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Hi there,


This is my first posting on this forum so Its great to see that there are others out there in the know who might be able to point me in the right direction.


There seem to be alot of surgeons/practices claiming to be able to restore hair for the long term and Ive been doing my research and It seems that the ones to go for are the coalition lot and maybe a handful of those are best.


So I have a few questions relating to the procedure etc and I'm hoping that you guys might have some feedback for me : )




My hair loss isn't so bad but I'd ideally like to fill in a bit round the widows peaks and around the crown(although crowns not as important). How many grafts do you think I will need judging from my pics to fill my widows peaks and a bit on top around the crown? What would be the most effective technique for me? and what would be the rough cost?




WHO IS THE BEST SURGEON FOR HAIR RESTORATION? I live in the UK and it would be great if there was someone here but I dont mind getting on a plane for someone who is going to do the most effective job for the future of my hair. Ive been looking at DR FELLER as quite a few people say they have had good long term results from his work. I think he might be out of my price range though.





How sucessful are fue treatments in terms of how long they last? Is it for life or will you have to keep going back every 10 years or so?




I've had widows peaks since I was a kid and have never really had hair there. Would implanting hair into those areas grow and last bearing in mind that hair has never grown there?




Is there anyone on the forum thats had positive or negative results with Dr Feller? If so could you send me details and pics if possible? (before and afters maybe)




Are there some transplant techniques that are better than others? Ive been looking at Megasessions,dense pack,lateral slit,strip.

Ive heard that megasessions can decrease the survival of the hair follicles because they are trying to cram in so much into the time given. Is this true?




Do you have to shave your head when getting work done? Is it more effective or does it not make a difference?




Is it painful?




How long does the new hair take to grow back? Ive heard that it has to fall out first before it regrows is that true?




Im currently a student and If I were to get treatment I'd have to take out loans to be able to pay for it. Do any of the best offer discounts/plans to those who are financially restricted?


Thanks to all of you ahead of time. I know there are quite a few questions here its just that I want to make sure its done right.


Cheers icon_wink.gif




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Welcome to the board. icon_smile.gif


I dont have the answers to your questions but I wanted to add 1 more question to your thread about FUE.


Is there 1 FUE doctor that is considered the best for filling in gaps? The only doctor I have heard of for something like that is Dr Feller and his postage stamp FUE. That has me curious for sure but I was curious if any other doctors specialized in the placement of small fue jobs.

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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I don't know if I'd call it a "specialty", but SMG has certainly done a solid % of smaller FUE cases.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

I don't know if I'd call it a "specialty", but SMG has certainly done a solid % of smaller FUE cases.


Thanks so much for the information. I will have to try and look some of them up. I appreciate the tip. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Koozie--- I would need your age but either way, you look as if your donor is in tremendous shape, but you do have general thinning throughout the male pattern.


Given that you mention your a student, I gather your young---I would be hesitant to really touch any of the mid-scalp/top of crown thin areas and any hairline work would need to be conservative, with an eye toward the future.


Given your current status, I'm not sure your really a candidate at this time... however, I would be happy to talk with you and go over your options, even if it means you decide to hold off for a couple of years before deciding to go forward.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hey Jason how is Dr Shapiro's FUE work coming along? Any pictures of FUE patients yet? What would you say the average graft size has been for FUE patients so far? Would a 400-800 graft FUE session be done in 1 day?

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Hey Wantego, we have begun posting our FUE work--we recently added a 3.5 month update to the 1st FUE case we shared, in addition to adding cktp (a member here) his immediate post-op and 4 day post-op pics.


We are hopeful that more of our patients will be open to sharing their photos as we continue.


As far as 400-800 FUE grafts, yes that would be done in one day---we would however, have you come back in the 2nd day, just to have a look and make sure all the grafts are secure, etc...


I think we are finding most of the people who seek SMG out for FUE express some commonalities.

They want SMG to do their hairline.

They want our customer service.

They find our pricing to be fair and reasonable.

The know we stand behind our work for 15+ years.

They need 2500 grafts or less to accomplish their goals for their fue session.


I would say the average FUE session is 2 day 1400-1600 grafts. (estimate off the top of my head)---but we have done some repair work, some scar repairs, etc... as well.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hi Guys,


I guess I must have had too many questions to answer icon_wink.gif I know it probably seemed like an endless flow, its just that as this is my fist time of looking at HT I'm filled with questions about the whole process.


