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Taking the transplant route with Dr. Umar

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Hello everyone,


First post, I'll keep it short.


24 year old male, black hair, naturally thin hair


I've had some recession in the last year or so, about a NW-2, although having a bigger forehead makes the problem seem worse than it really is.


Now I know, and I have exhausted this forum reading on why I should NOT get a transplant. I fully understand all of the risks involved, future loss being the most pressing one.


I have been on propecia nearly a year, almost since I first noticed my hairloss. My hair has thickened up, and I strongly believe it will curve the future loss. I am only looking to buy time, im starting my career soon and future transplants won't be much of an issue. Anyways, there reason for my thread.


I have chosen Dr. Umar for my transplant, I feel like he is the choice for me. He quoted me:


1000 FUE's using hair from the back and some nape hair to "refine" my hairline. Im about 3 weeks out.


Is there anything I should know about this doc? positive or negative before I make my payment this week? Anything at all someone here wants to mention? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks guys, this place is a god-send for finding non-biased information.

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Umar has shown some unbelievable results on patients that are badly scarred and have to resort to body hair. Unfortunately he does not get enough attention for the traditional hair head transplant procedures like you are requesting. I think that for the few examples that are posted he has demonstrated capabilities that are equal or superior to the best surgeons available. My only concern is that he appears to have changed his method of extracting follicles, apparently now using a drill. In my mind there is some controversy over possible damage to the follicle with the drill (part of the basis of the Armani criticism). Plus I don't know how long Umar has been employing this method and how comfortable he has gotten with its use. I'd be curious to hear his response to a question about his method of extraction if you pose the question. BTW, I had a procedure with him recently, not too much different from your planned session and am in the waiting stage.

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The people I know of (including patients themselves) who have inquired about methodology and extraction were given non-answers and the usual cloak of secrecy. I believe Abedogg himself said as much in his write-up.


Anyways, just be aware of the +s and -s with nape hair. It can create an especially "soft" look, boosting "naturalness"; it can also be especially susceptible to MPB and be lost down the road. I kinda like the idea of using nape hair, though I think it's a (small) gamble and I really haven't researched the downsides enough -- but other than $ and the bitch of it possibly falling out at some point it seems like a pretty sweet thing to utilize.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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hairjordan- congrats on your decision as I have seen some really good results with Umar.


I would take heed to what Thana said! I also have concerns about nape hair and said the same thing to Abe prior to his procedure as it worries me. I would really think about the whole nape hair useage.


Dr. Umar is the doc (so he knows better than me), but time will truly tell about nape hair being used in the hairline. I want to see guys in 20-years and see how it is holding up (and mine too icon_wink.gif!)

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Hey guys, many many many thanks. I think there should be a link to this forum at every hair transplants doctors office in the world. It is a resource that is invaluable in my opinion...


Anyways, the main concerns seem to be two fold:


1. Dr. Umar's...methods, really, if his results are there..he can use a hammer and nail on the back of my head to extract my grafts... lol.


2. Nape hair, I will ask him about the nape hair issue...although I've been checking my family members heads and there seems to be an odd abundance of thick nape hair :-/. So I feel okay in MY PARTICULAR case...


Im two weeks out gentlemen...I will post a detailed account of everything once its done.


Once again...Thank you.

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Sorry for not responding sooner. I definitely did hear the sound of an electric device, but not sure what it was. Not knowing any different, I assumed prior to the procedure that the follicles were going to be extracted manually; that apparently was not the case and I sort of feel deceived. But if I get the results I was looking for, it won't matter. It's a waiting game now.

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what's your story bro? how many grafts? can you share some more info about your case? how many days was your procedure? also do you have any pictures of you pre-op and post-op?


i'd be very interested in following your progress. can you post some pics here with your face blocked? if not do you mind if i pm you and ask you in private to check out on your progress? please let us/me know. Dr. Umar is on my short list so.....



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GL HJ, look forward to the pics and write-up! I'm curious to hear what Dr. Umar says about nape hair on you -- I've always been intrigued by it!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I will write up a report the first weekend back, which would be 2 weeks from today. I'll definately get Dr. Umar's thoughts on Nape Hair...


Another quick question for you guys, is wearing a hat or bandana day after the surgery advisable?, I have to catch a flight back up to Seattle and I don't want to take off my hat thru security. I hope they let me keep it on....Anyone wanna chime in on this matter?

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Mr. GQ,

I'd be glad to talk to you and answer any questions. Basically, it was a one-day procedure for about 1200 grafts, all hairline. Umar thought 1800 was probably closer to what I needed but financially I was pressing my limit at 1200. Plus I was a little concerned about the potential for a moth eaten donor if too much was taken. I have had 3 prior strips, this was my first FUE, and my hair is naturally thin, both in texture and grafts per sq cm. Total graftage for the four procedures is about 4200 (I have tried to keep pace as I gradually lost frontal hair, thus the relatively small procedures every few years). PM me and I will give you more details. I am not documenting my progress, so no pics except the ones I guess I could get from Umar pre and post op. Abedogg and I have also compared notes.

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