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Hi everyone,

I am going to turn 21 and have already had a bad experience with my first hair transplant. The density was not where it needed to be and I am sensing disappointment as I am over six months in. I wanted to get it done “right” the first time being naive and not choosing Feller and Bloxham from the start will continue to bother me until I have another surgery. I had my first procedure with Doctor Koher at Jernigans In Raleigh NC. My first choice was Feller and Bloxham which is what I should’ve went with.

My first procedure with doctor Grant Koher was a Fut which left me with a few double grafts in the hair line and poor growth in the mid scalp where it appeared to me they sprinkled 2,017(not densely) with 200 going into the hair line and the rest in the mid scalp. I may be to harsh on my first procedure and I may of needed two procedures anyway to reach the density that I imagined. Although when meeting for my 6 month post op they said they didn’t want to damage my native hairs from shock loss, or I assume making a recipient site on a native hair. They also mentioned blood supply and hairs and said they try to pack as close as they can. Seing good results on YouTube might of made me more critical of my result too.

My question to everyone experienced in this area, is I have already had a consult with Doctor Bloxham over email and has been very generous answering all of my questions, but until I can contact the office awaiting the holidays to be over. I came across Hasson and Wong. Which appears to do excellent work too. I am awaiting a consult from Hasson and Wong just to see what they recommend. If anyone has feedback from either clinic or suggestions let me know. Although I am leaning towards Feller and Bloxham.

Side note: I shaved my recipient in the shaved photo. Also the first photo or photo with hair parted down the middle with the tv in the background is before surgery, everything else is after.

Happy new year! 









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39 minutes ago, Sqwilliam said:

Hi everyone,

I am going to turn 21 and have already had a bad experience with my first hair transplant. The density was not where it needed to be and I am sensing disappointment as I am over six months in. I wanted to get it done “right” the first time being naive and not choosing Feller and Bloxham from the start will continue to bother me until I have another surgery. I had my first procedure with Doctor Koher at Jernigans In Raleigh NC. My first choice was Feller and Bloxham which is what I should’ve went with.

My first procedure with doctor Grant Koher was a Fut which left me with a few double grafts in the hair line and poor growth in the mid scalp where it appeared to me they sprinkled 2,017(not densely) with 200 going into the hair line and the rest in the mid scalp. I may be to harsh on my first procedure and I may of needed two procedures anyway to reach the density that I imagined. Although when meeting for my 6 month post op they said they didn’t want to damage my native hairs from shock loss, or I assume making a recipient site on a native hair. They also mentioned blood supply and hairs and said they try to pack as close as they can. Seing good results on YouTube might of made me more critical of my result too.

My question to everyone experienced in this area, is I have already had a consult with Doctor Bloxham over email and has been very generous answering all of my questions, but until I can contact the office awaiting the holidays to be over. I came across Hasson and Wong. Which appears to do excellent work too. I am awaiting a consult from Hasson and Wong just to see what they recommend. If anyone has feedback from either clinic or suggestions let me know. Although I am leaning towards Feller and Bloxham.

Side note: I shaved my recipient in the shaved photo.

Happy new year! 








You are just 20 years old and already had a hair transplant? Well first of all Dr Koher should really be ashamed of himself for accepting someone that young, its not ethical at all. 

I really doubt someone like Bloxham, Hasson & Wong, Feller would accept a 20 year old. Usually they only do surgery on patients over 25. 

I hope you are on Finasteride. for the young age it will be pretty crucial, specially now that you already had a hair transplant. This situation of yours in my opinion should have been targeted with only Finasteride then do surgery in 5+ years when you see more how your hairloss progresses, but there will always be those clowns who just take your money and dont feel bad about it. The problem in the long run with this age can be that you will lose alot of more hair and even become a Norwood 6-7 and not be able to fill it because of no donor supply if you start this early, thats why the ethical Drs only do surgery on patients of age 25+.

Your hairline seems perfect, not sure why you or any ethical Dr would even think about doing something there, I see that the middle part is less dense, looks like you have diffuse thinning. The good thing is that only 2000 grafts was taken, you should not do another hair transplant now for some 5 years atleast. You need to try to stabilize your hairloss with medication as I said above, Finasteride is the way to go, hopefully you will have no side effects.

