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What do you guys suggest when looking at my hairline?

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Hey guys, just looking for some advice, only recently have I decided to really look for somewhere to get a HT and go through with it. It all seems a bit overwhelming still. I am currently 31, and on a topical minoxidil and finasteride mix. I tried oral Fin a few years back for around a year, but didnt see a difference so I stopped. Currently on Minoxidil for about 9 months and the topical min+fin mix for the last 2 months. I dont really have a high budget, but I think since my temples dont seem too bad, hopefully I can find something good in my price range. Im in the US and only have a budget of about $4000USD max, MAYBE $5000 if I have to push it, but thats really stretching my money. I got some recommendations in a different thread, but someone recommend I post some pics and some more info to get better help. What do you guys think?











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3 hours ago, Jerms said:

Hey guys, just looking for some advice, only recently have I decided to really look for somewhere to get a HT and go through with it. It all seems a bit overwhelming still. I am currently 31, and on a topical minoxidil and finasteride mix. I tried oral Fin a few years back for around a year, but didnt see a difference so I stopped. Currently on Minoxidil for about 9 months and the topical min+fin mix for the last 2 months. I dont really have a high budget, but I think since my temples dont seem too bad, hopefully I can find something good in my price range. Im in the US and only have a budget of about $4000USD max, MAYBE $5000 if I have to push it, but thats really stretching my money. I got some recommendations in a different thread, but someone recommend I post some pics and some more info to get better help. What do you guys think?











i think you got a good hairline already tbh but if you wanted to get work done look at the recommended surgeons list and avoid turkey

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The pictures look fine at first glance but you wet the hair and there's a bit of thinning visible when i look closer around the temples and also around the frontal hair that looks a little hidden because you slicked the hair back.

Can you post dry hair pictures?

Also your donor due to lighting or something else looks a bit patchy. 

Your part about oral Finasteride also seems to indicate you had unrealistic expectations because you said:

4 hours ago, Jerms said:

I tried oral Fin a few years back for around a year, but didnt see a difference so I stopped

This isn't how it's supposed to work in terms of what Finasteride does. The job of Finasteride is to block DHT so if you didn't notice a change in your hair that means Finasteride did its job to block DHT. Regrowth is a bonus and you're lucky imo to get it and sometimes it could happen years later because Finasteride has been shown to work abd improve things even up to 10 years later according to a Japanese study that was done.

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Looking at your hair from the standpoint of a NW6, I'd say do nothing. However, I had a similar hairline to you when I was 19 or 20 and I remember not being happy with it back then and wishing I could do something about it.

I would suggest you send your photos to a few different clinics and see how many grafts each surgeon recommends. I'm guessing it will be somewhere in the ballpark of 2,000 grafts. That will allow you to form a target price when evaluating surgeons, but if my estimate is correct, you will be searching for surgeons around the $2 per graft mark.

This pretty much means you will be searching for a surgeon in Turkey or India (and perhaps saving a little more to cover travel expenses). I would urge you to study the patient results extensively on this forum, using search terms such as NW2 and NW3 would probably get you off to a good start.

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As others have stated I'd get back on Finasteride and not have surgery but I understand if you want a better hairline. If you proceed with surgery, I think you need to do more research. Dr's close to your budget are Dr. Biçer in Turkey and Dr. Pinto in Portugal. I believe they are both just outside of your budget though. The good news is that they both have rather long waiting lists so you'll have time to save more. I wouldn't recommend going cheaper than them since you might end up in a worse situation. 

I think you will need about 2k grafts. Dr. Biçer is 2€ per graft so this is about $4,400. Then you'll need plane tickets and hotel. 

Maybe Dr. Nader in Mexico is an option but I don't know his price. 

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In looking at your photos,my honest first impression is that your hair loss is quite minimal.  I don't see any good photos of the crown however, it looks like you've retained most of your hair and the only thing you're really experiencing is some mild hairline recession due to male pattern baldness.

You said you stopped using finasteride because you didn't see a difference.  But keep in mind that finasteride is much better at slowing down or stopping the progression of male pattern baldness than it is at regrowing hair.  In fact, a lot of men stop using finasteride prematurely for the reason that they think it's not working and then end up losing all of the natural hair they would have retained if they stayed on the medication,.  The problem is  finastierde users have no real way to predict whether or not they'd lose their hair if they weren't on the medication.  But if one does lose hair by stopping, the medication won't work really well to bring it back. Thus, it's typically better to stay on the medication as an insurance policy.

At 31 years of age, you're still quite young and if you're still losing hair, I'd recommend considering getting back on finasteride.  You still have a lot of hair and a small hair transplant procedure would make a significant difference and likely give you the results you want.  That said,if you continue to lose hair, you'll end up coming back for subsequent procedures to keep up with your hair loss.

I hope this helps.

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Your hairline currently looks receded, but also very natural.  With a hair transplant, you risk making it look fake and pluggy.  There is a decent chance a HT makes you look worse, especially if not with an elite surgeon.


 Personally I’d either go with a top end clinic, or not at all.  For your budget, I’d rather keep it as is.

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7 hours ago, Gatsby said:

Have you found the finasteride to have stabilized your hair and how long have you been on it?

I dont have before pictures, but my left side which is the worse side has actually gone back farther. I noticed because there was a certain patch of hair that I always noticed, and used it as a kind of guide on where my hairline is, and that patch slowly went away. So my hairline has gone back further since then.

I'll post some dry hair pictures when I get the chance.

Edited by Jerms
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34 minutes ago, Jerms said:

I dont have before pictures, but my left side which is the worse side has actually gone back farther. I noticed because there was a certain patch of hair that I always noticed, and used it as a kind of guide on where my hairline is, and that patch slowly went away. So my hairline has gone back further since then.

I'll post some dry hair pictures when I get the chance.

Ok so you do have some recession, and it’s likely to increase unless you restart Fin. If Fin stops any further progression, then it’s pretty much doing it’s job..

Don’t be in a rush to do anything though, you still have very good hair at present. Consider restarting Fin and then look at some of the most elite Drs/Clinics.

If your open to travelling to Europe then you have some excellent choices to consider that would be within your budget. 

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