example), your endless criticism is unfounded. The manner in which your portray your opinions is no way constructive, and therefore fails to assist anybody or anything. You just seem to want to create controversy, and in doing so, actually shift the emphasis away from the patient. Therefore failing to help him in with your "Dr knocking" critic.

Closing, I find the following statement, highely uneducated, naive and outrageous.


the dr in this case, and with other cases just like this.. did NOT deliver.. he failed his patient. period


Why waste your time?

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I would like to think, that in a case such as this, in an industry so personal and concerning the worlds absolute elite Dr's, that something could be offered to the patient. Whilst the result may be honestly explained due to phsiology, the choice of Dr's is both a hugely personal and difficult decision. Where the relationship and care between both is of huge importance and impact. I feel that for a Dr to pass beyond the necessity, and "assist" the patient, would be appropriate. Especially considering the acceptance of a below average yield. Yet please understand, that in expressing the above opinion, just like TakingThePlunge I place no blame.


Raphael84-- i believe very much the same of the majority of your above quote.. it seems as though we both believe that in a circumstance like TTPs the dr should feel a certain obligation to "assist" the unsatisfied patient, as you put it....


the main difference i suppose is that you "place no blame"... well that is just sweet of you, and extremely diplomatic. good for you.. and your education..


however, as you attempt to disect my posts and feel compelled to state that "i fail to assist anybody", while you very well may be right, please allow me to ask what benifit your above post has brought to the table.


you have simply commended TTP on his handling of the situation(something myself, Bill, and NEAR EVERY SINGLE OTHER POSTER has made note of already)after your justifiable praise for TTP you simply 'wish him luck with whichever path' he ends up having to go down.........


BRAVO!! RAPHAEL!..you have no doubt showed TTP the "light at the end of the tunnel" with your well educated insight. as a result you are more than qualified, apparently, to criticize other posters contibutions and methods..


your damn right i believe that the DR in this case FAILED his patient.. the question is what should be done from the drs end when situations like this occur.. and they DO occur, no matter how many of you wish to turn a blind eye..


TTP has accepted responsibility and the DR should be man enough to do the same.. that seems little to ask considering its the PATIENT who takes the risks. its the PATIENT who forks over thousands and thousands of dollars.. the patient does so ONLY under the impression that he will be better for it..... i GUARANTEE that TTP did not expect a result like the one he currenty has, and i GUARANTEE that the 'good' doc did NOT tell TTP he should expect a result like the one he currently has...




likewise only ONE person got benifit from this transaction... IMO it was the wrong side..


so be diplomatic and sit comfortably right on the fence my friend. thats your choice, afterall its not your head that the unfavorable result sits.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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GUARANTEE that the 'good' doc did NOT tell TTP he should expect a result like the one he currently has...



Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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You are exploiting TakingthePlunge's thread to promote your anti-hair transplant agenda and falsely accuse quality physicians. Moreover, you are getting into a mudslinging match with members of our community who disagree with you to further promote your agenda.


Frankly, it's getting old and has to stop. Consider this your last warning. Since you've already made your point 100 times over on this thread, I expect you not to post on this thread again.


Guys, it's time to get this thread back on track and providing TakingthePlunge with quality advice and support given his specific circumstances.





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I see this case as an average result & thats why I am chiming in.

I just don't want to see expectations for newbies that are beyond the normal reasults. Not Superstar results as achieved in a small amount of cases but the average Joe results.


Umm, Are you serious? I really need to know. I have been under the impression that 2500 grafts in that size of transplanted area should yield more coverage. If this is an average result please speak up because if this is the case, then this community can save myself and many others trouble down the road.

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The doctors continually only post their best results on the forums, giving the impression that these are their average results and what YOU should expect. When you go in for your consult its more of the same, they show you only their best photos. Again confirming in your mind these are average and this is what you should expect. Since these are the only photos you've seen, what else should you think ? You'll never see their less than average results. Then when reality sets in and your results are not what you expected or hoped for, you are then handed the standard lines of everyone is different or not everyone has great results. Ask to see their below average results !

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NW4, Sorry to burst your bubble but these are average results. So bring your expectations back down.

"Where'd it go" Pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Doctors do not post all of thier results, only thier very best. So if all of the Doctors on here posted all of thier results using 2,500 grafts, this would be an average result.

Unfortuately, by posting only thier best results the doctors themselves have raised expectations, only not to be able to live up to those expectations.


Of course you are going to say well H&W hit a home run every time! Well that just not true. Also when trans planting 5,000 grafts as opposed to 2,500, obviously the yield will be better even if the same % of grafts don't grow.

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This is definitely not an average result in this day and age with the techniques being used. Virgin donor and virgin recipient site with 2500 grafts and what appears to me to be thick hair shafts should have given much better result. Look at Dr. Konior, Reed, and SMG for results in this sweet spot range of 2000-3000 grafts. No comparison at all. It's not too much supposition I believe that lack of graft growth does not usually reflect patient's physiology but surgical factors. Of course surgeons cherry pick their results but the ones posting weekly or biweekly or more apt to provide consistency to their results compared to those that post once a month or less. I think it's very important that future patients look at the individual hair blogs kept by patients and results posted by patients as a more fair comparison of what their results will be.

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If these are the normal results of this doc then its better to go with someone else. IMO there is no way to make up for this at all. The grafts that didnt grow are gone forever, and nothing will bring them back. All the doc can do is transplant more, but that uses up donor hair, anything less than a free transplant and full refund would be insulting.

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I would not say this is an 'average' result, and I wouldn't say it is average for Dr. Alexander, and certainly not for every other doctor within the Coalition. That's far-fetched.


That we only see 'the best' results, and that results like this, which are 'average' and typical simply stay in hiding most of the time, is conjecture; but it also defies empirical evidence (the many results we see posted by patients).


I'd encourage TTP to get some feedback on what his actual growth is, as he is hitting the 12month mark. Once this % is derived, what our eyes look to be seeing can be set next to the hard data on what his yield has been.


Also, re: H+W remark on yield. Of course, in a bubble, but I have never seen a set of results to actually verify this conjecture.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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The fact that physicians recommended by this community pay a sponsorship fee to support this community is public news. This is laid out loud and clear on our selection standards page under "How This Community is Funded"


"Those surgeons who are carefully reviewed and chosen for recommendation on this site contribute a monthly fee to co-sponsor this online community and display their before and after photos, videos and contact information."


For the record, blatant cheerleaders and shills have been removed from this community and so have those to continue to unfairly malign physicians. Both extremes are harmful to the very nature and purpose of this educational and supportive community.


The fact that we allow this discussion openly and members to share their genuine and distinct opinions should be all the proof you need to show how serious we are about accountability. But we do not allow members to make false accusations and stir up a mob mentality to lynch quality physicians.


If you can't understand that, then I don't know what to tell you.



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