Edited by digi23
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You are very young and have already had a hair transplant that you are unhappy with.  Young hair loss suffering men are often not the best candidates for several reasons - mostly because their expectations are unrealistic and they have many years ahead of them where they will likely be losing their hair.  What's your family history of hair loss like?  Are you using any nonsurgical hair loss treatments to attempt to stabilize your hair loss?

Sure you could certainly use some refinement, in particular to the hairline, but it's imperative that you research and plan for the long-term and not just a single procedure.  As an example, I personally underwent my first hair transplant when I was 27 and had a total of 4 and 9600 plus grafts over the next 5 years.  Careful planning with an experienced surgeon you can trust is imperative for you moving forward.

All the best,

Rahal Hair Transplant

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hi digi, thank you for your input on my situation. I had the same outlook on surgery as you did before I had my first procedure. I am on finasteride currently to hopefully retain and slow my hairloss and am considering oral minoxidil. I would agree with you if I had less hairloss and only wanted to creat a perfect hairline. That is not my goal from hair transplantation, my goal is to fill in my mid scalp area and have a conservative hairline approach. Coverage is my main concern and something that I see as achievable. I want something that will age and look good in my 50’s. My hairline is and was high a lot of my life and I do not intend to lower it at all. If I was completely bald as of now then I could immediately have a surgery because then there is nothing to worry about, because the doctor is working from scratch. That’s idea of not having a transplant young because how can you plan exactly how someone’s hair will progress? What I’m saying is I have very extensive loss as it is diffuse thinning especially for my age. What I want to do is have a good transplant with combination of my native hairs to create a better result. Respectfully  5+ years for me doesn’t seem like a option I would consider I would wait 1 year at least post op to consider my next options. If I had my second procedure with one of these clinics I have no problem going back when I feel I need to. I think you are right in that most people should wait until the age of 25. For the ones that have significant loss I don’t think applies, to someone chasing perfection. I understand that I will need likely additional surgeries that’s why I opted for fut and will for my second. That is why I am seeking a dense packing of my mid scalp and tightly packed hairline for my second procedure. This is what I wanted from my first procedure. I made a mistake choosing the clinic that didn’t densely pack and am trying not to repeat my mistakes and find a ethical doctor who will work with me throughout the years. This is why I reached out, for help on which clinic would be a good fit for me. I appreciate the concerns but would prefer opinion on the two clinics mentioned.

Edited by Sqwilliam
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3 hours ago, Sqwilliam said:

Hi digi, thank you for your input on my situation. I had the same outlook on surgery as you did before I had my first procedure. I am on finasteride currently to hopefully retain and slow my hairloss and am considering oral minoxidil. I would agree with you if I had less hairloss and only wanted to creat a perfect hairline. That is not my goal from hair transplantation, my goal is to fill in my mid scalp area and have a conservative hairline approach. Coverage is my main concern and something that I see as achievable. I want something that will age and look good in my 50’s. My hairline is and was high a lot of my life and I do not intend to lower it at all. If I was completely bald as of now then I could immediately have a surgery because then there is nothing to worry about, because the doctor is working from scratch. That’s idea of not having a transplant young because how can you plan exactly how someone’s hair will progress? What I’m saying is I have very extensive loss as it is diffuse thinning especially for my age. What I want to do is have a good transplant with combination of my native hairs to create a better result. Respectfully  5+ years for me doesn’t seem like a option I would consider I would wait 1 year at least post op to consider my next options. If I had my second procedure with one of these clinics I have no problem going back when I feel I need to. I think you are right in that most people should wait until the age of 25. For the ones that have significant loss I don’t think applies, to someone chasing perfection. I understand that I will need likely additional surgeries that’s why I opted for fut and will for my second. That is why I am seeking a dense packing of my mid scalp and tightly packed hairline for my second procedure. This is what I wanted from my first procedure. I made a mistake choosing the clinic that didn’t densely pack and am trying not to repeat my mistakes and find a ethical doctor who will work with me throughout the years. This is why I reached out, for help on which clinic would be a good fit for me. I appreciate the concerns but would prefer opinion on the two clinics mentioned.

