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a question about the donor area scar and its visibility

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Hello Guys


I know I am asking so many questions lately, maybe its because my HT is nearing.


My question is will there be a point when the scar in the back is not visible at all when u buzz your hair to 2 guard?


If I do a HT and I did not like the outcome does this mean I will never be able to shave all my head due to the scar visibility?


3- From my understanding is that the surgeons after the take the strip they close the scare, does this mean your scalp from the front will pulled back. Forgive me if I could not express the question in a better way?



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Even the best result will cause a scar. You can always buzz your hair past a #2 but the scar will be visible. If you plan on buzzing your hair down, don't go through with the HT in my opinion.


And no, the removal of the strip doesn't pull your scalp up visibly. At least not on mine. When I had some scalp reductions ages ago, it did temporarily pull in my temple area and make it look like I was receeding more than before, but that only lasted about a month.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by yskhleif:

Hello Guys


If I do a HT and I did not like the outcome does this mean I will never be able to shave all my head due to the scar visibility?




Yes, after the HT surgery, if you ever shave your head, then your scar would be clearly visible, no matter how good the HT doctor might have been.

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The amount of tension needed to close a donor wound is what really determines what type of scar will form. Using a two layer donor closure helps to decrease the amount of tension present along the wound edges. However, each patient has individual healing properties and exactly what kind of scar a patient will end up with is impossible to tell until the result is present. Most adults have had experiences that will indicate whether or not they heal well or form unsightly scars. I have had patients that were able to use a #2 and not see the scar. I have had other patients who needed a #3 or #4 to camoflauge the scar. Sometimes in order to get something (more hair),you have to give up something (cutting hair very short in back). FUE is another option in hair transplantation that does not leave a visible scar with a single procedure. Most of the stretch from strip removal comes from the neck upwards, not the forehead backwards.

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