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They did not recommend me to do hair transplant, but why?

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I have sent my photos and details to several clinics, most of them said that I am suitable for a hair transplant, and started talking about scheduling a date to do it.

Except ASMED and HLC (which are the best ones among them).

Both ASMED and HLC said that its not recommended for me to do hair transplant for now.

The exact answers were like this:

* From ASMED:
First of all, thank you for your interest in our services. We have studied the information and the pictures you sent us and Dr. Koray has indicated that you have a lot of miniaturized hair (very thin hair) specially in the donor area, therefore you would be recommended to use Finasteride to strenghten your hair and slow the hairloss. The recommandation would be for you to use Finasteride for 2-3 months in a first stage in order to strenghten your hair in the donor area before a surgery. If you would decide to use it then please resend us pictures later on, to check your hair.

* From HLC:
Thanks for the request and interest.  Based on the photos we think that a hair transplant in your case is not recommended right now. You have a lot miniaturized hair on top and donor area. A hair transplant would bring no improvement at this time.  We encourage you to go to a dermatologist and inform you about finasteride and minoxidil. These drugs can help to strengthen the thinned hair at the top, crown and donor area. However, these drugs should be taken at least 6-12 months to see an effect. After that we could re-evaluate your case again.

I attached some of the photos that I sent them

And what I am trying to understand is two things:
1. Why other clinics said I can do the transplant with no problem?
does it mean that only in ASMED and HLC the doctors really saw my pictures?

2. What is wrong in my donor area?
I was sure it is pretty good, I cannot spot the "miniaturized hair" on it







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  • Senior Member

Did they take a look at your grafts in your donor area?
Looks like you could get away with 2000 grafts to reconstruct your hairline.
Also, Finasteride is definitely a must.

It's definitely going to work wonders for your middle area as well as the crown.  You've lots of hair that is miniaturizing that finasteride will restore. 
Don't worry about side effects, it's less common that people make out.

Your hair looks similar to my situation 10 months ago before I started finasteride.

If the clinics have concern with the donor looking thin, you could always go for micropigmentation 6 months after surgery. 

I personally got 3700 grafts, take a look at my log thread for reference if you're curious.

Edited by SeanToman
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8 minutes ago, Hisoka said:

The most recent ones I talked with are:
- Dr serkan aygin
- Dr. Emrah Cinik
- Long Hair Center
- Sapphire clinic
- capilclinic

That list are the absolute worst of the worst, thats why they accept you.

They want your money, they do not care about you.

You should get on finasteride, because you have alot of hair, it is just minituarized.


I have told you in exactly every thread you made that you should choose someone serious, but you do not seem to listen. The ABSOLUTE lowest budget ones that are serious is Dr Erkan Demirsoy 1,25 euro per graft, Dr Özlem Bicer 1,5 euro per graft.

Edited by digi23
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I completely agree with the surgeons that refused you, and agree you need meds for at least a year and reassess. You could be a candidate if you respond well, but right now you’re not a candidate and would end up with a terrible result and an even more thinned out donor area, I marked up below where the clinics are talking about with the miniaturisation, which is most the donor area. The back looks fairly okay, but you can’t take from the sides at the moment IMO… and that’s 2/3 of your donor area not usable. 



Edited by Aftermath
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Yeah thanks to you guys I was able to know what are the good and the bad clinics, so thanks!

I am planning to perform the surgery in HLC.

But anyway I am still interested to know whats wrong with my donor area, is it because there is less hair in the  right side?
because this is my haircut...

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1 minute ago, Hisoka said:

Yeah thanks to you guys I was able to know what are the good and the bad clinics, so thanks!

I am planning to perform the surgery in HLC.

But anyway I am still interested to know whats wrong with my donor area, is it because there is less hair in the  right side?
because this is my haircut...

Minituarized hairs means hairs that are VERY weak, so they do not want to do the transplant before you strenghten it with finasteride. 

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@Hisoka, I agree with @digi23, the clinics you mentioned are hair mills, they never refuse anyone, not even those who are not a good candidate for a transplant.  I advise you to do further consultations, even with top surgeons, if most of them will tell you that you are not operable, then it means that you are, in the meantime start taking finasteride for at least 6 months and then, contact the best surgeons again. , leaving the clinics that would have already operated on you alone.

