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Transplant Recs for a 28 yo

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Hi folks - first time poster, relatively new to considering a hair transplant. 

I started noticeably thinning from age 21/22, and I tried finasteride for about 6 months in 2019, before giving up and thinking I'd just power-shave the rest of the way. Over the past year, my financial situation has changed and made a transplant more conceivable. I'm pretty flexible on price/location of a procedure if it means I won't need to do anything more for the next 10+ years.

Any guidance about my situation would be appreciated  - Am I around NW 5-6? Is there a number of FUE grafts I should be expecting to need? Am I asking the right questions? 




Edited by FlowNoMo
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You are young for such aggressive hair loss. You should get back on finasteride if you wish to preserve the rest of your hair. Where are you from? What is your budget? 

Personally, I think you should stabilize your hair loss with medication for at least 6-12 months before getting a hair transplant. Most good Dr's are booked for at least 6 month anyway. 

Edited by JoeMan
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How old are you now? 

Also, do you have pictures just of the back donor area? 

Ideally you need to be back on Finasteride because you look like there's hair that could be saved there and Finasteride will continue working past 12+ months. You made a mistake stopping Finasteride imo but there's no time machine but you could probably save what you had. 

If you are willing to be committed and also do it, you can add in Minoxodil alongside Microneedling and Nizoral with 2% ketoconazole shampoo at the same time. You would have to stick with both though. 2nd option is just Finasteride, Microneedling and Nizoral which is easier to adhere to. 

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