I hope some of you might share your experience and knowledge with a newbie icon_smile.gif


I guess my main questions are


1.How many grafts do you think I will need judging from my pics (ATTACHED AT BOTTOM) to fill my widows peaks and a bit on top around the top/crown?(is it advisable to fill the top/crown if im younger?)


2. Judging from pics what would be the most effective technique for me? and what would be the rough cost?


3.I've had widows peaks since I was a kid and have never really had hair there. Would implanting hair into those areas grow and last bearing in mind that hair has never grown there and how sucessful are fue treatments in terms of how long they last? Is it for life or will you have to keep going back every 10 years or so?


Again hope there arnt too many questions, Im trying to keep them down to a minimum so they are easier to digest and respond to.


Is someone has the time and wants to respond to any of my other questions in my first post feel free it'd be most appreciated!






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how sucessful are fue treatments in terms of how long they last?

I had Fue in jan 2003. They are growing just fine to this day. If done correctly they should last just as long as a correctly done strip procedure would.

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Originally posted by koozie:

Hi there,


This is my first posting on this forum so Its great to see that there are others out there in the know who might be able to point me in the right direction.


There seem to be alot of surgeons/practices claiming to be able to restore hair for the long term and Ive been doing my research and It seems that the ones to go for are the coalition lot and maybe a handful of those are best.


So I have a few questions relating to the procedure etc and I'm hoping that you guys might have some feedback for me : )




My hair loss isn't so bad but I'd ideally like to fill in a bit round the widows peaks and around the crown(although crowns not as important). How many grafts do you think I will need judging from my pics to fill my widows peaks and a bit on top around the crown? What would be the most effective technique for me? and what would be the rough cost?


Depends on the quality of your hair(your hair characteristics) but if you would want a full look including the crown you're probably looking at 3k-3.5k.




WHO IS THE BEST SURGEON FOR HAIR RESTORATION? I live in the UK and it would be great if there was someone here but I dont mind getting on a plane for someone who is going to do the most effective job for the future of my hair. Ive been looking at DR FELLER as quite a few people say they have had good long term results from his work. I think he might be out of my price range though.


Hard to say, most people would include feller on that list though. For cheaper alternatives but still quality results, try looking for dr. pathomnovich or dr. mohmand




How sucessful are fue treatments in terms of how long they last? Is it for life or will you have to keep going back every 10 years or so?


They are permanent





I've had widows peaks since I was a kid and have never really had hair there. Would implanting hair into those areas grow and last bearing in mind that hair has never grown there?


Pretty sure it would.




Is there anyone on the forum thats had positive or negative results with Dr Feller? If so could you send me details and pics if possible? (before and afters maybe)


Tons of people have good results from dr. feller, he is probably the most popular on these boards, you should use the search button




Are there some transplant techniques that are better than others? Ive been looking at Megasessions,dense pack,lateral slit,strip.

Ive heard that megasessions can decrease the survival of the hair follicles because they are trying to cram in so much into the time given. Is this true?


Megasessions is just a term used to describe a transplant with a large number of grafts, typically 4k+. Dense packing is just a term used to describe many grafts put in a smaller place to furthen the illusion of density. With more grafts/square centimetre, the less area can be covered.


Lateral slit is a technique used in removing the strip, i'm not sure what it covers.


Finally, strip is one of the two transplant procedures - strip (fut) and fue. Strip is removing the donor flesh from the skull, while fue is removing each graft one at a time.


Strip typically gives a better yield but also gives a bigger scar.




Do you have to shave your head when getting work done? Is it more effective or does it not make a difference?




Depends on procedure and doctor. Some doctors believe that a shaved head makes it easier to plant the grafts while some do not. For FUE you HAVE to shave your donor area though.




Is it painful?



The anaestecia can be felt yes, it's like being at the dentist, only you need it done 20-50 times. It's not so bad.





How long does the new hair take to grow back? Ive heard that it has to fall out first before it regrows is that true?




Most people experience growth from 3-4 months and the final result is usually seen at 8-12 months sometimes longer.




Im currently a student and If I were to get treatment I'd have to take out loans to be able to pay for it. Do any of the best offer discounts/plans to those who are financially restricted?


I doubt it - price is probably the same for all with very few exceptions


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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