Both clinics/Doctors are excellent. Please keep us posted on how the consultation goes. 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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4 hours ago, Sqwilliam said:

Hi digi, thank you for your input on my situation. I had the same outlook on surgery as you did before I had my first procedure. I am on finasteride currently to hopefully retain and slow my hairloss and am considering oral minoxidil. I would agree with you if I had less hairloss and only wanted to creat a perfect hairline. That is not my goal from hair transplantation, my goal is to fill in my mid scalp area and have a conservative hairline approach. Coverage is my main concern and something that I see as achievable. I want something that will age and look good in my 50’s. My hairline is and was high a lot of my life and I do not intend to lower it at all. If I was completely bald as of now then I could immediately have a surgery because then there is nothing to worry about, because the doctor is working from scratch. That’s idea of not having a transplant young because how can you plan exactly how someone’s hair will progress? What I’m saying is I have very extensive loss as it is diffuse thinning especially for my age. What I want to do is have a good transplant with combination of my native hairs to create a better result. Respectfully  5+ years for me doesn’t seem like a option I would consider I would wait 1 year at least post op to consider my next options. If I had my second procedure with one of these clinics I have no problem going back when I feel I need to. I think you are right in that most people should wait until the age of 25. For the ones that have significant loss I don’t think applies, to someone chasing perfection. I understand that I will need likely additional surgeries that’s why I opted for fut and will for my second. That is why I am seeking a dense packing of my mid scalp and tightly packed hairline for my second procedure. This is what I wanted from my first procedure. I made a mistake choosing the clinic that didn’t densely pack and am trying not to repeat my mistakes and find a ethical doctor who will work with me throughout the years. This is why I reached out, for help on which clinic would be a good fit for me. I appreciate the concerns but would prefer opinion on the two clinics mentioned.

Yes I totally understand your situation, I was young myself when I started to lose my temple peaks and I wore a hat for many many years like 90% of the time.

Why I said what I did is that I still doubt that these Drs mentioned will do another surgery on you at just 20 years of age, all these Drs mentioned is very good choices so basically anyone would do a good job, if they think you are a good candidate. I personally dont know their ethics fully so only do a consultation with all of them to see how they put up a master plan for your case.

Looks like you are going to be atleast Norwood 5 from your loss you got now.

Do you have any idea of hairloss on both your fathers and mothers side? Also your father is he bald?

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  • Senior Member
20 hours ago, Sqwilliam said:

I am going to turn 21 and have already had a bad experience with my first hair transplant.

any doctor who does hair transplants on a patient under 25 is highly unethical and honestly does not give a sh*t about their patients. 

Whether you shave it, wear a hair system, use concealer, dermaroll...whatever you do do not even think about getting another hair transplant until you are at least 25. And even 25 is too young IMO to get one. 

Until then, any doctor who accepts you as a patient is no doctor you want operating on you. 

I will be extremely surprised and concerned if H&W or Bloxham do anything for you other than write you a prescription for Finasteride. 

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Digi, I misunderstood you I thought you were saying even if one of these clinics accepts me to still not get the procedure. To answer your question my moms side of the family is bald. I don’t know my dads father but my dad does have hair. Also I will be 21 by surgery date close to 22 which would be a little over a year since my first transplant.

sadman2021, I can not speak on if Jernigans the clinic I went to first is ethical. I can tell you Feller and Bloxham & H&W are leading surgeons in this field and that’s why they are well known and have the reputation they have. They have no reason to chase patients as patients come to them.It would not make sense for them to steer me in the wrong path because they don’t need my money. If they say I am a candidate I will not say no to a second procedure . If they say no then I will have no choice but to wait because I do not want to have a repeat situation of non dense packing. I know their is other great clinics but right now these are the two that I am most comfortable with. I appreciate everyone’s advice on what I should and shouldn’t do, again I won’t say no to surgery If they accept me because these are the people you want to operate on you  especially if your a young candidate like myself. I just made a emotional decision my first surgery, that turned into a life lesson that I will remember. 

thirdly I know both clinics are excellent I have seen a lot of their results I just was unsure if one was better for my specific situation, fut,dense pack in mid scalp and hairline work. 

also I will update once I get feedback from both clinics.

