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New hair transplantation journey

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Hi guys I'm 27 years old I wanted to start hair restoration, I'd like to know how to chose a technique for the transplant and the clinic. I hope I can find some answers.

I currently live in the Texas but I don't mind to travel to get the best results, Also I'd like to know what's a reasonable cost if I decide to do it in the US or other country, I know there's a big difference, the question is if it's worth the travel outside the US.


Thanks 🙏





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Are you on medication?

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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As the guys above have said really. 

What medication are you taking if any and how frequently? 

Can you provide a few more pictures showing your donor area. 

You look like a Norwood 2A possibly heading towards a 3, but the frontal forelock being weaker leans me to a 2A but it's very borderline to Norwood 3.

You're 27 and tbh, the primary issues i see are your sideburns over the area show strong indication of having Retrograde Alopecia which is usually a bad sign against you being an ideal candidate if that's also affecting the donor area. 

Right now, what is a reasonable cost to you? Also, what are your expectations of a hair transplant? 

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You look exactly like me in 2017 

Even the hair type is exactly like mine and I can predict that the balding will continue to progress to the back in a year or two. 

I recommend that you spoke to a doctor regarding medication use in order to get on it as soon as possible.   

After 7 or 8 months post medication, if the balding has no progressed.. go ahead and  begin your research to get a hair transplant. This would be my strategy


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I think it’s good that you are starting your journey by using this discussion for them to research those procedures and doctors. As others have already indicated, it would help to know more about your backgrounds in order to provide you with the best answers.

for starters, I noticed that somebody asked if you could post a photo showing the back of your head a.k.a. the donor area.  I imagine they asked that because your donor area looks little thin on the sides.  The truth is, some people don’t have enough viable donor hair for transplanting which means they would not be a good candidates for the procedure.  Thus, it would be helpful to see a photo showing the back of your scalp.

regarding which donor harvesting technique would be best for you, this is something that you need to think about and decide for yourself after researching and consulting with a few reputable hair transplant surgeons.

Frankly however, with the latest advancements in surgical hair restoration, most patients today are choosing FUE because in the right surgical hands, the technique is just as viable and consistent in growth as FUT/strip but eliminates the linear scar associated with FUT, is less invasive and reduces healing time.  That said, doctor selection is extremely important in ensuring you receive excellent results.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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