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  • Senior Member
3 hours ago, Hisoka said:

The most recent ones I talked with are:
- Dr serkan aygin
- Dr. Emrah Cinik
- Long Hair Center
- Sapphire clinic
- capilclinic

All those clinics = hair mills, with good marketing, and that's all what good by them, as there no quality work... Those clinics are price range 1.7-2.5k with all included, like 2 nights hotel, transfer, and they offer fixed price for any number of grafts :) , 2-3-4-4.5k grafts same price, that says enough about them and their work... As there is no any Math logic, if 3x nights  hotel 5 stars - 350e  + 100e transfer = almost 500e, and then you get such amount of grafts HT for 1.2 to 2k euros :) , that can happen only if low paid - low skilled technician do HT instead doctor.

There never will doctor perform HT, maybe in few cases where they offer so called "packages" , like 2.8-3k, and then doctor involved in HT, but mostly 1 of 3 steps, and not 2 most important or all 3. Low level skilled technicians do mostly HT.

By my recent research in this area, can say, that most of serious clinics wil request personal constulation, as most of serious i talked, like dr. Feriduni, Freitas, Bisanga, etc. most of them requested before HT, to have personaol consultation and then doctor will say final opinion, as by photos really sometimes not easy say about specific case, cause when visit doctor, can check better state of donor area- recipient area. And one who isn't sure about donor-recipient area, my friendly advice, spare some money like 200-300e, nowdays are flights enitre EU cheap with low-budget flights, even EU to TR, if TR choice, pay flight 50-100e + 100e 1x night hotel, get personal consultation, opinion of doctor you decide as good option for you, or 1-3x doctors if for ex. Istanbul, there can visit 2-3 doctors, or 2-3x in Belgium, or in Spain if in same city, and then get real opinion about your case, from 1-3x high level doctors in this area.

In my case, doctor i will choose probably, didn't ask for personal consultation, but decided spend 200-300e , visit doctor in personal, and check my situation with donor-recipient area. Suggest you same to do, as photos sometimes not good way to get right view of your case by doctor, and at many clinics, doctors even don't check your photos, but those answers you get are by their consultants-coordinators, what's by my opinion very bad practice, that some guy who not-medical staff, give opinion, even he is experienced, he isn't still medical-staff,, not doctor, but guys who organize administrative part of potential HT, serious clinics usual doctors check photos and you get opinion, even they check photos, most of serious clinics request personal consultations, as no one like to get into situation, where you come for your HT, and then doctor realize not good candidate, as opinion based on photos was wrong :) .

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3 hours ago, Aftermath said:

I completely agree with the surgeons that refused you, and agree you need meds for at least a year and reassess. You could be a candidate if you respond well, but right now you’re not a candidate and would end up with a terrible result and an even more thinned out donor area, I marked up below where the clinics are talking about with the miniaturisation, which is most the donor area. The back looks fairly okay, but you can’t take from the sides at the moment IMO… and that’s 2/3 of your donor area not usable. 



Yes, pretty much this, your donor already looks depleted. Similar to mine and I’ve had three FUE’s. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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I agree with the clinics, donor looks problematic, drugs may effect it's quality with a follow up of 6-12 months.

If you'll have now HT, there's a possibility you'll be happy with the result, but there's a good chance that after 2-4 years the DHT will get to your donor and most of the transplanted hair will fall.

Cheap hair mills or bad doctors probably won't clarify this.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic.

For consultation, WhatsApp: +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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  • Senior Member

I agree with the clinics, donor looks problematic, drugs may effect it's quality with a follow up of 6-12 months.

If you'll have now HT, there's a possibility you'll be happy with the result, but there's a good chance that after 2-4 years the DHT will get to your donor and most of the transplanted hair will fall.

Cheap hair mills or bad doctors probably won't clarify this.

In my opinion, an ethical clinic will always put the paitent's interest before theirs.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic.

For consultation, WhatsApp: +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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  • Valued Contributor
6 hours ago, Hisoka said:

1. Why other clinics said I can do the transplant with no problem?
does it mean that only in ASMED and HLC the doctors really saw my pictures?

It means that you dodged a huge bullet from the response of ASMED and HLC. The fact that you consulted with several clinics is what saved you from being butchered in a Turkish hair mill. You really need to be able to tolerate and stick with finasteride for at least six months (preferably twelve) to see if it will improve your donor supply. Also it really isn't worth searching for a hair transplant based on price. Send your photos to some of the top doctors recommended on the forum. If you can't afford a procedure then stay on finasteride and use the time to save up for a quality, ethical doctor. You need a plan that will keep your hair over the life span and not just for 'now.' Wishing you all the best!

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