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52 minutes ago, Sqwilliam said:

Digi, I misunderstood you I thought you were saying even if one of these clinics accepts me to still not get the procedure. To answer your question my moms side of the family is bald. I don’t know my dads father but my dad does have hair. Also I will be 21 by surgery date close to 22 which would be a little over a year since my first transplant.

sadman2021, I can not speak on if Jernigans the clinic I went to first is ethical. I can tell you Feller and Bloxham & H&W are leading surgeons in this field and that’s why they are well known and have the reputation they have. They have no reason to chase patients as patients come to them.It would not make sense for them to steer me in the wrong path because they don’t need my money. If they say I am a candidate I will not say no to a second procedure . If they say no then I will have no choice but to wait because I do not want to have a repeat situation of non dense packing. I know their is other great clinics but right now these are the two that I am most comfortable with. I appreciate everyone’s advice on what I should and shouldn’t do, again I won’t say no to surgery If they accept me because these are the people you want to operate on you  especially if your a young candidate like myself. I just made a emotional decision my first surgery, that turned into a life lesson that I will remember. 

thirdly I know both clinics are excellent I have seen a lot of their results I just was unsure if one was better for my specific situation, fut,dense pack in mid scalp and hairline work. 

also I will update once I get feedback from both clinics.

I have to ask… How on Earth can you afford to go to F&B or, in particular, H&W at 20 years old!!? I could even remotely get close to being able to afford H&W & I’m 32 and doing alright!

Also, is it possible you can post some better photos (and ones that aren’t upside down)? It’s hard to get a proper idea of what you situation is after the first HT


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You have made the same the same mistake that I did and I was 18. I have lived with this ever since and I recently turned 55! My advice honestly is to not go for another hair transplant. In your late teens/early 20's so much is changing. It's like trying to paint on an ever changing canvas. Give this surgery a good 12 - 18 months. Even then you will still be 20-21! You won't know your hair loss pattern until you are at least 25 so it will be near impossible to plan accordingly until around then. As others have stated ethical surgeons will (should) want to wait to see how this pattern emerges. I know this isn't what you want to hear. Stay on the finasteride and all the best.

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18 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

I have to ask… How on Earth can you afford to go to F&B or, in particular, H&W at 20 years old!!? I could even remotely get close to being able to afford H&W & I’m 32 and doing alright!

Also, is it possible you can post some better photos (and ones that aren’t upside down)? It’s hard to get a proper idea of what you situation is after the first HT


I'm more curious where his parents stand on all of this honestly haha. 

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  • Administrators
On 12/30/2021 at 6:59 AM, SadMan2021 said:

I'm more curious where his parents stand on all of this honestly haha. 

If you have nothing constructive to add, please don’t say anything, this isn’t a forum for trolling.

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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@Sqwilliam as the others mentioned above.. we also at our clinic don't accept paitents that younger than 24-25 years old, very few cases we accept around 24-28 years old, 25 years old paitent would expect the density he had when he was 15 years old which in not realistic, also a clinic shouldn't accept young paitents with only NW2 stage, you must have 3cm hairloss of the center of the hairline (NW3) to recreate a new hairline, I see many young paitents at NW2 do only temples without hairline, they're happy for 1-2 years but after they have 2 horns without hair at the center of the hairline and feel devastated, unfortunately some of these paitents can not be repaired because the donor is poor or got botched due overharveste amateurish job, NW2 can have HT only if they're around their 40's.

3rd reason, sone young paitents show potential of NW7 even before they reach their 20's, if they'll have HT the transplanted hair will fall after few years, these paitents can't never have a procedure.

HT at young age and early stage can damage natural hair due to shock loss, not enough space to work on.

If you unhappy with your result, please do not consider repair procedure now, at HDC we even tell 30+ years old paitents to wait more before doing HT.


Edited by Doron Harati

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic.

For consultation, WhatsApp: +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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On 12/29/2021 at 8:21 PM, Gatsby said:

You have made the same the same mistake that I did and I was 18. I have lived with this ever since and I recently turned 55! My advice honestly is to not go for another hair transplant. In your late teens/early 20's so much is changing. It's like trying to paint on an ever changing canvas. Give this surgery a good 12 - 18 months. Even then you will still be 20-21! You won't know your hair loss pattern until you are at least 25 so it will be near impossible to plan accordingly until around then. As others have stated ethical surgeons will (should) want to wait to see how this pattern emerges. I know this isn't what you want to hear. Stay on the finasteride and all the best.

Hello, hope everyone had a Happy New Year. Just came to update this feed to say both clinics have agreed and told me I am a candidate with one replying with a "good" candidate. I will spend the rest of this week deciding on which clinic I believe will suit my needs, and continuing my discussions with both clinics. Even though I didn't receive the advice I was looking for, I still appreciate the wisdom and personal stories shared with me I will mention it when discussing plans with the doctors.

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